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66 Views · 1 month ago

⁣A teen girl, Adriana (Leana Lovings) believes her stepfamily is loving and wholesome. They always play games with each other and everything is so fun-- she really couldn't ask for a more perfect family. But little does Adriana know, her family is playing a very different game than SHE is.

One day Adriana arrives home early and catches her stepmom, Maxine (Bunny Madison), and stepbrother, Shane (Codey Steele), having sex together. Adriana is shocked as she frets with herself, wondering if she should tell her stepdad, Jonathan (Seth Gamble).

After debating with herself, she decides to do the right thing. But when she goes to Jonathan to inform him, she's shocked to discover he already knows and has been a part of arranging it. She then learns that part of the deranged arrangement includes Jonathan being given a free pass to have sex with HER.

Although Adriana is initially hesitant to have sex with him, Jonathan wins her over by stressing the importance of family unity. And that's when Maxine and Shane walk in on them in turn, which eventually turns into a twisted foursome.

25 Views · 1 month ago

⁣SCENE OPENS on Ashley (Bella Rolland), a secretary, quietly working on her laptop at her desk. She seems very professional and focused on her work.

David (Mike Mancini), her boss, walks into view. He stands tall and is confident, clearly a man with power. Ashley straightens up with a polite smile. Judging by her body language, it's clear that she has secret feelings for him but doesn't act on them.

As Ashley fills David in on some business, there seems to be some sexual tension between them. David makes a move on her, about to kiss her. Ashley momentarily gets caught up in the moment but pulls away before they kiss, shocked. David tries to convince her to have sex, comparing an old way of working and living to the modern age. Ashley is tempted but worried, not wanting to cause a divorce between David and his wife, Megan. David insists that he's not going to leave his wife and that he's just looking for a bit of fun.

Despite her temptation, Ashley ultimately rejects his advances, insisting that she doesn't feel right about potentially hurting Megan. David doesn't seem too disappointed, telling Ashley that if she ever changes her mind, the door is always open. David then excuses himself to go into his office.

After David leaves, Ashley is still stunned but conflicted. She keeps glancing thoughtfully back at his office, as if debating whether or not she should go follow him.

She tries to focus back on work but her eyes trail once more to his office.


Days later, Ashley seems consumed by thoughts of being with David but feels guilty about Megan potentially getting hurt. She decides to find out what kind of person Megan is to see what she should do next.

Later that same day, Ashley follows Megan to where she teaches classes. Suspecting that Megan's up to no good, Ashley enters the classroom and poses as a student. Ashley tries to get dirt on Megan but it seems like Megan is a good person. Megan leaves to grab a coffee before her lecture and Ashley tails her.

Ashley tries not to be noticed as she spies on Megan at the coffee shop. She's desperate now to find SOMETHING bad about Megan. A customer ahead of Megan drops their wallet.

Megan picks up the wallet. She takes money out of it before returning the wallet to the customer.

Ashley smiles excitedly. This is EXACTLY the justification she's been looking for to take things with David to the next level. Their relationship is about to go WAY beyond a strictly professional one...

23 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Tom (Tommy Pistol) and his wife Margaret (Athena Anderson) witnessed quite the scene at their neighbor's house the night prior. Police cars, screaming, an ambulance... they can't help but wonder what happened over there. Their questions are answered, however, when their neighbor in question, Tanya (X Wife Karen), comes to their front door in tears. Tom and Margaret are shocked to learn that Tanya and her husband were victims of an attempted home invasion, one which sent Tanya's husband to the hospital. Tanya is shaken and asks if she can stay with Tom and Margaret until her husband returns. Tom and Margaret are happy to help, inviting her inside.

A few nights later, however, Tom enters his kitchen to find Tanya at the table, her fingers toying with a black ski mask. She hasn't been able to catch a sliver of shut eye since the robbery, her thoughts plagued by the traumatic event. Tom tries to console her, but is shocked when Tanya reveals a troubling secret. Her obsession with the robbery doesn't stem from fear... but from lust. A lust for the man in the mask. The same man who sent her husband to the hospital... and the same man that she can't help but fantasize about.

Tanya is terrified that this newfound fixation will carry over into her marriage. Seeing no other option, she decides that she must do whatever it takes to purge these filthy desires from her soul. Shockingly, she extends the mask to Tom, asking him to put it on and fuck her roughly while wearing it. Tom is floored, but Tanya is persistent. With his wife just upstairs, Tom finally gives in, putting on the mask and giving Tanya what she wants... and needs.

