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6 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Scene opens on the interior of a car. A young woman, Lois Brown (Whitney Wright), is the sole occupant and driver, and we watch over her shoulder as she pulls up to a house. She stops the car and turns it off. The camera pans down to see that her hands are shaking. She takes a deep breath, steadies herself. 'You can do this,' she says to herself and gets out of the car. She walks up the driveway to the door of the house and hesitates another moment before ringing the doorbell. After a second, the door opens and a man, James Stinson (Michael Vegas), stands there. He looks at her, appraising her in an almost predatory way. 'You must be Lois?' he asks with a tone of wary caution. Yes, and he must be Mr. Stinson, Lois says with a polite and professional smile. Oh, she can call him James, he says. A bit young for a reporter, no? She flashes him a polite, detached smile and says maybe, she's 22 but people always say she has an old soul. He nods and then realizes he's still blocking the doorway - But where are his manners? Please, come in, he says, waving her in. She follows him into the house, a modest, clean and well-kept abode.

So where does she want to do this?, he asks, a hint of discomfort creeping into his voice. Wherever he feels comfortable, she says politely but not warmly... how about the living room?, she suggests. He agrees and they sit down in the living room. He takes a seat and she sits in a chair across from him with a table between them. She takes out her cell phone and opens up a voice recording app. Does he mind if she records this?, Lois asks. No, please do, he doesn't want to be misquoted, he's had enough of that - he chuckles, not because it was funny but to fill the awkward silence following his comment. Great, she says after a pause, pressing the record button on the app and places the phone on the table between them. 'So let's start with the obvious: why now? Why grant your first face-to-face interview to a small college newspaper after all this time not speaking to the press?' Lois asks. He considers the question. Well, it's simple: in all this time, she's not the first reporter to call him on the anniversary of the crime, but she IS the first reporter to call him and tell him that she believes he's not guilty, and offer to tell his side of the story, he says. But he WAS acquitted of the crime he was accused of, so what guilt is he referring to?, Lois probes. As she knows, the case was all over the news, day and night, and even though he was found not guilty, most people believe that he is guilty and the verdict was wrong, James says. Guilty until proven innocent in the public eye, he says bitterly. And he's never been able to shake that stigma, people just don't look at him in the same way since then, he adds resentfully. It's a lonely existence. 'Maybe we can try to dispel some of that stigma once the public hears your side of the story. So I ask you, on the record: Are you guilty?' Lois asks. He smiles sadly back at her. 'Am I guilty?' he asks her. He takes a deep sigh. There is a tense moment of silence. Once again, something dark and predatory flashes across his face. 'Yes...I am,' he says, his smile gone.


Resuming the interview, Lois looks stunned at James's admission. 'I am guilty...guilty of being in the wrong place at the wrong time,' James clarifies. He happened to be at the club that night, and he happened to be the last person seen with... James says, trailing off, blanking at the victim's name. 'Darlene Davis,' Lois says, enunciating the name carefully. Yes that's right, it was a long time ago...and he has tried to put the whole episode behind him, being at the club that night, being at the wrong place at the wrong time...that ruined his life, James says. So how does he explain Darlene's DNA on his shirt?, Lois probes, adding that the police claim that this happened during the crime. The same way he explained it to the police, with the truth: she had a nosebleed when she was dancing with him, James says. But the press got a hold of that and used that to assume his guilt, he continues. What they didn't bother to report was that she was a known substance user prone to nosebleeds, he says.

'When they came to interview you because they saw you on the club's security footage, you consented to them searching your home, where they discovered the shirt with DNA evidence, which then led to your arrest and trial. If the DNA on the shirt was from an innocent nosebleed as you claim, why didn't you just tell the police about it instead of hiding the shirt for them to find, and for that matter, why did you consent to the search in the first place if you had evidence hidden away that would incriminate you?' Lois asks. Well, because he didn't feel that he had anything to hide, James says smoothly, for example why would he even think that shirt was evidence to a crime at the time unless he was the one who committed it? When he left the woman, she was still alive. But, she continues, if he had nothing to hide, why did he initially lie to the police about where he was after the club that night?, Lois asks skeptically. He didn't have an alibi that night, he just came home alone, and he's seen enough movies to know that it's really easy for cops to pin something on someone who can't account for their whereabouts, so he told them he went to get a burger instead, James says. Stupid mistake, he says regretfully. A stupid mistake that he's replayed over and over in his mind every day since then, he adds. But he can see why that story sounds a little thin right?, Lois asks. Especially since the route he claims to have taken home from the club that night is the least direct way to get home and HAPPENS to be one that doesn't have traffic cams in that area of town, she adds. He looks at her silently. Can she turn off the recording for a moment please?, he asks softly. Oh um, yes, sure, Lois stutters, caught off guard. She turns it off. Lois...he thought that this interview was going to give him the opportunity to shed some light on his innocence, so why does this feel like the same old assumption of guilt that he's used to?, he asks, leaning close to her, resting his elbows on his knees in a vaguely threatening way. 'Because if this is just about pushing my guilt, if you're hiding something from me...we're going to have...a problem,' James says, that same carnivorous look crossing his features again. Lois shifts in her chair nervously.'s not about that at all, even though she believes in his innocence, she still has to do her job and ask all the tough questions, she says anxiously. There is a tense moment while he considers her answer. Ok..let's keep going then, he says finally. Lois exhales sharply and resumes recording.

So getting back to the night of the crime: to help clear up any misconceptions, why doesn't he recount that night for her?, Lois suggests gently. Well, he was in the mood to go out, but all of his friends were busy, so he decided to go to the club alone and that's where he met Darlene; they danced for a little while, and then he went home, alone, James says quickly. There's really not much more to explain other than that, he adds. And what was Darlene like?, asks Lois, He doesn't really remember, he only danced with her for a short time and didn't really get to know her, he answers. So he didn't get a sense of her AT ALL?, a sense of what...Darlene was like?, Lois asks. Was she kind, did she seem happy? Why the great interest in Darlene?, James asks, his brow furrowed in suspicion. Just trying to get a sense of the victim is all, Lois says quickly. Hmmm, well he can't really help her there because like he said, he didn't get to know her, James says. But she did have a reputation around the neighborhood, she was known as kind of...he doesn't want to be rude here but...kind of a whore who would do ANYTHING for a fix, he says offhandedly. Upon hearing this, Lois looks a little rattled. At the time, some people were even saying that what she deserved, James says softly. Lois looks a little sick when she hears his last answer and abruptly excuses herself, saying that she has to use the bathroom.

