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7 Views · 1 month ago

⁣SCENE opens on a long, static shot of a small house, tucked amongst several other units. There is a small flutter of movement in the window, as a car pulls into the complex. A father and his 18-year-old daughter are moving into to one of the other units. As they pull into the driveway, the camera lingers on the window. Someone is watching them. The family parks their car, unpacks some boxes from the trunk, and enter their new home -- intercut with shots of the window. From the POV of the person inside, you see the teen girl run back to the car, grab a final bag, and take a long look around the complex. She doesn't realize she is being watched but there is something about the neighboring unit that causes her to pause. She stares at the window before heading back inside.


Several weeks have passed and the family has settled into their new home. Inside the neighbor's cluttered unit, the camera pans across various notes, opened mail, and polaroid photos that he has taken while watching them ... particularly the 18-year-old girl. The neighbor sits at an arm chair masturbating over the photos when he hears movement outside. He bolts to the window and watches the father leaving the house. From his POV, he sees the father hug his daughter and then drive off. She watches him exit before pulling out her cell phone, making a quick call, and heading back inside. Not able to make out what she said, he jots down the time and event. An hour later, he hear the sound of another car pulling in. Wiping the drool from his mouth, he bolts back to the window. A boy gets out of his car and runs to the teen. Coyly, she grabs him by the hand and pulls him into her house. Licking his lips, the neighbor jots down the activity in his note book and decides that he needs to get a closer look.

He creeps around to the back of the unit and watches the teen couple through a screen door. The 18-year-old sits the boy down and starts to do a strip tease for him. The neighbor scrambles for his cellphone and starts to record the whole thing. We watch her strip naked before getting down on her knees and starting to crawl towards her boyfriend, intercut with shots of the neighbor nervously recording.

Several days pass. The neighbor keeps re-watching the clip on his phone and decides that fantasizing over the teen girl isn't enough, he needs to somehow convince her to be with him. So, he comes up with a plan. Posing as the boyfriend, he writes a fake love note and leaves it on her doorstep, before knocking and running back inside his unit. She opens the door and discovers the note, instructing her to come and meet the boyfriend at the neighbor's house. When the neighbor opens the door, he invites her in, reassuring her that he is in on the romantic scheme and that her boyfriend will be there any minute. She steps inside his house and he shuts the door, locking it.

They sit down in his messy living room in awkward silence. As she tries to make small talk, the neighbor studies her and can barely control himself. From his POV, we see him look her up and down. She becomes restless and starts getting up to leave when the neighbor panics and decides to reveal the video he has recorded. She watches it in silence, her mouth falling open. 'What are you doing with this?' she demands. 'My father can't know about AJ. I just turned 18 and I'm about to move out on my own next fall. If my dad finds out, he'll never allow it!' Gathering his courage, the neighbor tells her that has no choice but to be a good neighbor and tell the father what's really going on behind his back. The daughter is stunned and, in a moment of weakness, admits to the fact that's she got secrets she's trying to keep from him. She begs the neighbor for his silence -- offering to do whatever he wants to destroy the evidence. Feeling further empowered, the erratic neighbor asks her to do everything that she did with her boyfriend in the video to him. Not wanting to get caught, she reluctantly agrees, and this descends into the BG sex scene. Throughout the sex, the creepy factor is heightened by the fact that he has clearly memorized the video and keeps referring to it, making her repeat her strip tease and saying things like 'do that thing with your tongue like you did to him' etc...

After they have finished, the teen girl makes the neighbor delete the video file as promised. She exits the house angrily, looking over her shoulder. The neighbor closes the door and, leaning up against it with his eyes closed, breathes a sigh of relief and satisfaction. Then he walks over to a laptop set up in the corner of the room that has been secretly recording everything. He leans into the camera and, smiling, turns it off.

7 Views · 1 month ago

⁣A woman, Marlene (Reagan Foxx), is fussing about the living room nervously, straightening the couch cushions, re-facing the decorations on the fireplace mantle and the coffee table, etc. when her boyfriend, Tom (Brad Newman), comes up behind her and puts his hands comfortingly on her shoulders. Just relax, he tells her, come on, sit down, she just needs to breathe and not stress out so much. He leads her to the bay window and sits down, taking her hands in his and gently pulling her down to sit too. She tells him she can't help but be worried - this is her one chance to reconnect with Alyssa (Alina Lopez), and she doesn't want to screw it up. Tom tells her not to worry, he's sure her step-daughter is ready to make amends. Why else would she have accepted Marlene's invitation after all this time, if she still held a grudge? Marlene supposes that Tom's right, and puts her hand on his cheek. Either way, she's glad he was willing to stick by her side this whole weekend, otherwise she'd be an emotional wreck. He didn't have to do that. Tom kisses her hands and tells her of course, he'll always support her no matter what. She knows that.

Their tender moment is interrupted by a car pulling into view in the driveway just outside the bay window. That must be her, Marlene says a bit scared. Tom puts his hand again on her shoulder and gives it a quick rub. She can do this, he reassures her. She nods and looks back out the window where a young woman has stepped out of the back of the car, a travel bag in tow. She lifts her sunglasses and takes a sweeping look around the large mansion-like house with a cold, inscrutable look on her face, before putting her glasses back on her face and closing the car door behind her. The car pulls off as Marlene straightens up and moves out of the living room towards the door to greet the girl, wringing her hands nervously as she walks. Tom follows.

'Alyssa, dear,' Marlene says solemnly as she opens the door and holds out her arms to welcome the teen. 'I'm so grateful you finally decided to come, it's been so long. TOO long.' She continues to hold her arms out but it's clear Alyssa has no intention of reciprocating the gesture, she stops short several inches from Marlene's reach. 'Hello, mother,' she says coldly, not betraying any signs of emotion behind her sunglasses. She turns her head to Tom who is standing a couple of paces back from Marlene, looking a bit awkward and trying not to intrude. 'You must be the boyfriend,' she says to him. He smiles and introduces himself, holding out his hand to shake hers. Bemused, she gives the smallest of smiles as she hands off her bag into her mother's hands without even looking at her, and then takes off her sunglasses. She shakes his hand, and he tells her Marlene has told him so much about her, he's been really looking forward to meeting her.

Pulling back his hand after a firm shake, Tom looks a bit surprised now that her sunglasses are off. Wow, he remarks, the two of them really do look so much alike - if Marlene hadn't told him, he would have sworn that they were real mother and daughter. Alyssa says that that's the ONLY thing the two of them have in common. Tom says come now, he's sure that's not true, he bets that Alyssa is a perfectly wonderful and charming young woman. 'Exactly,' Alyssa says pointedly as she walks forward past Marlene to Tom, taking the sunglasses still in her hand and slipping them into his shirt's breast pocket. She walks past him into the house. 'Coming, mother?' Alyssa calls back from inside the house. Marlene looks over worriedly at Tom, and he tries to reassure her again while rubbing his palm across her back, although he's not quite as brimming with confidence as he was earlier. She's just 18, Tom reminds her, all teenagers are moody and sarcastic. She still came, didn't she? Marlene supposes he's right, and Tom winks saying he knows he is. He heads into the house. Marlene lets in and out a long sigh to calm herself, and then heads inside.