22 Views · 1 month ago

⁣SCENE opens on an 18-year-old girl, Beth Coleman, rushing to answer the door - 'coming!' she shouts asthe doorbell chimes a second time. She opens the door to find a meek man in glasses and a somewhatnerdy-looking suit, holding a leather messenger bag under his arm. He greets her nervously andintroduces himself as Milton James, and holding up an ID on a lanyard across his neck he explains thathe's a census taker - her parents failed to fill out the latest census and so by law he's required to come inperson to interview someone from the household. Beth looks wary - her parents aren't home for theday and she doesn't know anything about this census stuff. He says it's quite alright, anybody over theage of 15 can be interviewed for the household. He looks her up and down - she is over 15, right? Bethanswers yes, she just turned 18 a couple of months ago. Milton adjusts his glasses and says perfect, thenhe can interview her in her parents' stead, it should only take about fifteen minutes or so. Beth is stillreluctant, now's really not the best time and she'd rather he come back sometime when her parents arehome. She apologizes and goes to close the door but it doesn't close all the way - Milton has put hisshoe in between the door and the frame. 'I'm afraid I must insist,' he says in a nervous attempt tosound menacing. 'Answering the United States census is required by law. To put it simply, Miss Coleman,you don't really have a choice in this matter.'


We cut back to a few moments later, after Milton has since let himself into the house and taken off hisshoes. The two emerge in a large cozy living room with wood paneling. Clearly the Colemans do not lackfor money. 'Do you want a glass of water or something?' Beth asks, in an effort to be polite despite herdiscomfort. Not right now, thanks, Milton says. He seems trying to sound more warm than he was at thedoorway, but comes off as awkward more than anything. He waits for Beth to choose her seat, and thenpicks a seat across from her, and pulls out a fancy-looking folder, some forms, and a nice pen from hisbag. As he does this, he tries to make awkward small talk with Beth, but her answers are very curt andhe soon gives up. He clears his throat and says 'Well then, let's get started.'He asks her a series of mundane questions - do you currently reside at this address? How many peoplebesides yourself reside at this address? Please list the names of all persons who currently live at thisresidence, and their relationship to you. What is your marital status? When Beth answers 'single', helooks up from his paper and coyly asks 'what about a boyfriend?' No, no boyfriend either, Bethanswers, averting her eyes as she says it. Milton smiles and says 'Good, good', as he moves on to thenext questions.

What languages do you speak at home? Do any of your household speak any other languages at homeon a regular basis? Were you born in the United States? Are you presently a citizen of the United States?Have you attended school in the United States? Throughout these questions, Beth's body language becomes less hostile and more bored. She relaxes and spreads her legs somewhat, at which point fromover Milton's shoulder the camera catches glimpses of upskirt panty shots. After the latest question,Milton pauses, his attention lingering on Beth's legs - the pause alerts her to him checking her out andshe very uncomfortably clears her throat, as she tries to pull her skirt over her legs as much as possible.Milton continues as if nothing happened.

What is the highest degree or level of school you've completed? Beth reluctantly answers that shedropped out of high school. In the last week, how many hours of paid work did you do? Beth answersnone, she doesn't have a job. In the last week, how many hours of volunteer work did you do? Also none.Milton tsks condescendingly - no job, no volunteering, not even a high school diploma? Beth's parentsmust not be very proud of her. Beth looks at him angrily - that's not really any of his business is it?Are your parents sexually active? He blurts out. She looks at him, disgusted. How is that relevant? Heexplains that it's to forecast whether or not the census bureau should expect new births from thishousehold in the next few years. Grossed out, Beth struggles to find an answer, she doesn't know, shetries not think about it too much, but she guesses they might be. Are you sexually active? Milton asks,with obvious interest. She looks straight at him, and says 'No' very slowly and angrily. 'Would you liketo be?' Milton asks. Beth stands up - 'I think you should leave, Mr. James,' she says nervously. Miltondoesn't move though - he's almost done, just a few questions about their house and utilities and thenhe'll be out of her hair. Beth doesn't sit down, she just crosses her arms with renewed discomfort.Does the family own the house or are they renting? Does the house have landline service or just cellphones? Does it have complete kitchen facilities - sink, stove, and refrigerator? Does it have completeplumbing facilities - hot and cold water, a flushing toilet, and a tub or shower? He makes a remark abouthow he bets Beth's plumbing is fully functional, and the innuendo further discomforts her. How manyrooms does the house have? How many bedrooms?

'Can I see?' Milton says innocently. See what, Beth asks through gritted teeth. 'The number ofbedrooms the house has. Can you show them to me?' Beth looks like she's about to say no, when headds 'After that, I'll be out of your hair.' Beth raises her hands in the air in exasperation, and then saysfine, follow her.

The camera tracks the two as she leads him to three bedrooms, with the focus being on her backside asif we're watching her walk from his male gaze POV. First she leads him to her parents' master bedroom,then to a guest bedroom that doesn't get much use. Milton pokes his head in when he's lead to each,but he doesn't express much interest in either. Finally she leads him to her bedroom, and before she canreact he brushes past her to walk inside.