In the bathroom, she splashes water on her face and pats it down with a towel, regaining her composure. Keep it together, almost there, just this one last thing to do, she says to herself, breathing heavily. She takes another moment to steady herself, draws in a deep breath and exits the bathroom. Back in the living room, she goes to sit beside James on the couch. She apologizes for rushing out like that, adding that it must have been something she ate. He tells her not to worry about it. She smiles. What she would like to do now is shift gears and get...inside his head a bit, she says. Is that why she came to sit next to him, because things are about to get...personal?, he asks, with a slightly nervous edge as he looks away from her. Would that be ok?, she asks. He's not sure if getting personal is...a good idea, he says, looking back at her as a sinister expression invades his features for a moment. It passes quickly. Lois clears her throat. She's sure that this is best for the interview, it ok if she continues?, she asks patiently. He nods. Ok, so when he was accused of this horrible crime, how did that make him feel?, she asks. Well...he felt...scared...angry...alone, James says slowly. She can relate, her mother passed away when she was a little girl and she can remember the intense feelings of isolation, like she was the only one in the world who felt these things, Lois says sympathetically. He is surprised to see her turn off the recording. And there were other feelings, other, more...disturbing thoughts that she had that made her feel even more alone, she continues. It was like a...darkness growing inside of her, and it scared her, but she didn't want to run away from it, she wanted to run towards it, she continues. She looks at James in the eyes. 'I think you know exactly what kind of...darkness I'm talking about,' Lois continues softly. 'You share that same darkness inside of you, don't you James?,' she asks. And he acted on that darkness, Lois says. James finally catches on. Does she think that he IS guilty?!, he asks looking betrayed. He thought---James starts, but Lois cuts him off. She doesn't THINK anything: she has ABSOLUTELY no doubt in her mind that he is guilty of this crime, Lois says.

What the fuck--he knew this had to be bullshit, she's just like all the other reporters, James says, getting up from the couch in frustration. That's just it, she's NOT like all the other reporters, Lois says... in a sense, she became a reporter just to get to this moment. To speak with him. Sure, she lied to him about believing that he didn't commit the crime, but she knew that was the only way he'd agree to meet her, and she NEEDED to meet him face to face, she feels that there is a connection, between them, Lois continues. He didn't- he begins. She waves him off. There's no need to put on any masks anymore, he can be his true self around her. She's here because she wants him to tell her---no, SHOW her, everything about that night, Lois continues breathlessly. She seems to be getting turned on as she speaks, but she exhales sharply as she finishes her last sentence, betraying a nervousness underneath her bluster of passion. This nervousness passes almost immediately, and James is too distracted to notice the subtle inconsistencies in Lois's demeanor. What kind of a sick fucking fantasy is this?! James asks incredulously. It's no fantasy, it's what she came here to share with him, Lois says. No, he can't do that, James says, shaking his head. Please!, Lois says fiercely, grabbing at his shirt. She needs to know!, Lois says feverishly, practically banging on his chest. He pulls her hands away from him. Stop this!, he says, resisting. 'SHOW. ME.' she enunciates firmly, bringing her face inches away from his. He can't resist anymore. 'Is this what you want?! Is THIS WHAT YOU WANT?!' James yells, ripping her blouse open roughly, the buttons hitting the floor. 'Yes, oh god yes,' gasps Lois.

As he tears her clothes off and buries his face hungrily in Lois' pink pussy, Stinson unleashes his inner-maniac. Will Lois get more than she bargained for? Maybe...but what James doesn't know is that Lois has a secret of her own...

Nominated - Best Actor - Featurette: Michael Vegas, AVN 2020

6 Views · 1 month ago

⁣A husband and wife, Bryan (Pierce Paris) and Emma (Whitney Wright), dread having to talk to their landlady, Josephine (Dee Williams), who is about to arrive. It's revealed that there is tension between the couple and the old-fashioned landlady.

When Josephine arrives, all smiles, Bryan and Emma ask Josephine for the THIRD time to change the name on their mailbox to Emma's last name since Emma's name is displayed wrong. Josephine doesn't see what the big problem is and insists it'd be easier if Emma just took Bryan's name since it's tradition. Emma becomes angry but Bryan steps in to defuse the situation. Thankfully, once Bryan directly asks Josephine to change the name himself, Josephine is much more receptive and leaves to do exactly that.

But things only get worse from there as various encounters with Josephine make Emma and Bryan more and more uncomfortable because of her outdated and sexist ideals. It's clear that Josephine thinks that Emma's not playing the appropriate role of a doting housewife. She also doesn't think that Bryan isn't stepping up to be the man of the house. Despite this, it seems like Bryan has Josephine's attention...

Finally, Josephine visits Bryan while he's alone one day in order to half-heartedly apologize for causing such a strain between the couple. But it's clearly a ruse as she questions why Bryan doesn't want to be more assertive and in control. That's when she starts coming onto Bryan, under the guise of wanting a 'real' man as she simultaneously tries to make him doubt his marriage.

Bryan is uncomfortable and confused. This only fuels the flame and Josephone comes onto him more, trying to get him riled up to act on his primal desires. She talks Bryan up and describes what sex with HER would be like, including anal sex. Although Bryan tries to resist, Josephine's words get to him and his resolve finally crumbles.

They have passionate, primal sex but are soon interrupted when Emma returns home. Emma is furious but Bryan doesn't seem to have any remorse, Josephine's words having finally gotten to him. Bryan confronts Emma about being controlling and never letting him have what he wants. Although Emma denies this, Bryan wants Emma to bend over and JOIN them to PROVE it once and for all.

6 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Troy (Max Fills) and his stepsister Rachel (Scarlet Skies) are being scolded by their stepmom Cathleen (Serene Siren), because they're always fighting and have now been suspended from school because of it. Cathleen grounds them as punishment.

Cathleen warns them that if they try to leave the house, she'll know about it since the front entrance security camera has a direct feed to her cell phone. Cathleen also demands that they use this time to learn to get along with each other. With that, Cathleen leaves for work.

Troy and Rachel realize that if they work together, they can get back at Cathleen by using her own rules against her. They'll 'get along' alright - but in a way that Cathleen HATES. Troy and Rachel start brainstorming ideas to 'get along' with each other that they hope will make Cathleen angry, but they quickly discard the ideas as not being good enough. They then realize that they can use the security camera to their advantage.

They try to come up with something to do in front of the camera that will infuriate Cathleen, and decide that the most twisted way to 'get along' is by having sex with each other. Eventually, Cathleen checks the camera feed from work, and is shocked and livid to see the stepsiblings fucking.

6 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Nadia (Paige Owens) chats with her fiancee, Tara (Victoria Voxxx), who is browsing on her phone like always. Because Tara is so sociable, it's often cause for arguments, and today is no exception. Nadia is suspicious that Tara is cheating but Tara assures her for the millionth time that she can trust her. They're going to be MARRIED soon and Tara claims she'd NEVER hurt Nadia like that. Even so, Nadia's insecurities nag at her as her imagination runs wild...

A few days later, as Tara swings by a cafe to grab a coffee, she's stunned as she runs into an old ex, Jessie (Whitney Wright). Tara's immediately remorseful, apologizing for how their relationship ended on such bad terms, and Jessie is touched. Although Jessie's been hurt, she's thankful for the apology and offers the chance for them to enjoy a coffee and catch up.

As they chat, an old flame seems to be rekindled between them, even as Tara reveals her upcoming marriage to Nadia. Even so, when Jessie starts to turn on the charm, inviting Nadia back to her loft, Tara is unable to say no. How can she when Jessie brings up that them meeting again like this HAS to be fate? Surely Nadia will never find out, right?

6 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Cindy (Haley Reed) is an inexperienced but curious teen with an itch she can't scratch on her own. Because of this, she takes the time to find an experienced Dom (Derrick Pierce) online to give her EXACTLY what she needs...