An hour or so later that day, Marlene brings some freshly baked cookies to the table where Alyssa is on her laptop. As Marlene nears, she tells Alyssa that she's baked her favorite. Alyssa looks down at the tray with disdain and disinterest and then back to Marlene. Cushy place she's got here, Alyssa says gesturing at the big house. Guess her decision to cut and run on the family after Alyssa's dad died paid off.

'Alyssa,' Marlene sits down gently and begins to pour her heart out - she must understand, she never meant to hurt Alyssa or her siblings. Her husband had just passed away, she was grieving, in shock. She didn't know how to cope. She figured the family would go stay with their real mother - his ex-wife - and her new husband... so Marlene didn't feel like she was abandoning them. If anything, she thought they would be better off. She was never planning on leaving them forever, she just needed some time to heal. But that's not an excuse. She realizes now that that was the wrong thing to do, that it must have doubled the sense of loss the family had felt. She's truly sorry, and she's been trying to make amends ever since. All of Alyssa's other siblings have since forgiven her, why can't she?

Alyssa sits up slowly, and for a moment she looks sincere with a sympathetic expression on her face. She starts to slowly reach out across the table to Marlene, and seeing this, Marlene starts to reach out too to meet her in the middle. But at the last second, Alyssa fakes her out, and picks up a cookie from the table between them. She picks it up and bites into it. 'Thanks for the snack, mom,' she says snidely as she gets up and walks away from Marlene, who sits there looking devastated.

Later that day, Tom goes to check on Marlene who has retreated to the kitchen and is desperately trying to distract herself with chores. He starts to tell her that Alyssa FINALLY decided what she wanted to order for take-out, but then stops when he sees that his girlfriend looks sad and distant. Tom comes up to her and asks if everything's alright, and Marlene turns to him and lets him wrap her into a supportive hug. Things don't seem to be going well at all, Marlene confesses as she pulls out from the hug, she's been trying all day to connect with Alyssa but she just keeps ignoring her, or worse. No matter how much Tom has pointed out that Alyssa still agreed to come, she still seems to be holding a grudge. She doesn't know what else to do anymore. Tom tries to reassure Marlene that maybe it's not her fault, maybe it was just too soon. Alyssa's still a teenager, after all, whereas her siblings are now in their twenties. Maybe it'll just take some time. But he insists that Marlene at least is trying, and maybe Alyssa will remember that someday and come around. Marlene gushes and remarks that Tom always seems to know just the right thing to say. Then this gives her an idea - maybe HE can talk to Alyssa. Tom confesses he doesn't know if that's such a good idea. But Marlene points out that Alyssa at least seems to be engaging with Tom, she's been following him around all day and the two of them seem to have a good rapport, she clearly likes him better than Marlene at any rate. Could it hurt for him to try to talk to her? Tom is about to say he is not sure about this, but he sees how desperate Marlene is for this to work out, so he hesitantly says he'll at least give it a try.

Tom arrives at Alyssa's open door, where Alyssa is lying on her bed listening to music through headphones while browsing on her cell phone. He sits on the edge of the bed and nudges her foot to get her attention. She removes the ear buds and looks up at him expectantly, and Tom says he wants to talk to her. Alyssa has a knowing look on her face, and she gets up to kneel on her bed, her bent legs spread wide open towards Tom. 'Fire away,' she says suggestively.

Tom clears his throat uncomfortably. Look, he starts, clearly she has no interest in accepting her mom's apologies, and if he had known that she would behave like this then he never would have reached out to her to encourage her to come. But now that she IS here, can't she at least be...? Alyssa puts a finger up Tom's lips and shushes him. She says she never came here for her mom's sake in the first place, she came here for Tom's. Tom is confused - for his sake? Alyssa starts leaning towards him even further, holding herself up on the bed on her fours like a cat on the prowl. She says that she's seen the pictures of him and her mom, and he seems like a nice guy. A big, STRONG, nice guy she says as she spiders her fingers up his biceps, making him flinch. And she likes making nice guys happy, she concludes. In fact, she's very GOOD at making guys happy.

Tom swats her hand away - what the hell is she doing? Alyssa pouts and says she just wanted to make him happy - that's why she came, after all. Wasn't that why he reached out to her, why he BEGGED her to come? Tom insists that she knows that's not why. Alyssa says yeah, sure, he wanted them to resolve their differences so Marlene could be happy and blah blah blah. But at the end of the day, that's not what he reaaally wants, she teases him, he just wants what any guy wants. She unbuttons the top buttons of her blouse and lowers it down past her shoulders. Tom orders her to stop and put her shirt back on. Alyssa tells him she doesn't want to stop, she's having fun, and points at his crotch saying it looks like he's having fun too, a LOT of fun from the looks of it. No wonder her mom likes him.

He leaps off the bed. This was a huge mistake, he says, and moves to leave. Go ahead, leave, Alyssa taunts him. She'll just keep acting worse and worse all weekend until Marlene is so miserable she's finally had enough and kicks her out, and then Tom can pick up the pieces. But if Tom wants her to behave, she says in a flirty tone as she moves her hand towards her crotch, he's going to have to MAKE her behave. She starts rubbing her hands on her body over her clothing, and lets out a fake moan. Stop it! Tom hisses at her quietly, her mom's going to hear her. In response, she just moans louder. Shut up! Tom hisses and moves to cover her mouth with his hands. Alyssa pulls away and giggles sadistically. Make me, she says. She starts moaning again, even louder, and Tom looks back in fear to the hall outside. Distracted, desperate, panicked and (although he hates to admit it) a little turned on, Tom turns back to Alyssa and says he'll make her, alright. He then does the only thing he can think of to get her to stop, he kisses her fiercely, grabbing her head with both hands. Alyssa encourages him, urging him onward.

Tom hate-fucks Alyssa, though Alyssa enjoying making him squirm. At times Tom panics about Alyssa getting too loud and tries to get her to be quiet. Eventually Tom gets so into it he stops paying attention to how loud they're being...

The door slams open and a gasp is heard behind them. Tom looks over in horror as Marlene stands in the doorway in shock. 'Tom?!' she says horrified, 'How COULD you...?!'

From under Tom, Alyssa pokes out and gloats that it seems like Tom's chosen her daughter over her. Tom tells her to shut up, and tries to plead with Marlene that it's not like that, but Alyssa keeps goading them, saying that it was probably a huge turn-on to find out there was a hotter, younger version of his girlfriend. No, Tom insists, he loves Marlene! Alyssa tells Marlene, who's still speechless, that Tom in fact was the one who contacted her and convinced her to come this weekend. Marlene looks in shock over to Tom - is this true? Tom is flustered and tries to explain, yes, it's true, but it's not how it sounds...