He moves around the room with eager curiosity - peering intently into her drawers and closet, poking acouple of her belongings with his pen. He even stands in the centre and takes a deep breath. Beth waitsat the door to the room impatiently, reluctant to go nearer to him but getting more upset and insistentas he intrudes. Finally, he moves to stand up straight rather formally in front of her, and adjusts his glasses. 'Satisfied?' Beth asks uncomfortably. Milton chuckles. 'Oh, very satisfied. Although I'm afraidYOU're in a bit of trouble, Miss Coleman.' Beth stiffens - what does he mean? He explains that he foundbirth control pills in one of her drawers. But she said in the census she wasn't sexually active, whichsuggests that she lied to him. Does she understand what the penalty is for giving false information to agovernment official?

Beth pleads - she only said that because he was acting completely inappropriate. She doesn't even thinkall his questions were part of the census. She'd already asked him to leave. Why can't he just leave heralone? Milton explains that he's only doing his job, and it's a thankless job, meeting with tons ofungrateful people who don't want to give him the time of day. Ungrateful people like Beth. Maybe all hewants is some thanks in return. Beth sees an opportunity and tries to appease him. If it's just a matter ofsaying sorry and thank you, she can do that.

But Milton elaborates, she was so rude to him. She didn't even give him a chance, tried to slam the dooron him if he recalls correctly. If she really wants to make it up to him, she has to do better than a halfheartedapology. 'Like what?' Beth asks nervously. He pretends to think for a moment. How about... akiss? Beth is scared, but hopeful that that's all he'll ask for. 'O-ok,' she agrees. She leans in and theyexchange a quick peck on the lips. Encouraged, Milton asks for another - this time she should reallymean it. Hesitantly, she says OK and leans in again, and this time he kisses her much more aggressively -we can see that she's not very into it and is rather stiff, not moving her lips much, while he is going reallyeagerly at it. Several seconds of awkward smooching later, he pulls away from her. He seems to haveenjoyed it, but he wants more. He knows she can give him what he wants - he knows she's not a virginafter all. If she shows him a good, appreciative time, he'll be on his way. She swallows hard, and thenputs on a fake smile and reaches for his belt buckle to undo it.

22 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Bethany is desperate to start a family with her husband, Nathan, but despite all their efforts, they’ve been unable to conceive. The struggle has taken a toll on their relationship, with Bethany growing increasingly frustrated, especially since she feels Nathan might not be fully committed anymore.

After receiving yet another disappointing diagnosis from a fertility specialist, Bethany begins to lose hope. However, when she finds a suspicious flyer on their car windshield that promises successful fertilization, she sees a glimmer of possibility. While Bethany is eager to give it a try, Nathan is completely against the idea, insisting she’d be crazy to trust such a sketchy offer. Their disagreement escalates into a heated argument, leaving both of them emotionally drained.

Pushed to her breaking point, Bethany decides to visit the clinic alone. Upon arrival, she is unsettled by Dr. Angeles’ intense enthusiasm for getting her pregnant using cutting-edge artificial insemination techniques involving synthetic sperm. Despite her unease, Bethany’s overwhelming desire to become a mother drives her to agree to the doctor’s unconventional methods. Little does she know, she’s about to become part of Dr. Angeles’ disturbing and dangerous experiments.

21 Views · 1 month ago

⁣A delivery man, Daniel (Ken Feels), arrives at the home of a teen, Carrie (Penelope Woods), with a package. As Daniel gives Carrie the package, he hears a man sounding aggressive inside. Daniel becomes concerned, but Carrie nervously closes the door on him.

Over the next while, every time Daniel delivers a package to the household, his suspicions that there's trouble within the family grows. He suspects that Carrie's old man is harming both his wife and Carrie, but Carrie keeps denying anything's wrong, leaving Daniel becoming more and more desperate to help. Finally, Daniel decides to take matters into his own hands since no one else will.

That fateful day, Daniel delivers a package of vitamins for Carrie's old man, but this time he seems a bit nervous. He tells Carrie to be sure to give the vitamins to the man of the house. It's for him and ONLY him. When Carrie assures Daniel that she will and closes the door, Daniel takes a breath.

Two years later, Carrie is much happier and carefree, and Daniel is now her new stepfather. It's revealed that Carrie's old man suddenly passed away from cardiac arrest two years ago and that Daniel eventually married his widow. Now all is right in the world...

Carrie is thrilled that her old man is gone, insisting that her life's been so much better since his passing. Her old man was cruel and now that she's no longer living in fear, the way everything came together feels almost like a gift. She's so thankful for the change and to have Daniel as her loving stepfather. In fact, everything came together so nicely that she feels like someone's been watching over them. All she wishes is that she had someone to thank for it all.