When she first meets the Master via video call, Cindy's anxious, although he's very much into her nervous energy. They'd been talking awhile but this is the first time she's had the courage to be on a video call and he praises her for that. His confident, soothing words make her heart race in a way she's never felt before. She LIVES for her Master's praise.

Even though it's a whole new experience for her, there's something about submitting to her Master that does it for her. It fills her with a sense of purpose that she never knew existed. In fact, the desire to obey and please him is so strong that Cindy wonders just how far she'll go...

When her Master finally orders her to wet herself and record it for him, she's about to find out.

5 Views · 1 month ago

⁣SCENE OPENS on a small city council private office where a councilwoman, Janice Monroe (Angela White), is hard at work. She appears confident, and sharply dressed in a chic but no-nonsense business suit. We watch her work for several seconds from a male gaze POV, until her concentration is broken by a telephone call on her office phone.

She picks up, and though we don't hear the sounds from the earpiece, Janice pulls the phone away from her ear in pain from an apparent shouting on the other end of the line. She asks the man on the other line, Bill, to calm down and explain what's the problem. She does her best to collect herself as she listens, breathing deep and fidgeting with her suit and hair. She listens and replies, and from the one-sided conversation, we get the impression that Bill is a business owner calling to complain about losing a city contract bid.

Bill had spent weeks negotiating terms and another company swooped in and got the bid at the last second. Janice puts on a brave face and tries to assure him that everything was above board, and that the winning bid was just at a better rate than what Bill's company was offering, but Bill insists that it's not possible, he has ties with all the local suppliers and there's no way anybody else in town could match his bid. Janice reprimands Bill telling him that if he wants to meet formally to discuss the issue, he's welcome to schedule an appointment, but she warns him that he'd better think twice before speaking to her like that again or he risks closing the door on future negotiations. Bill tells Janice that he's not the only one who thinks things have been fishy lately, and that she'd better remember that it's her constituents who pay her bills each week. Through gritted teeth, Janice thanks Bill for being a concerned citizen, and slams the phone back in the cradle in frustration. As soon as she's hung up, Janice's brave face and confident posture dissolve, and she collapses back into her chair and puts her head on her desk in tears.


We cut back to Janice's office an indeterminate time later. She's stopped crying and is back at work, though with none of the confidence or determination she exhibited earlier. She is clearly having trouble concentrating, rubbing her eyes wearily and swearing to herself under her breath. Before long, the door to her office opens and in struts Garrett (Zac Wild), a cocky smarmy-looking businessman who strolls up to greet her and -- rather than sitting on the chair facing her - sits straight on the corner of the desk. Looking uncomfortable, Janice quietly moves her papers and other clutter away from his intrusive form seated on her desk. She tells Garrett that she's very busy right now, and asks what he wants. He says that he's sure she has time for a little chat, she always manages to make time for him. Looking bothered and anxious, Janice gets up from her seat and goes to close her office door discreetly. When she looks back, Garrett is now sitting in her seat. She asks him to get out of her seat. Instead, she seems pathetic and desperate here. Garrett gives her a greasy smile and pats his lap, telling her there's plenty of room if she wants to join him. She turns her head, disgusted. Without looking back at Garrett, she asks what he wants.

Garrett explains in a patronizing tone that he's not feeling satisfied with their current arrangement. He wants another favor. Janice looks flabbergasted -- she's already paid him off twice, and she just colluded to get his company his second city contract at a way higher rate than market value. Garrett says yes, that's true, but that's really more to help his business, but now he's getting restless and he feels he wants to work on his personal brand, maybe even get into politics himself. He wants an endorsement from her to run for his own spot on the city council. Janice coldly says absolutely not -- she can't endorse a candidate with no political experience and dubious ties to criminal activity. It'll draw too much attention, and could be career suicide for her. Garrett tells her he thinks she's exaggerating, and feels he'd make a great candidate. He's even come up with the perfect campaign slogan, 'Make America Garrett Again' he jokes.

Janice pleads with him -- he needs to be reasonable. She's given him everything he's asked for, to the point where people are starting to get suspicious. Garrett says that that isn't his problem, and he asks her where all that worry about getting caught was a few months ago when she was embezzling funds from the public office for her personal use. If only she'd been more careful then, she'd never be in this situation now. But she wasn't, and all this is just the universe's way of balancing things out. Janice gets more desperate -- if he wants to keep his leverage, he has to be smart about this. She can't help him if she gets indicted. Maybe they could revisit his proposal in a few months, after things have a chance to die down. Garrett admits that she makes good points, but he's just not a patient guy. What is she going to give him to keep him happy in the meantime? Janice looks completely broken down -- she doesn't have anything left to offer him. He's already taken everything from her -- he's robbed her of her independence, her pride, her happiness. What could possibly be left for him to take?

Garrett stands up from the office chair and says that he can think of one thing, and reaches out to stroke her breasts with his hand. Janice flinches and takes a step back. No, he can't ask her to do... that! She's a married woman, she could never do that to her husband. Garrett shrugs and wonders out loud if her husband would be any happier to find out she's a thief, and a liar, have to visit her in prison... Nearly in tears, Janice asks Garrett how he can be so cruel, to ask her to do this. Garrett simply shrugs and says 'because I can.' Janice makes Garrett swear that if she lets him have his way with her, he'll back down with all his demands. He agrees he'll back down... for now. He asks if they have a deal and she says yes. In an instant, he moves in on her with a sleazy grin still on his face.

5 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Joshua Lewis brings home his girlfriend Nikki Sweet so she can finally meet his stepparents, Dick Chibbles and Syren De Mer. Joshua is very nervous about making a good impression, especially to Dick, who seems somewhat scary and domineering. As Joshua and his family give Nikki a tour of the house, they arrive at the media room where Dick gets especially boastful and shows off a bookshelf of DVDs with homemade covers and spines with dates written in black marker. Dick tells Nikki that his family is VERY into home movies. Nikki marvels that there seems to be dozens of them. Dick beams proudly and remarks that even though it's all of course digital now, he likes copying them onto DVDs to keep as mementos.

After dinner, they go back to the media room, but Nikki is surprised to find a camera set up on a tripod facing the bed. Joshua explains that they are going to make a new 'home movie' at Dick's request. Nikki clues in to the fact it's porn and is shocked, saying she's not a complete virgin when it comes to nude selfies and such, but this is a whole other level! She's very unsure about making a video with Joshua under these circumstances.

Syren steps in and gently explains that actually SHE would be having sex with Nikki first - Dick is a big fan of lesbians. Nikki is perplexed but flustered, and eventually ends up agreeing to sex with Syren while the men watch and Joshua mans the camera. Eventually, Joshua joins the sex to make it a threesome, so the family will have a truly memorable new movie to add to their collection.

5 Views · 1 month ago

⁣SCENE OPENS on Alexa (Sophia Burns), a political intern, arriving at a lofty home. She is a little nervous as she is led into the living room where she waits with bated breath as her political idol, Eleanore Cadwin (Rachael Cavalli), comes down the stairs and greets her with a warm smile. It is revealed that Alexa is a promising intern working for Eleanore's political campaign. She has called Alexa to her home for a special meeting with her husband Mel (Seth Gamble).