Tom is stumbling over his words and Alyssa cuts back in. Now her mom knows what it feels like to be betrayed and abandoned, hm? But this weekend is all about making amends, and Alyssa would be willing to share if Marlene is desperate enough for love to get fucked by somebody who just cheated on her with her own daughter. Better than ending up alone, isn't it?

Tom begs for the chance to explain but Marlene just sits on the bed in shock. Keep fucking her, she tells Tom in a resigned voice. Tom looks at her perplexed and whispers 'What?!' and Marlene looks at him with sad eyes. Just keep fucking her, she says, he clearly wants to. He tries to protest but Alyssa takes the lead and starts grinding against his dick again, causing him to moan uncontrollably. Didn't you hear her? Alyssa says to Tom, Marlene wants them to keep going!

Nominated - Best Sex Scene -- Taboo-Themed: Alina Lopez, Reagan Foxx & Brad Newman, XBIZ 2020

7 Views · 1 month ago

⁣While their parents are away on a honeymoon, a new stepsister, Aria (Holly Day), and stepbrother, Kyle (Lucky Fate), are left home alone. Aria is playful and naive, wanting to get to know Kyle better, which leads to her suggesting that they do that through playing doctor!

Kyle is startled and weirded out by the invitation, since he thinks of 'playing doctor' as a sexual roleplay, although it's clear that Aria thinks it's innocent fun. After some coaxing, he decides to humor her, and Aria excitedly grabs the family's medical bag.

That's when Kyle begins thoroughly examining Aria, touching her tongue with a tongue depressor, her knee with a reflex hammer, her arm to check for her pressure... It's already weird enough for Kyle but it only gets worse when she asks for him to press a stethoscope to her chest to listen to her racing heart.

All of the closeness seems to stir something within Aria as well, and she eventually invites her nervous stepbrother to examine her pussy after it starts to feel tingly...

Will Kyle put an end to the tantalizing roleplay or is he too far gone?

7 Views · 17 days ago

⁣Lauren (Lexi Lore) is one of the most promising Preparedness Scouts in her unit, so imagine her delight when her scout leader, Claudia (Katrina Colt) takes her to meet their district commissioner Mr. Melville (Nathan Bronson) for a private meeting. Lauren can't believe how fortunate she is for this opportunity, and once Claudia leaves her alone with Mr. Melville, she's more than ready to see what he has in store for her. That is... until Mr. Melville does the unthinkable and makes a move on her.

Lauren exits the house, feeling vulnerable and afraid. Luckily for her, Claudia hasn't left yet, and is just pulling out of the driveway. Lauren manages to stop her, and she tells Claudia about what happened. Claudia supportively tells Lauren that they will get to the bottom of this- but instead of leaving with Lauren, she brings her back into the house to confront Mr. Melville directly. Lauren is taken aback, but she trusts Claudia, so she goes along with it.

There's a strange energy when they go back inside, and Mr. Melville seems distinctly disappointed. Strangely, however, Claudia seems to be more on Mr. Melville's side than Lauren's, and as the moments go by, a nefarious and manipulative arrangement unravels that Lauren could never have prepared for. Will Lauren hold true to her morals, or will she succumb to pleasuring Mr. Melville and Claudia so that she can earn her badges without worry?

7 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Phil is shocked and repulsed when his wife, Nancy, orchestrates a swap with another household, bringing a strange girl named Tracy into their home and claiming she's his daughter. Phil is forced to participate in "family moments" with Tracy, who tries to seduce him, knowing it's part of his secret fantasy. As the situation becomes more disturbing, Phil's resolve to resist his twisted urges crumbles, and he gives in to his desires.

7 Views · 1 month ago

⁣When a woman, Charlene (Lulu Chu) borrows a camcorder from a couple, Pamela (Kimmy Kimm) and Richard (Seth Gamble), that she knows, she is SHOCKED to discover an intimate video in the camcorder's memory. As she watches, she is secretly fascinated and turned on by the BDSM-style sex she witnesses between Pamela and Richard...

After some debate, Charlene decides to go tell the couple about the video, but when she goes to meet them, it's revealed that the couple PLANTED the footage to see how she'd react!

The couple probes the woman, catching on to the fact that she's fascinated and perhaps willing to try some of the stuff she saw on the video. Although Charlene tries to deny it, she can't resist her curiosity as she eventually gives in to explore her twisted desires with the couple. That's when the couple leads Charlene through her first kinky experience, complete with gagging and nipple clamps, changing their friendship forever.

7 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Codi (Codi Vore) and Jenna (Little Puck) are the finalists on an intense and difficult game show, 'The Prize'. The show's host (Seth Gamble) tells Codi and Jenna that before they begin the final challenge, he has a surprise for them... a visit from their families!

Jenna is excited and emotional to see her stepdad, Tommy (Tommy Pistol), while Codi is similarly moved to see her husband Daniel (Daniel Shar) and stepson Ethan (Robby Apples). The host then announces another surprise: Codi and Jenna will each be partnered with one of their family members for the show's final challenge. That means Jenna will be paired with Tommy since he's the only family member who came here, while Codi gets to choose either Daniel or Ethan. Codi chooses Ethan.

However, the surprises don't stop there, because the host says that for the challenge, Jenna and Codi will compete NAKED. Jenna wants to prove she's better than Codi, so she strips down to her bra and panties and boasts that this isn't so bad, but even Jenna becomes shocked when the host reminds her to take her underwear off too.

Tommy manages to convince Jenna that she has nothing to be ashamed of, so she takes off her bra and panties. Knowing that winning the competition would turn her family's life around, Codi strips naked as well, much to her husband's shock. The host then announces the show's final challenge: Codi and Jenna will compete to see who's better at making her partner ejaculate. Jenna is stunned at the idea of making her stepdad cum, while Codi is equally shocked at the idea of doing that with her stepson. But this is a rare opportunity to change their lives for the better, so the contestants agree to it, while Codi's husband watches in horror...

7 Views · 1 month ago

⁣SCENE opens on an elegant couple as they are driven home one afternoon from a speaking engagement. Senator Gregory, the husband, is on the phone with one of his constituents discussing the event, a 'family comes first' charity put on by one of their biggest donors. As he speaks, Mrs. Gregory stares out the window. She hates having to accompany her husband to such conservative affairs. It is so irritating. But, they live a privileged life and, with her husband away so much, Mrs. Gregory has a lot of freedom to explore her own interests.

The Senator ends his call and asks the driver how long it will take to get to the airport. 'I'm expecting my son to be home when we return,' he says proudly. Mrs. Gregory smirks. 'Oh, I didn't realize William was coming down. It's a shame you'll only see him for the weekend before you fly out again.' Squeezing his wife's knee, the Senator says not to worry. The boy's going to stay all week, so she'll have plenty of time to catch up with her step-son too. Her smile slowly fading, Mrs. Gregory looks back out the window.