As Carrie shares her gratitude and wishes, Daniel looks nervous. Daniel asks her if she means wanting to thank someone for getting rid of her old man, and she says yes. That's when he confesses to having a hand in the old man's demise. Daniel says he just couldn't watch Carrie suffer any longer, so his actions were all for her sake - to give her the normal life that she deserved. But to Daniel's shock, Carrie not only expresses gratitude for his actions but lust for him!

He tries to tell her those thoughts are inappropriate while wrestling with his own forbidden thoughts. Carrie points out that the steps he took were very extreme for someone who had only innocent intentions... and that maybe subconsciously he WANTED her.

Although Daniel tries to deny this, he suspects that there was something more to it after all this time, too. That's when Carrie turns on the charm, managing to convince Daniel that there's really only one way to find out...

19 Views · 1 month ago

⁣It's Amy (Maya Woulfe) and Colin (Nathan Bronson)'s special day! They're getting ready for their wedding while Colin's stepmom, Martha (Reagan Foxx), helps out. But Colin is especially nervous, which leads to both Amy and Martha worrying for him. Martha insists she knows how to calm down her stepson and asks Amy to go make them a snack.

When Amy returns minutes later, she is SHOCKED when she catches Colin sucking on Martha's breast.

Martha soothingly opens up about Colin's love-starved history, which led to her coddling him too much. In fact, it eventually got to the point where letting him suckle on her breasts was the only way to calm him down, so it became sort of the norm for them.

Amy is disgusted and debates bailing, but Martha tries to convince her not to cancel the wedding. After all, Colin was doing this before Amy even knew, so nothing's changed. He's still the same sweet, sensitive man she loves, so why throw that away? In fact, why doesn't Amy JOIN them so that SHE can learn how best to comfort her new groom, too...?

18 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Mr. Davies (Charles Dera) is your stereotypical handsome high-school gym teacher -- the one that all the school girls have a crush on. Problem is, Mr. Davies hasn't been able to keep his hands out of the cookie jar. For the past few months, he's been having an affair with one of his students, the beautiful but naïve 18-year- old Lola (Jill Kassidy). The daughter of a wealthy businessman, Lola has fallen completely in love with Mr. Davies and thinks the two are going to run away together. Mr. Davies, on the other hand, cares for the teen girl but knows that inevitably they will need to break up one day ... especially before he gets caught. One day, after practice, Davies and his teenage lover sneak off and have sex in the locker room. While they are fucking, another student Heather (Kristen Scott) accidentally discovers them. Without their knowledge, she records them on her phone and runs off to tell her stepbrother (Small Hands) about it. Heather's stepbrother is an older guy named Darryl, who dropped out of school several years earlier and has had multiple run-ins with the law. When his step-sister shows him the footage, it sparks an idea in his head ... with all the money and power that Lola's father has, wouldn't it be easy to convince her out of a little dough to keep her affair a secret? He pitches the idea to Heather, who agrees to go confront Lola. The two conspirators then fuck.

18 Views · 1 month ago

⁣AC repairman Shawn (Ken Feels) knocks on the front door of his next appointment. When the door opens, however, he's stunned to see how hot the homeowner Daisy (Bella Rolland) looks. It seems like her air conditioner's conked out, making her house unbearably hot... and her skin sweaty. Shawn assures her that he'll find the cause of the problem and follows Daisy inside, continuing to check her out as he does.

Little does Daisy know, however, that Shawn doesn't exactly have Daisy's best interests at heart, and before he lets her cool down, he's going to heat things up. A lot. Instead of fixing the central air, Shawn manipulates it so that it pipes in even more heat than before, making the apartment even hotter. Daisy has no idea what Shawn did, but can't help but feel her body temperature rise as the sweat pours off of her.

With the heat now almost unbearable, Daisy asks if she can take off her clothes, playing right into Shawn's hand. He allows it, and loves the look of Daisy's breasts and ass, glistening with sweat. Putting the final act of his plan into action, Shawn pretends that he'll have to go get another part in order to fix the AC, which would only make it possible for him to come back the next day. Daisy pleads with him to make an exception and come back the same day... she has no idea if she can tolerate this kind of heat for long. Shawn muses that he could potentially pull a few strings for her if she makes it worth his while...

18 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Natasha (Bella Rolland) is in the passenger seat of a car being driven by Jay (Jessy Jones). Natasha is wearing a wedding gown and looking excited but nervous. Jay is wearing a suit and looks a bit tense, gripping the steering wheel a bit tight. Jay, her fiance's brother, is driving Natasha back to her house since she needs to pick up her grandmother's necklace for the wedding.

Jay soon pulls up to the house. Natasha tells Jay to keep the car running since she'll only be a minute, then climbs out of the car and hurries to the house as best she can in her gown. As Natasha goes into the house, Jay sees that she accidentally left her phone behind in the car. When her fiance calls, Jay declines the call, something snapping in him. He steps out of the car to follow Natasha.