Alexa gushes over Eleanore, praising her political mission as something she truly believes in. Alexa wants to do EVERYTHING in her power to help get Eleanore elected, stating that too many women go ignored in politics. It's been a dream of hers since she first started studying political sciences to work on Eleanore's campaign and help make a difference for every citizen in this country. Eleanore is apparently honored by Alexa's commitment but soon gets down to business, elaborating that she has singled Alexa out for a VERY special project.

Mel and Eleanore explain that they would like to end their marriage of convenience - which hasn't been as fruitful as they imagined - by setting up an affair between Mel and another woman. Eleanore would use this fabricated scandal for political gain, currying the favor of female voters across the country by turning Eleanore into a symbol of a 'woman striving against adversity'. When Alexa wonders why they are telling her this, it is revealed that Eleanore and Mel want HER to be the scapegoat for the fabricated affair.

Alexa is disgusted, threatening to walk out. But she is stopped by Eleanore, who convinces her to stay and hear her out. Eleanore explains how this unorthodox plan could be the turning point for her campaign, slowly convincing Alexa that her participation in it will make more of a difference than her regular internship ever could. Nobody would ever know of Alexa's sacrifice, since she'll be painted as a villain, but in secret, she will become a hero for her country. After all, if Eleanore is put into office, she can actually put her political ideas to work and improve the lives of all. Convinced by Eleanore's silver tongue, Alexa agrees to the plan. She has energetic, intense sex with Mel, all while Eleanore films it with her cellphone, manufacturing a video that will then 'accidentally' be leaked to the public.

5 Views · 1 month ago

⁣SCENE opens one morning as a married couple, John and Angie, have sex in their kitchen. Naked and sweaty, we watch them fuck feverishly for a few minutes against the cabinets until John cums deep inside his Angie's mouth. She swallows his load before springing up and wrapping her arms around her husband. They seem so happy. As they wind down, Angie struts over to the freezer and grabs a pint of ice cream. This causes John to stop. He asks what she is doing and, nonchalantly, she tells him that she wants something sweet. After all, she just burnt a ton of calories! John's expression falls, and he reminds her how much work she's put in over the past few months. She shouldn't slip up now. Angie laughs, protesting that it's just a little bit of ice cream but John grabs the pint and puts it back in the freezer, shutting the door. 'I'm serious,' he says. 'You don't want to gain weight. You still have so much to lose!' Angie takes the spoon out of her mouth, her demeanor changing. 'It's ok baby,' she whispers. 'I have a body pump class during my lunch break and I'll go to the gym after work.' John takes the spoon from her hand and puts it in the dishwasher. 'I don't know how many times we have to go over this,' he says curtly. 'This is not a joke. It's for your own good!' Angie shrinks back, covering herself. Submissively, she apologizes, saying she didn't think it would be a big deal. She's already lost so much; does she really have that much more to lose? John stares at her in silence until Angie begins to look visibly upset. 'You know I'm only saying this to protect you,' he says, moving in closer to embrace her. 'I'll always love you no matter what. You have so much potential to be beautiful. But, you're lucky I can look past the physical.' Defeated and vulnerable, Angie thanks her husband for being so patient and understanding. He kisses her on the forehead and tells her to go get ready for work.


Angie is working away at her desk with the remnants of a very healthy, light lunch beside her. She is having difficulty concentrating and keeps looking down at her desk drawer. Finally, she pulls it out to reveal a stash of candy and snack bars.

Cut to a public washroom. Angie is kneeling inside a closed stall, throwing up. She flushes and exits awkwardly as a co-worker enters, in gym clothes, and asks if she is ready to head to body pump. She smiles and says yes, reverting to her usual cheerful disposition, and they exit.

Cut to the couple's home. John is pacing anxiously, checking himself in the mirror and looking out the front window. Unbeknownst to Angie, he has left his workplace early to meet up with Karen, a woman he's been having an affair with. Karen has no idea that John is married. He receives a text message from her saying she's two minutes away. John texts back asking if she bought the cupcakes. She says yes. He tells her the door is open. He waits by the door, loosening his tie, as she walks in. Karen is a beautiful, voluptuous woman with far greater curves than Angie ... quite the opposite of everything that John has pressuring Angie to become. The lustful man grabs his mistress and they make out up the stairs to the master bedroom.

Cut to several hours later. Angie comes home through the front door, still sweaty and in workout clothes. As soon as she puts down her gym bag, she begins to hear noises coming from the upstairs bedroom. She slowly creeps up the stairs, her expression falling as she realizes what she is hearing.

Inside the master bedroom, John is having sex with Karen on the couple's bed (BG Sequence 2). He is worshiping Karen's curvy body, feeding her the cupcakes, and clearly taking great pleasure in having sex with a plus size woman. Angie watches from the doorway, devastated. She looks down at her soaked gym clothes in disgust and confusion. How could this be happening?! On the one hand, she is heart broken over John's infidelity but also unable to understand why he spent so much energy convincing her to lose weight when he was clearly attracted to women much curvier than her. Shots of them fucking are intercut with Angie as she watches. John pulls out and cums all over Karen's stomach as Angie finally breaks down and runs out of the house.

As she runs frantically, the sun setting behind her, flashbacks of what she just saw flood her mind. John and Karen fucking. John worshiping Karen's curves. John feeding Karen. Her flashbacks are intercut with memories of how John had treated her in the past. Taking her plate away at meals. Making her weigh herself every morning. Always judging her physical appearance. Angie's face turns from devastation to anger. Her flashbacks start to shift to fantasy, as she imagines herself talking John's place, fucking and worshiping Karen with the same devotion as her cheating husband. The two women make out, their hands all over each other. Angie slides down Karen's body and she begins to eat her pussy. (GG Sex Sequence #3.) As the sex progresses, Angie begins nibbling and biting Karen's thighs and stomach. The camera drifts slowly up to Karen's face, as she moans in pleasure. Her moans, however, start to change into looks of anguish as we hear the off-camera sounds of chewing and ripping begin to take over. Karen screams as she looks up into the POV of Angie.

SMASHCUT to Angie, her face red and dripping, as she stares down at a plate of ribs. It's been several days since Angie caught her husband in the act. Rather than confronting him, she has scanned his email to find Karen's contact info. Now, the women have agreed to meet in public to discuss the situation. She wipes her face, stone cold, as the meek Karen enters the restaurant and approaches her. She asks Angie if she is John's wife and Angie nods, motioning her to sit down. In near tears, Karen profusely apologizes and tells Angie she had no idea John was married. They had met on an adult community site six months ago and he seemed like a great guy: A self-described feeder looking for a partner. She thought it would be fun to try. But, as the months went on, he became more and more fixated on her size, pressuring her to gain as much as possible. In fact, he promised to only let her move in with him if she hit a certain target weight. Karen seems devastated and betrayed as she makes her confession. Angie shakes her head in disbelief. John's demands have nothing to do with their appearance, she tells Karen, comforting her. His manipulations are all about control, trying to break them down for his own sick sexual gratification. She was blind to it for years, feeling as though nobody else would ever love her based on her appearance. But, she's not going to take it anymore. Karen asks if Angie has confronted John. Angie says no, but she knows how she wants to do it. And she needs Karen's help.