The camera pans across a well-appointed bathroom. Mrs. Gregory sits on the edge of the tub, secretly looking at candid photos of girls on her phone. Her hand slips between her dressing gown as she gets excited, but she is rudely interrupted by her husband calling her from down the stairs. He wants her to come and say goodbye. The woman closes the phone in a huff and exits.

The Senator is waiting by the door. He tries to kiss his wife, but she makes an excuse and hugs him instead. Meanwhile, William strolls into the room, still in pajamas and eating cereal. He says bye to his dad and plops on the couch, ignoring his step-mother. Mrs. Gregory, aware of the slight, urges her husband to leave before he misses his flight. She kisses his cheek and pushes him out of the door, closing it in a silent victory. She hates having to touch him.

The woman walks into the living room and stares at her step-son in silence. He continues to ignore her. You can feel the tension growing between them. Finally, Mrs. Gregory takes the bowl from his hands. 'You haven't been answering my emails,' she says coldly. He looks up at her in disgust. 'And you stopped funding my account,' he replies, taking the bowl back and continuing to eat. Exasperated, the woman sits down and tries to reason with her step-son. 'I thought our agreement was clear,' she continues. 'I pay you for every qualified lead you deliver to me!' William shakes his head. 'You're a psycho,' he says standing up. 'Just come out of the closet already, mom! I don't want to be your fucking wingman anymore!' In a tracking shot, he walks to the kitchen while his mother follows desperately. She pleads with him to not be difficult. He knows what kind of situation she is in with his father and the public. If anyone found out about her hobbies, it would be the end of his political career. And their wealth. And their status. And his trust fund, which she has been generously topping up for years! William turns to cut her off. 'Your hobbies?' He argues. 'You mean, bribing me to bring girls over so you can take advantage of them?' Mrs. Gregory purses her lips, trying to remain calm. 'I mean, helping your mother out.' She whimpers. William sees his mother start to crack and backs down. After all, he does love her. Even though their relationship is highly dysfunctional, the pair still have an emotional bond. Mrs. Gregory is the only mother figure that William has ever known, since his birth mother died when he was young. He has helped her keep her lesbianism a secret over the years and, in turn, she has made sure he can lead a life of privilege. An 'I scratch your back, you scratch mine' type of relationship. But, constantly tricking girls has weighed down on his conscious. 'I was hoping that this visit would be different,' he says. 'I'd like to try and act normal, you know?' Mrs. Gregory closes her eyes. She assures her son that she has just one profile that she wants him to contact. That's it. Just one date. Just one bait and switch. Then, the rest of the week he can do whatever he wants. And she'll start the allowance again. He tries to hold back his resentment but ultimately agrees to the deal.

TEXT PLATE: Several days later

William opens the front door and leads a pretty college girl named Anna into the house. The pair have just gone out and had a great time, after hooking up on a dating app. He invites her to sit down in the living room, flirtatiously kissing her, before leaving to fetch them a beverage. She smiles sweetly and makes herself comfortable. Meanwhile, Mrs. Gregory has been watching closely from the top of the stairs, dolled up in a super sexy dress, with her cleavage exposed. She struts down the stairs and introduces herself as Marilyn. 'Oh, I wasn't aware that Todd had a roommate,' Anna says awkwardly, obviously unaware of who William really was. Mrs. Gregory smiles and explains that this is her house. Todd is her assistant. Anna seems disappointed that she was brought home to someone else's house. She thought she was going to hook up! Mrs. Gregory asks the girl's name and age. 'It's Anna,' she replies. 'I'm twenty-one and in my second year of nursing school. I was just telling Todd all about the horrors of my placement exam!' Mrs. Gregory licks her lips in anticipation and sits down beside the girl, doing her best to charm her. Anna doesn't know how to react, so she tries to remain polite even as Mrs. Gregory begins to make obvious advances. She hints at the idea of her assistant regularly bringing over girls for them both to enjoy, but that he has never brought over someone as beautiful before. Anna swallows hard, replying that she wasn't aware Todd was into that. Mrs. Gregory smiles. 'Aren't you into that, too?' She asks seductively, running her finger up Anna's thigh. Before Anna can reply, the woman adds '... Because it would be a real shame if you weren't. It's almost impossible not to look at you!'

William comes back in the room. He didn't realize that his mother would be at it so soon. 'You're here,' he says coldly, putting the beverages down. 'I'm sorry Anna, I wasn't aware she would be home.' Anna tells him not to worry, his boss was very friendly. 'I had a really lovely time, Todd.' She says, standing up to leave. 'But I had probably better be going.' Mrs. Gregory cuts her off, apologizing. She offers to leave them alone, so they can continue their date. She was just about to go out anyway. Anna seems unsure but, not taking no for an answer, Mrs. Gregory instructs her assistant to sit her back down. As she grabs her purse and exits the front door in a hurry, the family members exchange secret, intense looks.

William apologizes, explaining that his 'boss' can be overbearing. She is a very good woman and his girlfriend's always end up loving her, she can sometimes just come on a little strong. His speech feels wooden and strained, as if he has given it many times before. Anna innocently makes a joke about his past girlfriends, asking how many he's had and whether she should be concerned before he cuts her off with a kiss. They start to make out on the couch. As their kissing leads to heavy petting, Anna suggests they go to her place instead, but William is insistent that they stay where they are. Lost in the moment, Anna agrees and unbuckles his pants to give him a blowjob.

While she sucks his dick, Mrs. Gregory slowly creeps back in through a side door and tip-toes towards them. Anna does not realize that the woman has come back in the room, but William does. They make eyes at each other, as Mrs. Gregory tries to silently give him instructions on what to do next. He holds Anna's head and face-fucks her to distract her while trying to tell his mother to remove her clothes. It will make the switch easier. Mrs. Gregory strips down and starts touching herself eagerly. Shielding her from view, William pulls Anna to her feet and asks her to ride his dick. She agrees and climbs on top of him. While they fuck face to face, William starts to talk about his boss again. Completely devoid of emotion, he asks Anna if she got turned on by the woman's advances. After all, his boss really has a way with women. Anna jokes and tells him sure, she's been with chicks before. His boss was a hot older lady, but what she wants tonight is some dick. William stares at his mother as he speaks his hollow words, the girl riding him closely and moaning. Impatiently, Mrs. Gregory tries to motion for him to wrap it up. She's horny. He needs to get out and stop spoiling her good time. But, something changes inside William. He can't put up with the manipulations any longer. This will be the last time his mother puts him in such a position. 'Did my boss tell you about how much she likes taking dick?' He asks the girl, an evil smirk crossing his face as his eyes never leaving his mother. 'But she only ever does it when there's another girl involved, since she's more of a dyke?' Mrs. Gregory is horrified. 'She did seem pretty gay,' Anna laughs as she bounces up and down. 'But that would be pretty hot. I'm into threesomes.' William laughs, picking her up and putting her in doggy, her face pressed against the couch. 'Good, because that's exactly what I had in mind tonight!'