In the house, Natasha is retrieving her grandmother's necklace when she's startled by Jay showing up behind her. Jay helps put on Natasha's necklace, revealing that they were once boyfriend and girlfriend before Natasha got with Jay's brother. The whole act of him putting on the necklace seems increasingly possessive and threatening as Natasha begins to get nervous.

Finally, Jay's jealous rage erupts as he rips the back of Natasha's dress where the zipper is and they have an angry confrontation. Natasha wants Jay to bring her back to the wedding but he refuses. He vents more about how much he resents Natasha and Gavin's relationship and how it should've been HIM she's marrying.

Natasha has had enough and declares that she's leaving. However, Jay insists that he's going to make her married family life complete hell unless she has sex with him to give him closure. Natasha is still stunned by everything but reluctantly agrees so that Jay doesn't ruin her entire future with the family.

It was supposed to be the happiest day of Natasha's life, but Jay's going to make sure it's FAR from happy...

17 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Ricky (Codey Steele) is deeply mourning the loss of his wife, Emily, while struggling to raise their young daughter, Chloe, on his own. The weight of grief is heavy, but he finds solace in the support of his mother-in-law, Paula (Dana Vespoli), who has been a crucial help since Emily's passing.

On the day Ricky is preparing for an important job interview to secure a better future for himself and Chloe, Paula arrives with a casserole and offers to iron his shirt. As they bond over their shared grief, subtle signs of Paula's lingering resentment toward Emily begin to surface. The situation takes an unexpected turn when Paula, driven by her own hidden desires, makes an advance on Ricky.

Ricky is caught off guard, but Paula takes advantage of his overwhelming loneliness. Unable to resist, Ricky gives in, and they are both consumed by intense, passionate sex. Yet, as the dust settles, Ricky is left feeling uneasy, sensing that an even bigger revelation is on the horizon.

17 Views · 1 month ago

⁣A young woman named Sally (Katie Kush) is running her family's diner while her father is sick and unable to manage the business. Overwhelmed and struggling to keep the diner afloat, Sally applies for a bank loan in a last-ditch effort to save it.

Days pass without any response, until a loan officer (Tommy Pistol) unexpectedly shows up at the diner. As he evaluates the situation, he makes it clear that Sally's chances of getting the loan are slim. However, after Sally desperately pleads her case, the loan officer sees an opportunity and offers to help her—on the condition that she sleeps with him.

Sally is horrified and disgusted by the proposition, but with her family's legacy on the line, she eventually succumbs to the pressure and agrees to do whatever it takes to keep the diner open.

16 Views · 1 month ago

⁣'I cannot think of the deep sea without shuddering at the nameless things that may at this very moment be crawling and floundering on its slimy bed...'
-H.P. Lovecraft

SCENE OPENS ON Rita (Bree Daniels). A scientist, she is in the field collecting samples, looking for an explanation for a mysterious phenomenon that is making the vegetation around a lake decompose from within.

Determined to get to the bottom of the situation, Rita resolves to get some more samples from an area near the lake.


As Rita investigates further, she notices a fungus she recognizes. But there's something odd about this particular specimen. She takes a sample, but as she is putting it away, she accidentally drops some of the sample on herself which causes an instantaneous effect on Rita. She sways on her feet.

Hours later, her eyes snap open. Groggy, she rises, realizing that she's naked. She notices that a man (Lucas Frost) is sunbathing by the lake. As she watches, he, thinking no one else is around, pulls out his cock and begins to masturbate.

Rita watches, entranced. Becoming aroused herself, she begins to rub her pussy.

Suddenly, from the brush by the lake, a mysterious woman (Bella Rolland) emerges, advancing towards the man. Getting a closer look at the woman, Rita's eyes widen. The woman has gills. Wordlessly the woman bends down between the man's legs and puts his cock into her mouth. He's shocked but doesn't resist.

The woman is wild, almost feral as she attacks his cock, climbing on top and riding him. Rita watches, fixated on this spectacle as she rubs her pussy.

The woman rides his cock, animalistic and primal. As the man cums, Rita cums too, convulsing and twitching. For a terrifying moment, the woman locks eyes with Rita, smiling malevolently.

Scared, Rita hurries back to her tent and falls into a fitful doze. But little does she know that the man has been reduced to a smoldering skeleton, stripped of all his skin by the strange woman.

Meanwhile, the water bubbles and boils and from the roiling froth, the thing in the lake emerges once more, her eyes alight with dark purpose, intent on one thing: finding Rita...