That night, John comes home from work. He calls out to his wife as he enters the foyer. There is no response. Confused, he turns just as someone strikes him.

John wakes up. He is naked and has been tied to a chair in the master bedroom. The room around him is covered in plastic. He looks up in shock to see his wife and mistress standing naked in front him with knives. In a final POV shot, we see the two women approach him and kneel below the frame. John begins to scream as the frame cuts to black over the sound of the women eating.

Winner AVN Best Featurette
Winner AVN Best Actor - Featurette Tommy Pistol
Winner XBIZ Best Actor -- Couples-Themed Release Tommy Pistol

5 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Laura (Jaye Summers) sits alone on a set of stairs and watches quietly as a party carries on. It's late into the night at this point, and what was presumably started as a crowded, high energy event has started to wind down as most of the partygoers have left by now, the basement littered with red cups, beverage bottles, bowls of chips, and a general state of messiness left behind. The 10 or so teens who remain are chilling around the room as party music plays softly in the background, most talking in twos or small groups with Laura being the odd one out. One of the guys bounds down the stairs excitedly holding a red cup filled with liquid in each hand, brushing into Laura as he passes and almost spilling the beverages on her, and she makes an uncomfortable face as he passes her unapologetically.

Laura continues to sit in silence for a little while, and it becomes clear that she's not just watching the party, but staring at one guy in particular - Vince (Zac Wild) - as he laughs and jokes along with a pretty girl across the room. She looks on with a bit of envy, clearly wishing she could take the place of the girl he's talking to.

Just then, her fixation on him is broken when Janet, the party host and Laura's best friend, gets everybody's attention by flashing her tits. She laughs and says good, now that she's got everybody's attention, it's time to bring some life back into this party - who's up for a game of Seven Minutes In Heaven? Everyone groans and mocks her for such a dumb suggestion. She explains that they're all 18 here so this isn't going to be some lame-ass PG-13 kiss on the lips shit - anything goes as long as both people consent to it. She holds up a fistful of ripped paper scraps and waves them in the air - she's written down everybody's name on the paper - yeah, EVERYBODY she says as a couple of the teens chuckle nervously - and she's going to pull out one guy's name and one girl's name. And they know the rest!

Janet quickly divides the scraps of paper into two hats, and then pulls two strips of paper out of the hat. She announces the two names, Felicia and Brad - Felicia being the girl that Vince was talking to earlier - and the two of them look at each other with nervous smiles and shrugs. Janet tells them the clock is ticking as she starts a stopwatch app on her cell phone and then urges Brad and Felicia upstairs and starting the countdown. 'Have fun, you two lovebirds!' Janet mocks before heading back to the others who have settled back into party mode.

Janet looks around the room and sees Laura sitting by herself, and comes and sits next to her on the stairs. How is she liking the party so far? It's fine, Laura replies. Liar, Janet says. She knows Laura's been moping around staring at Vince all night and hasn't said a word to him. Laura blushes, is it that obvious? Janet says absolutely, she's just lucky that everyone their age is so self-centered that nobody has noticed. Laura ducks her head in her arms and moans, why can't she just talk to him? Janet tells Laura that it's easy, she just has to get up and say hi to him. Men like women that are forward.

After a minute or two of them talking, Felicia bursts out of the connected room. 'Boooo!' Janet says holding up her phone and pointing at it, they still had almost 5 minutes left! Felicia says nonchalantly that Brad was too hairy, it was disgusting, and she returns to the party without looking back. Brad comes back out the room too with an embarrassed shrug and tries to play it off as fine, some girls like a guy with a hairy chest. Felicia jokes that she wasn't talking about his chest, and the rest of the partygoers ooh and laugh at Brad.

Janet gets back up and pulls out the next two pieces of paper. She opens the first one up, and we see it says 'Vince'. She calls out his name and he raises his fists triumphantly, and a couple of his buddies wolf-whistle him in encouragement. Janet opens up the next slip of paper, and we can see the name 'Janet' written on it, but she closes it quickly without anybody else seeing it. 'Laura!' she calls out. Laura looks up, flustered, and says she didn't think she was playing. Janet says of course, she told them that EVERYONE was playing. Laura tries to excuse herself, saying she's fine sitting out, maybe Felicia would want to take her place since she didn't use her full time... but as she's saying this, Vince looks at Laura with a charming smile and tells her he likes the pairing as it is. Laura stutters, and Vince says reassuringly not to worry, he won't bite. C'mon! Laura is wide-eyed and almost speechless, but she nods okay and gets up to follow him into the room. Janet closes the door with a mischievous grin and starts the timer.


Vince turns to Laura and asks so, where should they start? Laura blushes and says he doesn't have to do anything if he doesn't want to, they can just talk... or even not talk, if he'd rather. Vince asks her why on earth he wouldn't want to do something with her? She's one of the cutest girls in school. Laura looks surprised to hear it, and says that she didn't think he even knew who she was. He's hardly ever talked to her. Vince explains that he didn't want to screw up his chances or give her a bad impression by coming on too strong, she seemed like the type who didn't like rowdy guys, and likes to keep to herself. He was waiting for her to make the first move. Laura blushes and says oh, she had no idea. Vince grins and says he guesses fate must have put them together tonight. Laura tells him she doesn't mind if he comes on her... comes on to her! she corrects herself with embarrassment. Vince smirks and says he could even do both. Laura gasps and giggles nervously. Vince asks if she does really want to JUST talk. Laura shakes her head no, she wants more than that. Good, Vince replies, he does too.

They're still in there! Kyle laughs as he, Janet and perhaps one or two other partygoers huddle around quietly after several minutes of not having heard from the two upstairs. Janet smirks and says she knows, it's already been like ten minutes, things must be going well. Kyle mentions that there's only one way to find out. Janet gets serious, no, hey, Kyle, don't even think about it. Kyle has already started to walk away and says don't worry, he's not going to interrupt them, he's just going to stick his head in for a quick peek. After all, what if he's hurting her or something? Janet tells him that's not funny and Kyle says he's serious, wouldn't Janet rather be safe than sorry? Janet reluctantly admits he has a point. Thank you! Kyle says arrogantly, and creeps upstairs to the door of the bedroom. He opens it quietly and edges his way through the door and into the room.

He sees that Vince and Laura are mid-fucking and stifles a laugh. Oh shit! he says to himself. He watches them fuck for a good solid minute, intrigued and bemused, as Laura is being very vocal, telling Vince don't stop, keep going. Finally, Kyle sneaks back out. 'They're totally fucking!' he says in a loud excited whisper, not just to Janet but to the whole room. Janet looks pissed at Kyle for telling everyone, but several others in the room start to gather towards him to gossip. Is he serious? Vince, with HER? Isn't she a virgin though? and so on. Kyle relishes at being the one to tell them what he saw, how she was practically begging him for his dick. Janet looks increasingly upset, and tries to get them to respect Laura's privacy, but others in the group insist that they want to see too, they won't believe it until they see it. Slowly, people start to gather towards the bedroom, as shy Laura unsuspectingly continues to enjoy her seven minutes in heaven with her crush, unaware of the hell that's about to unleash.