Mrs. Gregory rushes beside him and tries to get him to stop. He gives her the finger and keeps pounding. 'I said stop!' She screams, slapping her son across the face and causing Anne to turn around and notice her. She is very surprised ... but laughs in the heat of the moment. 'Oh shit, I didn't realize you meant right now, Todd!' William goes back to fucking her and invites his mother to join in. 'Yes, of course that's what we meant,' he says smiling. 'If you're down for that, Anna? You did mention it on your profile!' The girl smiles and says sure, as Mrs. Gregory stares at her son in horror. 'I can't possibly have sex with you,' she whispers. 'You're my son.' William stares at her coldly. 'I'm not your real son,' he says. 'And I'm never doing this again ... so if you want that pussy, you better get down there and suck my dick.' He pulls out and offers his cock to both women. Anna, having no idea that anything other than a kinky hookup is happening, eagerly gets down and starts sucking again. Mrs. Gregory shakes her head. 'This is a complete and utter betrayal,' she threatens him in a low voice. Covering Anna's ears as he fucks her face again, William replies that his mother is wrong. A complete betrayal is what she has been doing to him for years. Furthermore, a complete betrayal would be him telling his father about everything. And, if she doesn't do what he says tonight, that's exactly what he's going to. Her life will be ruined. Anna begs the woman to join in and help her please Todd. It'll be fun. She has no idea what is being said up there in the quiet conversation. Mrs. Gregory, seething with anger, tells Anna to go back to sucking. She drops to her knees and grabs William's balls. 'There Todd,' she says defiantly. 'I know how much you like it rough!' This descends into the BGG sex scene, where William and his step-mother hate fuck each other while Mrs. Gregory tries to focus on Anna and William keeps pulling her back to please him instead. Poor Anna is caught in the middle and eventually gets cut out of the threesome all together, as William pulls out and jizzes all over his mother. She spits it out and tells him she hopes he's satisfied, while he rubs his dick all over her cum-stained face.

By this point, Anna has begun to realize that the hookup she's agreed to is far more complicated than she had thought. She quickly gathers her things and tells the pair that she's leaving. It's been fun but, quite frankly, feels a little weird now so she's just going to get out. Still seething at each other, they barely say goodbye as she awkwardly exits. 'You are such a fucking liar,' Mrs. Gregory screams at her son through tears. 'The only liar in this house is you!' He replies coldly and storms out of the room.

7 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Codi Vore and her husband Charles Dera gave their stepdaughter Coco Lovelock a VR headset for her 18th birthday, and they're wondering if she likes it. Codi and Charles decide to go to Coco's room to see if she's enjoying it.

The stepparents arrive at the doorway to Coco's room and sure enough, it turns out that Coco is on her bed and wearing the VR headset... and from the way she's making suggestive hand motions and then touching herself, it's clear that she's using the headset for virtual sex. Codi and Charles find themselves getting aroused, and sneak closer to Coco to get a better look. Coco hears them approach but pretends not to notice, mischievously putting on a show for them by doing sexy poses and continuing to masturbate.

Codi and Charles get so turned on that they start to touch each other while continuing to watch Coco. Eventually, Coco decides to take her sexy game to the next level, inviting Codi and Charles to join her for some twisted family fun...

7 Views · 1 month ago

⁣PREVIOUSLY ON PURE TABOO: This is the story about how Diana (Jaye Summers) really lost her virginity. He'd been her dad's best friend for years. Uncle Joe (Charles Dera), as he called himself, had watched her grow up -- and she was his princess, the niece he never had. But once Diana turned 18, something changed about Joe. His fondness for her turned into an obsession. So he came up with a plan to get her alone...

SCENE OPENS on present-day Diana and her Uncle Joe fucking in Joe's spare bedroom on the bed, she is riding him cowgirl-style and clearly putting in a lot more work and enthusiasm. She gasps and moans in pleasure and calls out Uncle Joe's name as she bounces up and down on his dick, while Joe mostly lies there and just offers a few generic grunts in reply. Diana seems to reach orgasm after a little while and then starts asking Joe to cum inside her - Diana exclaims that she can feel it and starts to slow and eventually stop.

She pulls off of him and collapses to his side on the bed, rolling over to snuggle up to him placing her arm on his chest. He doesn't seem to reciprocate much. Diana tells her uncle that was great, but he corrects her - 'it was fine,' he says gruffly. She asks him what's wrong, she did all his favorites for him! He waves her off, telling her yeah yeah, she was swell... he doesn't seem to mean it. She sits up a bit and looks worriedly at him, did she do something wrong, or something? He looks at her with a serious expression and grips both sides of her head with his hands, playing lightly with her hair. 'Listen 'Princess', no offense, but...' he starts in a rude tone, the novelty's kind of wearing off. She's no longer a teenager and she's certainly not a virgin anymore...

She asks him what she could do, what he wants her to do to make him happy. He looks her up and down, considering her, then pinches her cheek affectionately, saying she's cute when she's desperate. He asks about her younger step-sister, she must be getting around 18 these days, mustn't she? Diana reluctantly says yeah, she just turned it a couple of months ago. And she's a virgin, like Diana was? '...Yes,' Diana admits. Uncle Joe looks pleased at himself for the idea and says yeah... yeah, that would do the trick alright. 'Bring her here,' he instructs her, and goes back to stroking her hair with one hand. She looks at him with reluctant subservience but doesn't say anything in reply.


CUT TO another day, where Diana and Cammy (Emily Willis) are greeted at the door by a much friendlier-seeming Uncle Joe. 'There's my princesses!' he exclaims. He takes their bags from their hands and tosses them to the side, then welcomes them in. He gives Diana a brisk, business-like hug then moves on to Cammy, and hugs her for much longer. Wow, she laughs at how warmly he's greeting her, uh hi Uncle Joe! Long time no see! Uncle Joe releases her from the hug but keeps his hands on her arms as he looks her up and down, remarking at how much she's grown. He remembers when he used to come over to their house to visit their dad, and would pick her up for piggy-back rides like it was nothing, feels like only yesterday. Although he bets he could still do it! Without even waiting for permission, he scoops Cammy up in his arms and she yelps in surprise, then giggles in embarrassment. 'Uncle Joe!' she squeaks. Diana looks at them with a mix of jealousy and guilt.

Once she's set down, Cammy starts to pick up her bag and Joe says no, let him take care of it! He turns back to Diana. Why doesn't she give Cammy the tour, he says suggestively to her, while he gets all their things settled in their room. Then they can all meet up outside at the pool for a swim. A pool! Cammy squeaks with excitement, she can't wait! Uncle Joe sidles up behind Diana and puts his hand firmly, ominously even, on her shoulder. Make sure the two of them don't skimp on the tour, he says to her with fake innocence, take all the time they want. She nods obediently without looking back at him, and then slips her hand into Cammy's. They scamper off, and Uncle Joe shoots a devious look at the bags.