14 Views · 1 month ago

⁣SCENE opens on the interior of a medical exam room as the door opens - a doctor enters the room and closes the door behind him, then greets the young woman sitting waiting on the examination table as Dr. Greenwood. He thanks her for coming and for participating in the clinical trial - she just has to pass a quick screener and then they can begin. Holding up a clipboard and pen, he asks her some questions - her name ('Jamie Lawson'), her age ('I just turned 18 a couple of months ago'), is she pregnant ('no'), does she have any history of health conditions - asthma, heart problems, osteoporosis, breast cancer ('no, none'), and her level of daily physical activity ('well I play lacrosse about twice a week, plus daily running and morning yoga'). He makes a quip that she must be quite flexible, to which she rolls her eyes and says sarcastically that she's never heard that one before. Satisfied with the responses, the doctor tells her he's going to be asking her to complete a series of exercises, while monitoring her to measure physical stimulation and stress. They have equipment set up in a room down the hall. On their way out the door of the exam room, Jamie jokes that she doesn't stress easily, and Dr. Greenwood smirks in reply and says 'Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find a way to get you to break a sweat!'

We cut back to the two already midway through setting up in another larger room, containing a hybrid of medical and exercise equipment. The doctor is mostly done applying medical electrodes to her temples and clavicles. The last thing he has to do before they begin is to take her resting heart rate, so he can compare these with after the trial. First as he moves to strap it around her arm his hand brushes against her breast, he chuckles a brief apology and continues as if nothing happened.

Jamie tries to make small talk with him as he pumps and holds the gauge in his other hand - 'So, what is this trial for? Some sort of new performance drug or something?' The doctor provides only the most evasive of replies - he can't discuss the trial with the subjects beforehand or it could compromise the results. 'You're offering way more for this study than the last one of these I did,' Jamie remarks. Oh, is that so? the doctor replies, still acting elusive. Does she sign up for clinical trials often? 'Yeah, well not until recently but I really need the extra help right now,' Jamie grumbles, 'my dad hurt his knee and can't work so I'm trying to support him whenever I can. It's a drag, but I'm hoping it won't be for much longer.' The doctor smiles politely and says 'Well, we have your contact information now so if more of these opportunities come along, we'll be sure to contact you.' He finishes taking her pressure, notes something on his clipboard, and then tells her he'll take her heart rate now. 'Do I have permission to touch your chest?' Jamie looks taken aback - she supposes so, but don't they usually check at the neck? 'I prefer my own methods,' the doctor insists, and reaches his hand towards her chest to feel her heart. Again, his hand brushes her breasts - this time he doesn't apologize. Jamie looks a bit flustered and is about to speak up, but thinks better of it.

After a long awkward moment, the doctor releases his hand from her chest and notes something on the clipboard. He pats his legs, stands up, and says great - they're ready to get started! He'd like her to start with some simple jumping jacks. He stands her up in the middle of the room, the wires leading from her body to a small handheld device he holds in one hand, his clipboard in the other. He asks her to begin. She does a few, but he stops her. 'I'll need you to remove your bra, actually.' What? Why? she protests. It interferes with the test, he says vaguely, but he assures her it's quite necessary to the results. He turns around so that she can take it off with some privacy - she lifts her shirt up to reveal the bra, and unclaspsit, exposing her breasts momentarily before pulling her tank-top back down to cover them. Beginning the exercise again, her breasts now bounce up and down tantalizingly beneath her shirt as she jumps - with the doctor and the camera both clearly narrowing in on this bouncing as their primary interest.After several jumps with no indication of stopping, Jamie gets a bit frazzled and asks the doctor how many of these she's expected to do - this snaps him out of his reverie and he nonchalantly says 'five more, and then we'll move on to the next exercise'. Jamie exhales sharply, a bit frustrated, butacquiesces.

Next is an exercise bike - Dr. Greenwood asks her to mount it, and then begin cycling at a pace she's comfortable with to start. He stands behind the bike - his focus clearly fixated on the crack of her ass peeking out of her yoga pants as she pedals - and he offers her some mild platitudes to keep herencouraged. After a minute, he heads to the front to increase the resistance of the pedals - 'we need to see you break out a sweat, so let's turn it up a bit, shall we?', he says, and then instructs her to continue.

CUT to roughly fifteen minutes later - Jamie has been on the bike for a while now, as is obvious by the thick beads of sweat dripping down her face and chest, and soaking her workout clothes. She's showing no signs of exhaustion yet, but it's clear the workout is no walk in the park for her either. The doctor meanwhile is still just looking her over, with perverse appreciation. 'That's enough of that for now,' he says finally, and Jamie lets out a sigh of relief and slows her pedaling down. She gets off the bike and takes a nearby towel to wipe off the seat. 'That's quite alright, you can leave it' the doctor says. Jamie looks increasingly puzzled but shrugs and starts to pat her head with the towel. The doctor rips the towel out of her hand - 'I didn't say you could do that yet.' Jamie starts to argue that she's just wiping sweat off when the doctor cuts her off - 'If you want to disagree with my methods, that's fine, you can leave at any time and I'll just move on to the next subject.' Jamie realizes how bad she needs the compensation, and holds her tongue. 'What's next, then?' she asks. He tells her to go grab the exercise mat a few feet away. As she turns around to fetch it, he runs his finger along the sweaty bike seat and then sniffs or licks his fingertip.