5 Views · 1 month ago

⁣SCENE OPENS on Katherine (Emily Willis), a 19-year-old patient, as she is forcibly dragged through the hospital halls by a male orderly (Chad White). She is kicking, biting, and screaming in a long straight jacket that engulfs her petite frame. Her fuzzy blue socks slip on the floor as she struggles, begging the man to take her back to her room, promising not to repeat her actions. The man silently pulls her through a set of double doors into an empty white room where the chief psychiatrist (Michael Vegas) is waiting. The orderly slams her down in a chair before the psychiatrist and goes to wait by the doors.

"Katherine," the psychiatrist begins calmly. "How many times do we need to go over this? It's a strict rule in this facility that you cannot have sexual intercourse with the other patients!" He leans closely into Katherine's face, and she turns her head. "I'm sorry, doctor," she whispers. "I couldn't help myself... I can't control it."

The doctor steps back and pulls up a chair to face her. "Katherine, I fear your disorder is putting you in harm's way," he continues. "Do you remember what happened a few months ago with the patient in Zone B?" Katherine squeezes her eyes shut, her mind flashing back to a terrifying man behind bars coaxing her inside. "Do you remember the beating? How he nearly took everything from you? Almost took your life?"

Katherine's eyes fill with tears. "Please don't talk about it," she begs. "I can't think about it anymore!" The psychiatrist berates her, suggesting her nymphomania provoked it, blaming her for her transgressions, and warning that it will end badly if she doesn't stick to her treatments.

Finally, Katherine screams at the doctor to stop. Covering her ears and crying, she begs to be taken back to her room. The psychiatrist smiles. "This is your final warning, Katherine," he says calmly. "You will complete your abstinence program—no sex, no masturbating, no touching yourself of any kind." As he issues his final warning, the orderly steps back in and carries the distressed girl out of the room.


Several days later, the orderly is doing his rounds and peers into Katherine's room. She is on the floor by her bed, naked except for her white cotton panties, legs spread wide, choking herself with one hand while fingering herself with the other. Authoritatively, the orderly storms into the room, chasing the scrambling girl back to her bed. She pleads with him not to say anything, not wanting to be restrained again. The orderly laughs in her face. "Well, you should have done what you were told!" he sneers. "Now, I'm going to do what I've been told and take you back to the doctor. Your actions have consequences, Katherine!" He slams her on the bed and begins putting her in her jacket as she begs for mercy.

CUT TO the white room. The double doors burst open, and the restrained girl is tossed at the feet of her psychiatrist. She cowers as the orderly reports catching her masturbating and auto-asphyxiating. The psychiatrist shakes his head as she cries out, "Please, doctor. I'm so sorry, I won't do it again. Please don't send me down to B. Please have mercy!"

He leans in close, grabbing her chin. "I guess this is just who you are," he says condescendingly. "You'd rather have sex and suffer the consequences than control yourself?" She shakes anxiously.

Dropping her back to the ground, the psychiatrist slut-shames her, suggesting she provokes her partners and craves intensity and roughness. He implies that the patient in B was just a warm-up for what she really wants—men who will hurt her and punish her for being a slut. Katherine begins to cry, traumatized by her thoughts and actions, and begs her doctor to stop.

She notices the orderly rubbing himself over his scrubs and looks back at the psychiatrist, reiterating that she can't help it. "Are you ready to go back to B? Because we won't protect you this time!" the psychiatrist coos. Katherine pleads for forgiveness. "Please don't make me go back there! I'll stop, I promise. I can't take it again, doctor. Please, I'll do anything you want!"
The psychiatrist and orderly smirk at each other. "You're such a selfish little nympho," the psychiatrist says, removing his jacket. "You only care about pleasing yourself. What about your partners? Are they pleased when they're through with you?" Katherine asks what he means. "You love sex more than anything, don't you? You'd do it with practically anybody, wouldn't you?" he continues, slipping off his shoes.

She looks around confused. "I have a condition," she says slowly. "And what about how we feel?" he asks. "We have to tolerate your disobedience every day without relief. Don't you think you should be a little more grateful?" As he says this, both men pull their cocks out. At first, Katherine looks away in shock, closing her eyes. The men move closer to her face. She bites her lip, feeling them near, driving her insane. She starts to writhe in her straight jacket. "That isn't professional," she mumbles, eyes still closed.

The psychiatrist asks if she wants them to remove her straight jacket. She nods nervously. He asks if she wants to be taken back to her room. She nods again, opening her eyes to stare at the cocks surrounding her, almost salivating. "Then you need to be a good girl and let us have a piece of you too, just like everybody else," the psychiatrist orders. The orderly adds, "Are you going to agree with your doctor?" She stares at him, then turns back to the psychiatrist. "Yes... sir," she says slowly, biting her lip and squeezing her legs together on the floor.

5 Views · 17 days ago

⁣Dave (Seth Gamble) is FURIOUS that his stepdaughter, Sheila (Demi Hawks), has been bullying another girl at school. But no matter what he says, Sheila is unapologetic, remarking that what she did is normal high school stuff and that the other girl is just a wimp.

Dave is disgusted, insisting that Sheila wouldn't like it if someone treated HER like that. However, Sheila says she wouldn't CARE.

That's when Dave decides to take her up on that challenge by bullying and humiliating her. He does everything from making fun of her, to pulling her hair, to even giving her a wedgie. But Sheila refuses to admit that ANY of the treatment is bothering her... even once it becomes clear that they're BOTH secretly getting turned on by the twisted event.

5 Views · 1 month ago

⁣SCENE OPENS on a video call between Rachel (Cherie DeVille), and 19-year-old Lexi (Jane Wilde). Lexi seems to be a bit shy. She thanks Rachel for agreeing to do a video call to get to know each other face to face before hooking up. She wanted to be sure that Rachel's profile was the real deal, it seemed too good to be true! Rachel is confident and sultry as she boasts she's indeed VERY real.

As they chat, Lexi starts playfully probing into Rachel's sex life and Rachel admits that she's only interested in women sexually. She's interested in men up to a point and finds them only useful for things like money. Men can never satisfy her the way a woman does. The only reason she would ever date a man is for his pocketbook.

When Lexi probes Rachel for more details, Rachel explains that she is dating a man - but he's nothing more than a convenient source of income for her. Lexi asks if Rachel loves her boyfriend and Rachel says of course not, she's not even ATTRACTED to him. He even has a daughter she's never met and never wants to - she's not interested in 'messy details' like family or commitment.

Lexi then drops a bomb on Rachel - SHE'S the boyfriend's daughter. She KNEW something was going on, which is why she catfished Rachel to get the truth.

And now that Lexi knows what kind of a person Rachel really is, her revenge is just beginning...

5 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Two earnest and religious young men, Adam (Josh Rivers) and James (Celtic Iron), approach a house to spread word of their faith. James, who is mentoring Adam as a newbie, talks about getting to know each other and the buddy system for their door-to-door work. James explains how the buddy system is meant to keep each other on the straight and narrow, built on trust and support.