CUT TO poolside, Uncle Joe is seated comfortably in a pool chair wearing his sunglasses when the two girls emerge from the house - Cammy is still wearing her original clothes while Diana is wearing a bikini. Uncle Joe? Cammy asks, he wouldn't have happened to have seen her bathing suit when he brought the bags up to the room, did he? Uncle Joe feigns innocence and says no, he hardly touched the bags other than to bring them upstairs. Diana looks to Cammy and says see, she knew Uncle Joe wouldn't know where it is, Cammy probably forgot to pack it. But Cammy swears she remembered putting it in her bag, it was one of the first things she packed - she was really excited to go swimming and absolutely didn't want to forget. Oh, Uncle Joe says, well she shouldn't let a little thing like that ruin her fun, now. She can just swim in her underwear, he suggests. Cammy seems a bit hesitant, but Uncle Joe says come on, between her step-sister and him being their dad's best friend, they're all practically family here - no need to be so bashful. O-okay, Cammy says, warming up to the idea as she sees they don't seem to mind. She strips out of her clothes, revealing a white bra and panties underneath. 'Atta girl, Uncle Joe says, don't be shy. She flashes a grin at him and then jumps into the pool with a splash and a playful shriek. Unbeknownst to her, her white bra and panties once wet now show Uncle Joe a great view of her nubile teen body.

Uncle Joe catches Diana's eye and shoots her a meaningful look and a tilt of his head towards Cammy. Diana looks back obediently and nods again slightly. She joins Cammy in the pool. 'Hey Cammy,' Diana calls out, does she remember when they used to play pool tag in the past? They should play that again! Cammy says that it might be a bit lame with just two people, and Diana taunts her, she's just saying that because she knows she won't be able to catch Cammy. Oh, it's on! Cammy giggles and chases after Diana.

The two of them frolic in the water, laughing and giggling as they chase around the pool, splashing each other and trying to catch each other. Whenever Diana is 'it' and catches Cammy, she gets very handsy, giggling and hugging and pressing her body up against Cammy's. Cammy takes a cue from her and starts to do the same. Soon the two of them are barely running or chasing at all, but rather wrestling each other in the pool. Diana even playfully lowers one of Cammy's bra straps or tries to remove it, and Cammy gasps in happy shock and tries to get revenge by doing the same. Throughout, Uncle Joe watches them through his sunglasses with perverted interest.

Cammy remarks she's getting hungry, and is going to fix herself a snack. She asks if Uncle Joe wants one and he jokes that he's good, he's got a couple of tasty morsels already right in front of him. Cammy looks weirded out for a moment then laughs the comment off saying that Uncle Joe is so silly, but behind her Diana shoots Uncle Joe a glare of concern.

Uncle Joe then watches, with no attempt to hide it, as Cammy steps out of the pool dripping wet and grabs a towel, heading back into the house. Diana steps out of the pool next and rushes up to Uncle Joe. He has to be more careful, she warns him quietly, he's going to scare her off. They have to take things more slowly and get her warmed up to the idea, having sex with her dad's best friend is one thing but sex with her own step-sister too - it's going to make her freak if they don't handle it carefully. Uncle Joe tells Diana she'd better make damn well sure that doesn't happen, because he's just starting to enjoy himself and he's not in the mood to take things slow. So it's up to Diana to make sure her sister behaves when the time comes. Diana wouldn't want to disappoint him, would she? Diana timidly says she'll do what she can. Uncle Joe gives her a smack on the ass and tells her to get going inside.

CUT TO late that night - both girls are dreaming sweet dreams, side by side in bedrolls on the floor. The bedroom door creaks open, and the light of the hall spills out into the dark bedroom. Uncle Joe's feet step into frame. He looks the girls over hungrily, edging his way into the room to get a closer look at their teen bodies in their nightwear. He moves into the space in the middle of them both and, careful not to alert them, he settles in lying down between them. His attention goes straight to Cammy. He rolls onto his side to spoon her - she moans comfortably in her dreams. He holds her like that for several seconds, then feeling emboldened, he backs up slightly from her body and pulls his hard dick out from his boxer shorts. He strokes himself, inching as close as he can to Cammy without touching her again now that his dick's out. He breathes heavily against her neck as he strokes himself. Sensing his presence, Cammy's eyes flutter open. 'D-Diana?' she asks quietly and timidly, 'is that you?' No, princess, Uncle Joe says back in a low voice, it's her Uncle Joe.

Cammy still seems a bit groggy, Uncle Joe? What is he doing h- ... she rolls to her other side and sees him stroking himself and her eyes go wide. She calls out to Diana, get up, Uncle Joe is-! Diana's eyes snap open and she instantly starts to reassure her, Cammy, it's ok, it's ok! Cammy doesn't calm down right away, and tries to get Diana to realize what's going on, but Diana tells her she knows. 'What do you mean you know?' Cammy asks, panicked. Diana explains that Uncle Joe has something he wants to share with the two of them, something very special. 'No, but-' Cammy starts to protest, but Diana interrupts her. It's okay, she tells her little sister, she's going to like it, see? She grabs Uncle Joe's hard dick in her hand, and then puts her mouth on it to suck it, looking Cammy right in the eyes as she does it and saying mmmm.

'Diana, what are you-?!' Cammy tries to say, but Diana pulls her mouth off of his dick and cuts her off again. See, Cammy? she says, moving his dick to point at her little sister now as if offering it to her. It's no big deal, he just wants the two of them to thank him for his hospitality. Didn't mom and dad teach them to show manners growing up? Cammy starts to get flustered and frustrated, but this isn't right, she insists, this- 'Cammy,' Diana hisses, sounding a bit desperate. 'You're being rude! Uncle Joe invited us here, we're guests in his home, and this is how he wants us to thank him. Quit being such a brat and just give him what he wants.' Her tone softens, and she continues, saying that she promises Cammy will enjoy it. Just like Diana did.

Cammy's eyes widen - like she did? Diana nods and says it makes Uncle Joe happy. It makes her happy too. Cammy looks from her sister to Uncle Joe, who's staring intently at her. 'What do you say, princess?' he coaxes her and strokes her hair. 'Don't you wanna make your Uncle Joe happy?' Cammy looks down at his dick, which he continues to stroke with his other hand. She says she guesses she can try, but she's never done anything like this before. Uncle Joe tells her don't worry, her big sister will show her everything she needs to know.