Once the mat's in place in the floor center, the doctor proceeds to have Jamie remove her shoes and socks, and then do various flexibility tests - bend over and touch your toes, sit legs spread and reach forward, assume various yoga poses... he licks his lips as he watches each of these poses, which thanks to her sweat-drenched clothes and no bra are extremely revealing. Jamie can increasingly feel his eyes on her as she strikes each pose - finally, after the third or fourth yoga pose she snaps at him. 'You're not even writing anything down anymore, you're just staring at me!' The doctor seems unfazed by her sudden outburst. 'We'll move on to the next test, then...' No, she exclaims. No more of these weird tests. What was it he even said these tests were for?

Dr. Greenwood reminds her that he's monitoring her physical responses to stress and stimulus. He says that now that they've gotten the stress tests out of the way, it's time for the stimulus tests. He goes to a small table nearby and procures a sleek black featureless vibrator. Calmly, he tells Jamie that she will have to pleasure herself while he monitors her physical reactions. Jamie snaps - there's no way she's doing that. This isn't what she signed up for. The doctor sighs and shrugs - that's fine, he understands. Of course, he can't compensate her for incomplete participation - but if she stays, he'll triple the amount that was offered in the ad. Jamie flat out refuses, it doesn't matter what he offers her, she's not doing that. Indifferent, the doctor says he supposes that she'll just have to find some other way to support her dad. He muses that someone her age could probably make that amount in about two weeks of working full-time. A shame that she'll throw away two whole weeks of her life instead of spending just one hourdoing something perfectly harmless... not just harmless, but enjoyable, even. Jamie is torn... but with some convincing, and some insistence that the doctor keeps his distance, only watches, and isn't recording her, she agrees.

She hesitantly pulls her yoga pants to her ankles, sets herself down on the mat and takes the vibrator in hand, and reluctantly starts pleasuring herself. The doctor watches intently, at first taking a note or two but quickly abandoning the pretense, his hand moving to his crotch for some over-the-pants strokes. She tries to avoid meeting his eyes, but at times he insists she looks at him or gives her some other instruction to follow to humiliate her further. The conflict between her physical pleasure and her emotional discomfort is obvious. After some minutes of this, he crouches down to her level and says warmly 'It's time, Ms. Lawson.' He begins to peel off the electrodes and wires hooked to her. She looks relieved - you mean the trial's done? He shakes his head. 'No, I mean it's time for you to let me fuck you.'

Jamie protests weakly - he agreed he was just going to watch. He smiles coldly. 'Come on Jamie, you knew where this was going. Did you honestly think I wasn't going to ask for more? If you really weren't up for the possibility, you would have left the second I asked you to touch yourself.' Jamie insists that's not true, she trusted him, but her words lack conviction. 'You're a little slut,' he continues calmly. 'You were fine with letting a complete stranger watch you strip and pleasure yourself. So stop lying to us both. We both know you're going to let me fuck you, so just be a good little slut, say yes to it and spare us the drama.' Jamie sputters, but she has no words. Eventually she bitterly says 'Ok... just get it over with.'

Nominated - Best Sex Scene -- Vignette: Kira Noir & Danny Mountain, XBIZ 2020

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Mr. Keene is reluctant to give any special treatment, saying that his job as Dean of Admissions requires him to remain wholly objective. But Mrs. Murphy is not one to take no for an answer, so she offers to do whatever Mr. Keene wants to have her way... even if it means dropping on her knees and giving him a sloppy blowjob, followed by some pulse-pounding sex right there in his office.

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⁣Later that night, Heather (Kristen Scott) texts Lola (Jill Kassidy) to meet. When the girls get together, Heather shows her the video and threatens to expose the girl and her teacher unless she meets her demands. This sends Lola into a panic and, before she knows it, she's hit Heather over the head and knocked her out. She knows Mr. Davies (Charles Dera) is with his wife (Cherie DeVille) but doesn't know what to do ... so she calls him at home anyway. Meanwhile, Mr. Davies is having sex with his wife when the phone rings. It's his teenage lover having a complete freak out. In a desperate attempt to calm her down and not raise suspicions, Mr. Davies tells her to put Heather in her car and meet him at his family's cottage. He makes up an excuse to his wife and takes off. When he arrives there, Mr. Davies bring the girl inside while Lola is crying out of stress and start to talk over what to do next. Mr. Davies knows that he is in serious trouble, not only with the school board, so he tries to remain level headed. But his teen girlfriend is panicking so he ends up putting her to bed too. While he paces back and forth to think of a plan in the other room, Heather wakes up. Realizing what has happened to her, she decides to confront the teacher. She uses the victim card and ends up persuading him into fucking her too ... which he does.