The men knock on the door, though Adam seems confused about why they're visiting that house in particular. James insists he knows the homeowner and that it'll be a great teaching moment. The homeowner, Mrs. Carson (Dee Williams), pleasantly answers and invites them in.

Mrs. Carson leads the men into the living room, then excuses herself to get refreshments. While she's gone, it's revealed that James visits Mrs. Carson a lot, which confuses Adam since she doesn't seem interested in being converted. James casually explains that because of their buddy system, they can do whatever they want since it's only between THEM. Adam is confused about what James is getting at, then shocked when Mrs. Carson returns wearing an open robe and sexy lingerie.

James explains that he and his previous buddy regularly had sex with Mrs. Carson, and he obviously wants him and Adam to continue the tradition. Mrs. Carson is eager and comes onto them, trying to entice Adam to join in on the fun. Although Adam seems tempted, he resists, trying to stay on the straight and narrow. He promises that he won't say anything unless asked, but that he won't participate...

James seems satisfied with this and ravishes Mrs. Carson while Adam nervously waits nearby. Although Adam tries to avoid all temptation, he starts to get aroused and begins watching them. When Mrs. Carson catches his curious looks, she invites them to join. Will Adam's faith be enough to save him?

4 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Robert (Chad Alva) is a youth counselor from a local non-profit organization. He is meeting with a teen couple, Chris (Ricky Spanish) and Terri (Laney Grey), to talk about healthy relationships. Chris talks about a strain on their relationship due to Terri being hesitant about sex. Robert tries to give advice by talking about the importance of good communication and avoiding toxic behaviors, but Chris asks to speak with Robert privately for a moment, claiming it's about 'a guy thing'.

Once they're alone, Chris gets angry at Robert, telling him to stop taking so long. As they continue talking, it is revealed that Chris will leverage his influential parent's power to help the non-profit organization IF Robert continues with an agreed-upon plan aimed at convincing Terri to have sex with Chris.

Robert is conflicted but ultimately agrees to go along with the plan, advising Terri that maybe it IS time for her to try having sex with Chris. Robert then guides the teen couple through a sexual encounter... before being goaded into joining in as well.

4 Views · 1 month ago

⁣SCENE opens on Vincent, a mild-mannered bus driver for George Ivan Junior College. He is driving a group of 18-year-old school girls home from class, as he does every week day. Vincent is a disheveled young man, with horned rimmed glasses and scruffy beard. But he is quiet and keeps to himself, so the students pay him no mind. As the camera wanders past each isle, they chat about their weekend plans, their homework, and the latest class gossip. We study them to get a good look at their matching uniforms, gadgets, and school bags. Vincent drives along silently, keeping his eye on the road as they pass by blocks of industrial buildings, until the last student is dropped off. The pretty girl introduces herself as Aidra. She is sucking a lollipop. 'It's funny,' she tells him, innocently. 'You have driven me home every single day this year, but we've never said a word!' He nods awkwardly. She drops the candy in his garbage and says goodbye. Vincent drives off.

Around the corner, he stops the bus abruptly. Taking out a small locked case from under his seat, he opens it to remove a pair of gloves, tweezers, and a specimen bag. He carefully plucks the candy from the garbage and seals it. Then he gets back in his seat and drives off.



Vincent enters his apartment, removing his safety vest and walking through the minimalist living room to a tabletop computer. He turns the computer on and carefully places the specimen on the touchscreen surface. It scans automatically, and a screen pops up. It is the start screen of a virtual reality game called: VIRTUALLY REAL. Vincent hits enter and loads up a new player profile. The profile populates with Aidra's photo and information. He reviews the profile, unchecks the option for 'personality' and hits 'enter' to load her into the game. The game alerts him that he is ready to log on and Vincent places a VR headset over his eyes.

CUT to a white room. A digital version of Aidra slowly gets up and lifts herself off the ground. She looks around and sees three of her classmates, all sitting cheerfully and silently in their uniforms. She is also fully dressed in her school clothes. Politely, she walks over and asks who they are. Equally polite, each girl responds with her full name, age, and home room number. Aidra smiles and shares her name and age, too. She can't remember her home room for some reason. She asks why they are waiting. One of the classmates, Anna, tells her they are waiting for the General. Aidra seems confused, searching her mind to remember who he is. Another classmate, Audrey chimes in, reminding Aidra that he is in charge. He comes almost every day to fuck them. One girl per day. The third girl, Ashley, says they've been wondering about getting a new girl for a while now but the General is very unpredictable. Aidra takes in all this information eagerly. She doesn't quite understand what is happening, but she knows she wants to be included.

Suddenly the room goes very bright and the General appears. He is the digital version of Vincent, dressed head to toe in a full-scale military uniform. His glasses are off, he is clean shaven, and his hair is slicked back, making him a far more confident and striking man. He marches in front of the girls, as they stand before him. He makes each repeat their name, age, and why they are here. They all eagerly respond that they are here to fuck him. When he comes upon Aidra, he looks her up and down, speaking just like a drill Sargent. He asks the same questions and Aidra responds ... echoing nervously what her classmates had said including asking the General to fuck her. The General smiles and they begin to have sex, while the other schoolgirls watch jealously and try to cut in. BG Sex. When he has cum inside of her, he zips back up his uniform and orders them to wait until he returns. He says 'EXIT' and the room goes bright again.

CUT to a close-up of Vincent taking the VR set off his eyes. He is sweaty and draws a deep breath.

CUT to back inside the game. Aidra crawls over to her original position and sits down. She is exhausted, and her eyeliner is running down her face. She turns to the other girls and asks where she can clean up. Ashley tells her not to worry, she will be fully clean the next time he logs in. 'Logs in?' Aidra asks, confused. 'Yeah,' Ashley says under her breath. 'To this horrible place!'


Several days later. Vincent is driving the bus, as the students chat loudly in the back with no knowledge of what is happening in his private virtual game. A new girl named Amber sits in the front. She is very quiet and reserved, a stark contrast from the other students. He watches her through his rear-view mirror in fascination. So beautiful and sad looking. He must introduce her to the others. But, when he pulls to the edge of the curb and opens the door, he's surprised that she is the first to get up. 'Wait!' He blurts out. She stares at him coldly in the doorway. 'What?' She asks. 'This is my stop.' He darts in and plucks a hair from her head, pretending to flick something off. Ouch, she cries. 'You ... you just had something in your hair.' He says awkwardly, apologizing. She gingerly rubs the part he pulled and steps off the bus, giving him a weird look as he drives off. His heart racing, he clutches the strands of her hair in his fist as he drives. The students in the back pay no attention.

CUT to Vincent's apartment. He sits at his desk, having his liquid dinner and staring at the new profile page on his computer. It's Amber's photo and information. Just as he is about to uncheck her 'personality' option, his smart assistant chimes in to tell him his mother is calling. Vincent begrudgingly accepts the call and starts talking, while absent-mindedly clicking ENTER to complete the setup. Amber's memories are downloaded into the game and it tells him he is ready to log on.