7 Views · 1 month ago

⁣The scene opens on Bruce, a handsome blue-collar man, as he sits solemnly at the dining room table cracking his knuckles. He is staring blankly at a photo of his wife. The woman died two months earlier after a sudden illness and his family has been devastated, especially his step-daughter Laurie, who went from being a typical happy girl to a distant, resentful stranger. Now, he is waiting for her to come home -- and she is late. Two hours late for their appointment, a session with a therapist that Bruce has arranged in the aftermath of his wife's death. When she finally returns home, he stands up to confront her but before the man can say anything, Laurie lashes into him. He's not her real father, he can't tell her what to do anymore, she's 18, an adult, she's going to leave any day now. They quickly descend into a screaming match in the living room, where Bruce tries to talk reason with his daughter and she hurls insults and hits him. Finally, he is obliged to grab her and pin her down, to stop her tantrum. There is a long, intense pause as they stare, breathing hard, inches from each other. He tells her they are going to this therapist and that's an order. She spits in his face. The father, beside himself, grabs her by the wrist and pulls her outside to the car.

Scene cuts to a neatly appointed office. A therapist sits behind her desk, working on a laptop, when there is a knock on the door. She opens it to reveal Bruce, looking defeated, with his angry, tear- stricken daughter beside him. He is still grabbing her wrist. 'Sorry we are late,' he says as she lets them in.

The father and daughter sit down as the therapist begins her session. She tells Laurie that she has been counselling Bruce since her mother's untimely passing and that both felt it was important to bring Laurie into the sessions. She asks Bruce to describe to his daughter how he has been feeling since the funeral. Looking down at the floor, Bruce explains his sorrow, especially over the distance he has felt with the girl he raised as his own. It feels as if he lost not just his wife, but his daughter as well. She is so angry that they barely talk anymore and it's tearing him up inside. The therapist asks Laurie to share her feelings. Laurie clams up at first but, after some soothing words by the kind therapist, breaks down and confesses that she secretly hates herself for her mother's death. Bruce is dumbstruck. He tries to comfort her, she didn't cause her mom's illness. But Laurie, crying, tells him that she doesn't hate herself for mom dying, she hates the fact that she secretly wanted her gone. She had wanted her gone for as long as she could remember... all so she could have Bruce to herself.

The therapist, who has been calmly taking notes, walks back over to her library and pulls out a book. 'I understand the root of this now,' she says. 'Have either of you heard of the Electra complex?' The shocked family says nothing. 'It's a Neo-Freudian psychological theory, proposed by Carl Jung, about a girl's psychosexual competition with her mother for possession of her father.' Bruce stands up and tries to shut down the conversation, saying it's inappropriate. The therapist advises him to sit and continues. 'The term itself is derived from the Greek myth of Electra. During female psychosexual development, a young girl is initially attached to her mother. Most often, because of the powerful connection of the womb and breastfeeding. But, when she discovers her father (or father figure, in this case) and the fact that his body is different from her own, she develops a sexual attachment to him leading her to sub- consciously want to remove her mother and be with her dad.' Laurie starts laughing nervously. The therapist puts her book away and walks up to Laurie, placing her hand on her shoulder. 'What is making you laugh?' She asks. Laurie tells her she is laughing because it's uncomfortable. 'And what exactly is uncomfortable?' Laurie looks at Bruce in defiance before turning back and telling the therapist that suggesting she fucks her step-dad makes her uncomfortable.

The therapist smiles and walks over to Bruce, sitting down in his lap and starting to stroke his face affectionately. Without pause, Laurie jumps up and grabs her. The therapist smiles and steps off, noting that she had just proven her point. Look at how the daughter reacted to competition! This is clearly a case of Electra. She tells Laurie to sit back down and listen: they are going to focus this session on an exercise. To work out her resentment towards her mother and anger at her step-dad, the therapist advises Laurie that she must roleplay as the woman herself. 'Put yourself in the role of your mother. Bruce will be himself. And I will play you.'

7 Views · 17 days ago

⁣Connie (Alison Rey) and Michael (Robby Apples), two house cleaners, are cleaning a room in a home when the wealthy homeowner, Carl (Will Pounder), enters and openly hits on Connie. Connie is polite about it, though Michael seems frustrated by the act.

Once Carl leaves, it's revealed that Connie and Michael are a married couple who run a struggling cleaning business together. Michael hates that Connie lets Carl flirt with her but she thinks it's a necessary aspect of their situation. After all, times are hard and clients are few, so if she has to stroke some egos, she will.

Connie tries to continue cleaning but Michael won't drop the issue, which leads to them arguing even more. But before things get too heated, Connie says she needs space and goes to clean another room. From that point on, Michael spies on Connie, catching her continuing to flirt with Carl in other rooms.

Finally, after one suggestive joke too many, Michael speaks privately again to Connie, which leads to them arguing more intensely. But this time, tired of her husband's attitude and thinking about the future, Connie puts her foot down. She decides to let Carl fuck her... right in front of Michael... to show Michael who's really boss.

6 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Troy (Max Fills) and his stepsister Rachel (Scarlet Skies) are being scolded by their stepmom Cathleen (Serene Siren), because they're always fighting and have now been suspended from school because of it. Cathleen grounds them as punishment.

Cathleen warns them that if they try to leave the house, she'll know about it since the front entrance security camera has a direct feed to her cell phone. Cathleen also demands that they use this time to learn to get along with each other. With that, Cathleen leaves for work.

Troy and Rachel realize that if they work together, they can get back at Cathleen by using her own rules against her. They'll 'get along' alright - but in a way that Cathleen HATES. Troy and Rachel start brainstorming ideas to 'get along' with each other that they hope will make Cathleen angry, but they quickly discard the ideas as not being good enough. They then realize that they can use the security camera to their advantage.

They try to come up with something to do in front of the camera that will infuriate Cathleen, and decide that the most twisted way to 'get along' is by having sex with each other. Eventually, Cathleen checks the camera feed from work, and is shocked and livid to see the stepsiblings fucking.

6 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Nadia (Paige Owens) chats with her fiancee, Tara (Victoria Voxxx), who is browsing on her phone like always. Because Tara is so sociable, it's often cause for arguments, and today is no exception. Nadia is suspicious that Tara is cheating but Tara assures her for the millionth time that she can trust her. They're going to be MARRIED soon and Tara claims she'd NEVER hurt Nadia like that. Even so, Nadia's insecurities nag at her as her imagination runs wild...

A few days later, as Tara swings by a cafe to grab a coffee, she's stunned as she runs into an old ex, Jessie (Whitney Wright). Tara's immediately remorseful, apologizing for how their relationship ended on such bad terms, and Jessie is touched. Although Jessie's been hurt, she's thankful for the apology and offers the chance for them to enjoy a coffee and catch up.

As they chat, an old flame seems to be rekindled between them, even as Tara reveals her upcoming marriage to Nadia. Even so, when Jessie starts to turn on the charm, inviting Nadia back to her loft, Tara is unable to say no. How can she when Jessie brings up that them meeting again like this HAS to be fate? Surely Nadia will never find out, right?