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⁣April (Alina Lopez), a teen babysitter, climbs the front steps of a residential home. For her, this is just another day. Another job and a few more dollars in her pocket, which she really needs. However, it looks like the man living in this home is well off because the place is HUGE!

She knocks on the door and a pleasant man (Dick Chibbles) greets her. 'Mr. Perry?' April greets with a smile. 'Yes, that's me. You must be April, welcome!' Trent says. April beams, saying that she's pleased to meet him and that she can't wait to meet the boys.

April moves into the living room with Trent, making some small talk where it's revealed that she's raising her younger brother. Her parents passed away, so it's all on her now. Trent is sympathetic, though he moves onto asking her questions that seem a little beyond small talk. What nationality is she, is she a gymnast, how's school going?

April politely answers all the questions the best she can, even if she's uncomfortable. When it comes to school, she admits that she wants to go into fashion, though money's a bit tight since she didn't get a scholarship. Trent seems intrigued and says, well, there's no shame in working for it!

April then asks where the boys are and he says they're in the playroom. He's just going to be gone for a few hours, so hopefully she won't have issues with them. When April asks when the wife will be home, though, Trent gets a bit dodgy. He simply says that she won't be coming home. She's at work and has a deadline, so... Anyway, is April ready to meet the little one? April smiles and says that she is and heads off down the hall where she's directed.

As she does, Trent walks behind her with a longing gaze. 'One hell of a mother...' he says under his breath.


CUT TO hours later, and April is tidying up the living room after having put the family to bed. She picks up a few toys then moves to a table where there are crayons and a drawing. She sets the toys aside and smiles to herself. 'Aw, I wonder what they drew...?' she says to herself as she picks up the drawing. As soon as she gazes at it, her brows furrow with confusion.

It's a picture with stick figures. There's a man labeled 'Dad' and a woman next to him labeled 'Claire.' They are surrounded by three boys. They all look happy. There's another woman off to the far side labeled 'Mom.' She is smiling too but a dark crayon has scribbled her out. The picture has a disturbing vibe.

'What does this mean?' April murmurs to herself as she tries to make sense of the picture. She's a little unnerved, putting the paper back down on the table.

Curious, she takes out her phone and does some research. She pulls up a search engine and searches Trent Perry's name. She quickly finds an obituary for his wife.

She hears movement behind her and whirls around. Trent is looming in the doorway, looking menacing. April's startled, demanding to know what the hell is going on in this house? She points to the page on her phone with his wife's obituary -- why is he lying?! Trent looks devastated as grief washes over him, though he shakes it off. 'Listen, I can explain...' he starts, begging for her to just hear him out.

April hurries to get out of there, but before she's out the door, Trent blurts, 'Have you ever had someone just DIE on you?'

April pauses, painfully remembering her parents' deaths, and remains, letting him have a chance to explain himself. He begins to tell her a sad story about how he and his wife had been trying to have a baby for YEARS. Then one day, they finally got lucky, though the doctor told her not to take the baby to term. She did, anyway, but passed away giving Trent their firstborn son. Even though he loves his son, he wished he'd been given a daughter because that's what they've always wanted.

April is wary, but moved by his plight, and says she's sorry for his loss. She was so confused by the picture... But who's Claire? Trent explains that Claire, the sweet young woman in that drawing, was a wet nurse for his son in that first year, someone he came to know very well in those dark days, and like April, she was someone with great maternal instincts. Desperate to rebuild his family, they made an arrangement in hopes of Claire giving him a daughter, but he got two other sons instead.

And now? Claire is gone...

When April asks where Claire is now, Trent dismisses the question. Instead, he says that he hopes that April can be the one to give him a daughter.

April is freaked out, flat-out refusing him, though Trent quickly assures her that she doesn't need to be in LOVE with him! He's just asking her to be the vessel for his daughter. Listen, April needs to pay for college, right? He can take care of that for her! Her younger brother? Trent can make sure he gets into the best private school. Money isn't an issue for him, he just needs a womb. It's just 9 months of April's life. Plus, she'd be fulfilling his wife's last wish...

April needs a few moments to think it over, conflicted. This is a lot to ask of someone, but she needs the money. She has to provide for her brother and she has big dreams for herself as well. Finally, she asks how much Trent can offer her, signaling that she's open to the deal.

Trent is relieved as he approaches April and takes her by the arm, their eyes meeting. Without saying a word, although there is a mutual understanding, he slowly leads her upstairs.

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