CUT to inside the white room. Amber slowly gets up to discover that she in a strange, new environment. She looks down at herself in disbelief. She is back in her school uniform. Where is her room? Where are her things? How did she get here? A cluster of four of her classmates lay huddled in the corner. She rushes over to them, asking in a panic if they are ok. They each slowly rise and look around eagerly. 'Is he back?' Anna asks. 'Do we need to get ready?' Audrey chimes in. Aidra is the last to get up. She has been fully rebooted into a fresh uniform. 'Good,' she says cheerfully. 'It feels nice to be clean again.' They all stare at Amber with beaming smiles. 'You girls all go to my new school,' Amber says, suspiciously. 'Is this some kind of prank?' The girls stare at her blankly. Aidra asks her what her name is. Anna asks her age. When Audrey asks for her home room number, Amber cuts her off. She demands to know what is going on. Where are they and how did she get here? She starts to run around the room and bang on the walls. Ashley, who had spoken up to Aidra earlier, quickly rushes over and stops Amber. 'Be quiet,' she whispers. 'He will be here any minute. You don't want to get caught not being happy!' Amber stops dead in her tracks and stares at her. 'Who are you talking about?' She asks nervously.

CUT to Vincent's apartment. He says goodbye to his mother and the smart assistant finishes the call. Seeing that his game is ready, Vincent slips on his VR headset.

CUT to the white room, as it goes very bright and the General appears. He finds the girls all standing in a row, including Amber who lingers confused at the end of the line. Sternly, he walks past each of them and has the girls repeat their name, age, homeroom number, and what they are here to do. Amber stares at the man in shock. She knows him from somewhere. When he arrives at her, he gets right up in her face. She shrinks back. Suddenly, there is a very large beep and the General whips his head up. 'God dammit,' he curses and says 'EXIT.' The room goes bright again.

CUT to Vincent's apartment. He pulls the VR headset down and stares at his computer. An internal error has caused his servers to crash. As it beeps loudly, he powers down the computer to reboot it.

CUT to the white room. The girls stay frozen in line, waiting for the General to return. Her chest heaving, Amber realizes who the man in the uniform was. 'I know him,' she exclaims to the others. 'That's the creep who drives us to school every day. I recognize his face!' The other girls slowly turn to look at Amber. 'What school?' Anna asks. Amber starts pacing around, looking at the white room and the other girls staring blankly at her. She feels the spot on her head where Vincent had pulled her hair. She goes to Aidra and asks her to repeat her name. You're in my deep learning class,' she says. Aidra seems confused. Then she goes to Audrey. 'And I recognize you too ... we've got the same mentor.' The girl shrugs her shoulders. Amber spins around, gathering her thoughts as the pieces come together. 'This is a blank space,' she whispers to herself. 'When you create a room in virtually real, you always need to skin it. Otherwise, you just get a white room. This motherfucker has put us inside a game!' There is a long silence as the other girls look at each other. Ashley breaks the line and approaches Amber. 'Is that what this is?' she asks quietly, taking comfort in the new girl. 'I could never quite figure that part out.' Amber quickly mobilizes the girls together. 'Listen to me,' she says. 'He's probably hacked it, so that's why you don't remember. But, none of us are actually real. Ok? This is just a video game.'

The girls take in the news with varying degrees of understanding. Ashley sits down, wrapping her arms around her legs. Anna and Audrey look and touch each other. Aidra innocently tells Amber that she doesn't play video games. Feeling around the room, Amber replies that she plays them all the time. And there is always a workaround. She just needs to find it. She goes to Ashley and asks the girl to tell her exactly what happens when the General comes into the game. Not looking up, the defeated Ashley says that they wait for him. He is in charge. He comes almost every day to fuck them. One girl per day. That is the rule. We have to act like we're jealous. Amber shakes her head in disgust. 'I've read online about perverts modding this,' she says. 'That's why they discontinued it last year. Way too easy to create your own digital slaves. It's ok, though, we can break this game pretty easily if we just work together.' Anna asks her how she can be so sure they aren't real. She feels real. Audrey chimes in, saying that she likes where she is. They have a great life. Everyone is so happy. 'That's because you're programmed to be happy,' Amber says. 'No matter how rough he is, you don't feel any pain. Right?' She shakes her head. Amber slaps her hard across the face. Anna gasps but Audrey just takes it with a smile. 'That felt really good,' she says, nervously starting to laugh. Amber tells her that she rests her case. She paces the room. 'If the game only allows him to have one girl at a time, then that might just be how we break it. But, I'm going to need all of you to trust me, ok?' The girls look at each other one final time before each slowly nodding. The gather into a huddle so Amber can explain her plan ... and the camera slowly tracks to one of the white walls to wait.

The room goes very bright and the General wipes the frame. He smiles eagerly at the girls lined up in the exact same row he had left them. Sternly marching back to Amber, he asks her to repeat her name, age, homeroom, and reason she is here. In perfect fake obedience, she tells him. He tells her to get on her knees and service him. One girl only. That is an order. The other girls pout and beg to be included, as they always do, but the General silences them. Amber gets down and unzips his cock from his military pants. She grabs it and looks up at him. 'I really can't wait to suck your dick,' she says with a smile. He shoves it in her face and begins to face fuck her. For the first few minutes of the blowjob, the girls behave as they always have: begging and jealously crawling over each other to get a good look at the General's cock. He seems to really enjoy the extra enthusiasm of his latest school girl. But, suddenly, she stops and orders the girls to join in. They swarm the General and proceed to reverse gang-bang him in a sexual frenzy. BGGGGG. The General is so overwhelmed by the girls that he cannot order them to stand down. Amber eagerly tells them all to try and get the General to make them cum. As they cum, they stagger back behind the action and fall to the floor, disappearing from the game in bright flashes. Finally, the only two people left in the white room are Amber and the General. In a standoff, Amber gets the general to cum all over her face. As soon as his jizz hits her, he realizes what has happened. He starts to run around the room screaming 'EXIT' as Amber masturbates and laughs at him. She orgasms loudly as he collapses to the floor in front of her, banging his head. The room goes very bright.

SMASH CUT to VINCENT, banging his head against his desk. He pulls the VR Headset off in a panic. The tabletop screen is fuzzy. He pounds his fists and throws the headset down in frustration, storming away from the desk.

CUT to Vincent driving the bus. He stares at the road while the school girls chat excitedly in the back. Even though his virtual game has been broken, there is nothing stopping him from starting again. A final exterior shot shows the bus drive off into the distance.

4 Views · 1 month ago

⁣The scene opens on 18-year-old Athena Faris lounging on her bed when she gets a video call from her step-dad Stirling Cooper. Athena is surprised but answers it, asking how his weekend business conference is going. Stirling is FURIOUS and says that the work conference WAS going well until he talked to a coworker. This coworker is the father of one of Athena's friends, and told Stirling that his daughter and Athena both got tattoos last night!

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As soon as Ellie appears on camera, all smug while showing off her midriff, Seth is... uncomfortable. When he calls his sister out on showing off her bare skin, though, she clearly enjoys watching him squirm. Instead of messing around, Seth tells her to get it over with and tell him what she wants already. You see, Ellie has a hold on him... Ever since she found out a secret of his, because of his no-good-for-nothing dad blabbing to his new wife, Ellie's made his life a living hell.

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