6 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Cindy (Haley Reed) is an inexperienced but curious teen with an itch she can't scratch on her own. Because of this, she takes the time to find an experienced Dom (Derrick Pierce) online to give her EXACTLY what she needs...

When she first meets the Master via video call, Cindy's anxious, although he's very much into her nervous energy. They'd been talking awhile but this is the first time she's had the courage to be on a video call and he praises her for that. His confident, soothing words make her heart race in a way she's never felt before. She LIVES for her Master's praise.

Even though it's a whole new experience for her, there's something about submitting to her Master that does it for her. It fills her with a sense of purpose that she never knew existed. In fact, the desire to obey and please him is so strong that Cindy wonders just how far she'll go...

When her Master finally orders her to wet herself and record it for him, she's about to find out.

6 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Kelly (Keisha Grey) is a troubled teen who's down on her luck. She's tired of the poor life choices she keeps making and is ready to start afresh. She's determined to make positive changes, which is how she came to meet Philip (Charles Dera), her counselor. With his gentle guidance and support, maybe she can finally find the forgiveness she desperately needs to move forward.

Today's online video session starts off like normal, with Philip pleasantly inquiring about how she's been. Although she's hesitant and initially dodges his questions, she can't hold onto her guilt any longer as she admits to spiraling out of control. She recently did something she's not proud of in order to fund her party lifestyle. She doesn't want to be THAT person anymore.

As soon as Kelly admits to her sins, she feels lighter than ever before. She can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe everything's going to turn out okay after all...

But when Philip's warm, nurturing smile twists into something sinister, it's clear that her troubles have only just begun.

6 Views · 1 month ago

⁣A beautiful, young woman, Blair (Alina Lopez), arrives all dressed up for a party. She's there to entertain a bunch of businessmen, although they don't seem to notice her at first as she tries to find the host. Once the men get wind of her presence, though, she gets hungry looks and cat calls. Even so, she walks with her head held high until she finds the man she's looking for, Hank (Eric Masterson).

Hank explains to her that a young man named Bill (Seth Gamble) is the guest of honor, having just received a big promotion. Since he's ready to play with the big boys now, she's there as entertainment for him. But the main event isn't going to happen until later, so why doesn't he introduce her to everyone in the meantime?

Blair gradually meets all the men, though starts to become uncomfortable with how boisterous they are. They're loud and lustful, coming on to her in unsettling ways, though she remains professional. When Hank finally makes his grand speech about Bill graduating to manhood, Blair takes that as her cue to take Bill somewhere more... private. However, she's stopped by Hank, who reveals that she's going to entertain Bill right there in public.

The men surrounding her erupt into cheers, all eager to see the action. They hurl insults at her, trying to shame her, although they don't dare take their eyes off her... Blair hardly knows what to do with herself, since this wasn't in the original agreement, but she needs to save face.

Finally, amongst the jeers, she gives everyone what they want as she slowly sinks down to her knees.

6 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Sylvia receives an unexpected visit from a man named Jake, who greets her warmly and expresses his pleasure at finally meeting her. Sylvia, puzzled, asks how he knows her name. Jake reveals that she is already well-acquainted with him in a way, as he was the one who donated the kidney that saved her life a few years ago.

Sylvia is surprised and thrilled by this revelation, as she never expected to meet her donor, who she had always believed to be anonymous. Jake explains that he has connections in the medical field, which allowed him to discover who received his kidney and find her.

Inviting him inside, Sylvia expresses her gratitude, acknowledging how rare it is for someone to donate an organ to a stranger. Jake then mentions that hearing her appreciation is the reason for his visit, as he feels it's time for her to properly thank him. Sylvia, now confused and slightly uneasy, listens as Jake explains that since he saved her life, he believes she should repay him in some way.

6 Views · 1 month ago

⁣SCENE OPENS to Valerie (Ashley Aleigh) opening her front door to reveal Jacob (Lucas Frost), a fidgety man hiding in a hoodie. Right away, Valerie is uncomfortable with Jacob's presence as he tries to worm his way into her house. You see, there was once a time when they were boyfriend and girlfriend, but Valerie left him AND the life they had years ago... and for good reasons.

While Valerie wants nothing to do with the past, Jacob seems stuck in it. He claims he's just passing through and wants to see how Valerie is doing, so she reluctantly lets him inside to catch up. Little does she know, that one simple gesture is about to turn her whole life upside down.

They make small talk but Valerie is wary, especially when Jacob starts romanticizing their troubled past. He tries to get her to reminisce about how much fun they used to have, but Valerie sees things differently. Being with Jacob had set her on a dangerous path in life and she wants nothing to do with it ever again.

Unfortunately for her, Jacob has video proof of her doing reckless, questionable things that she hoped would never see the light of day. If Valerie REALLY wants to put her past behind her, she'll have to fall into bed with Jacob just like old times...

6 Views · 1 month ago

⁣A beautiful camgirl, Amy (Kenzie Anne), finishes up one of her cam shows. She chats with fans and exudes an infectious bubbly charm. When she signs off, her demeanor changes, and she seems lonely as she begins to remove her makeup.

After a few silent moments, the phone rings. It's Jay (Isiah Maxwell), a new man in Amy's life. They've been seeing each other for only a few weeks but, so far, it's been a ray of sunshine. Someone who gives Amy butterflies and actually seems to care about what she thinks, not just how she looks. She eagerly answers the phone, and Jay invites her over to his house. He says that he has a proposal for her... something they've been chatting about that he wants to make official. But he won't say what it is until they're in person. A smile crosses Amy's face. She yearns for romance and is sure that tonight's the night Jay will ask her to be his girlfriend. She agrees and gets off the phone in a rush to get ready.

Later that day, Amy arrives at Jay's house. He talks about how beautiful Amy is, how much fun they've been having together, and how he never thought about people in her profession before. Sure, he's jerked off to porn, but he never really thought about the actual girls in the videos. Amy feels a little awkward but ultimately takes these as compliments. She tells him how much she appreciates being respected as a person and not just for the work she does. That's why she likes him so much. But Jay seems to be only half-listening, still preoccupied with his side of the conversation. He tells her that he's thought a lot about her lately and he's ready to take things to the next level. Amy can barely contain her happiness and she takes his hands in hers. He continues ... saying that some of their recent conversations, especially those in the bedroom, have sparked his curiosity. He particularly liked the idea of her bringing a friend over to join them.

Amy's face falls. This was not the proposal she was expecting. Her body language changes immediately, despite Jay being oblivious. He excitedly asks Amy to impress him with her favorite girl, a toy they can play with together tonight. He slides his hands all over her body as he hypes her up and makes her feel empty inside. He says that he would love to meet Amy's blonde friend who she sometimes does shows with. Amy flatly says that she can call her - but maybe another night. Jay encourages Amy to call her now. He shoves a phone into her hands,telling her that he wants them to have fun tonight. Feeling resigned, Amy phones her friend Lindsey (Kenna James) and asks her to come over for a play date.

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