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4 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Clarissa and her husband have been trying to start a family and have applied to a fertility clinic for assistance in getting pregnant. One day, Franklin, a representative from the clinic, arrives at Clarissa's home with some unfortunate news: the clinic has rejected her application, deeming her pregnancy too high-risk. Clarissa is devastated by the news, feeling crushed and hopeless.

Seeing how vulnerable and desperate Clarissa is, Franklin seizes the opportunity and proposes a shocking solution. He suggests that he impregnate her immediately, right there in her home. He points out that her husband is away and won't be back for a while, so she could simply tell him that the clinic accepted her, and they could move forward with their plans without any more setbacks. Clarissa is initially shocked by the suggestion, recognizing the questionable ethics of such a plan. However, after some hesitation, she agrees, and they engage in an intense sexual encounter that concludes with Franklin ejaculating inside her.

4 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Tanya (Charlie Forde) comes home from work, but is greeted by a shocking sight: there are photos of her with her old girlfriend Julie (Dana Vespoli) stuck to the front door and hanging ALL OVER the living room. As Tanya reels from what she's seeing, her boyfriend Ron (Ken Feels) approaches her, looking slightly unhinged. Still in shock, Tanya demands to know what this is about. Ron angrily insists he KNEW that Tanya was hiding something about her past, so he snooped on her laptop and found her old photos... Photos that show Tanya in a LESBIAN relationship.

Tanya admits that she experimented back in college by having a 'lesbian phase' where she dated Julie. Tanya says she didn't LIE to Ron about anything, she just never TOLD him. But Ron is still furious, saying that a lie of omission is still a lie. He scolds Tanya, saying that covering it up was just as bad, or maybe even WORSE - she's BETRAYED his trust and tarnished their relationship. He says that's why he put proof of her SHAME all over the front door and living room to remind her, but that's not ALL he had planned. He tells her to go to the bedroom, because Julie is there waiting for them.

Tanya and Ron enter the bedroom, and sure enough, Julie is there. Tanya demands to know what's going on, and asks why Julie is here. Ron says he wants to understand exactly what drove Tanya to have a relationship with Julie - he wants Tanya to SHOW him by having sex with Julie while he watches. Julie doesn't look surprised, but Tanya is shocked at his suggestion, and even more shocked that Julie seems willing to go through with this.

Julie accusingly tells Tanya that not EVERYONE saw being a lesbian as 'just a phase', and not EVERYONE'S lives got better after college like Tanya's did. Julie says that her life got worse - MUCH worse - after Tanya dropped her like a hot potato. Julie was so heartbroken and devastated from Tanya's betrayal that her life took a downward spiral... but now Ron has made an arrangement where Julie will have an opportunity for a better life, as long as she participates in his plan. Tanya looks guilty, and tries to apologize to Julie. However, Julie says that she doesn't want to hear it, telling Tanya that if she really wants to help, then she'll do what Ron wants, so then Ron will give Julie what SHE wants.

Tanya looks guilty again, and agrees to have sex with Julie while Ron watches them. But the surprises aren't done yet, because eventually, Ron insists to the women that because they're making the sex look SO enticing, he might as well join in. And there is still ONE MORE surprise left in store for Tanya...

4 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Kristi (Anna Claire Clouds) and Ben (Seth Gamble) have been trying so hard to conceive, but they just haven't seemed to have any luck. As Kristi sits on the toilet once again, waiting for the results of her latest pregnancy test, she has a glimmer of hope in her eyes. But when the fated single line appears on the stick, she can't help but feel disillusioned and guilty. Ben assures her that it's okay- they'll keep trying and it'll all work out. Kristi smiles and nods but, deep down, she's a total mess.

To make matters worse, Kristi's estranged stepsister, Ruby (Maddie May), shows up one day asking for a place to stay. Kristi is angry- Ruby totally disappeared and no one's heard from her since. She's caused Krisi's family a ton of grief, and now she wants to come back and ask for favors as if nothing even happened? But Ruby is desperate, and in dire need of help, so Kristi relents and lets her stay the night.

Later that day, Ruby wants to take a bath, so Kristi brings her a clean towel. But when Kristi witnesses Ruby getting undressed, old and forbidden emotions suddenly flood her being. She finds herself aroused by her stepsister's naked body and starts to masturbate as she spies Ruby through a slit in the door. Before long, the two stepsisters have gotten back to their naughty old ways, but what will happen when Ben comes back home and discovers them? Will he be angry or... perhaps, intrigued?

4 Views · 1 month ago

⁣SCENE opens on Vincent, a mild-mannered bus driver for George Ivan Junior College. He is driving a group of 18-year-old school girls home from class, as he does every week day. Vincent is a disheveled young man, with horned rimmed glasses and scruffy beard. But he is quiet and keeps to himself, so the students pay him no mind. As the camera wanders past each isle, they chat about their weekend plans, their homework, and the latest class gossip. We study them to get a good look at their matching uniforms, gadgets, and school bags. Vincent drives along silently, keeping his eye on the road as they pass by blocks of industrial buildings, until the last student is dropped off. The pretty girl introduces herself as Aidra. She is sucking a lollipop. 'It's funny,' she tells him, innocently. 'You have driven me home every single day this year, but we've never said a word!' He nods awkwardly. She drops the candy in his garbage and says goodbye. Vincent drives off.

Around the corner, he stops the bus abruptly. Taking out a small locked case from under his seat, he opens it to remove a pair of gloves, tweezers, and a specimen bag. He carefully plucks the candy from the garbage and seals it. Then he gets back in his seat and drives off.



Vincent enters his apartment, removing his safety vest and walking through the minimalist living room to a tabletop computer. He turns the computer on and carefully places the specimen on the touchscreen surface. It scans automatically, and a screen pops up. It is the start screen of a virtual reality game called: VIRTUALLY REAL. Vincent hits enter and loads up a new player profile. The profile populates with Aidra's photo and information. He reviews the profile, unchecks the option for 'personality' and hits 'enter' to load her into the game. The game alerts him that he is ready to log on and Vincent places a VR headset over his eyes.

CUT to a white room. A digital version of Aidra slowly gets up and lifts herself off the ground. She looks around and sees three of her classmates, all sitting cheerfully and silently in their uniforms. She is also fully dressed in her school clothes. Politely, she walks over and asks who they are. Equally polite, each girl responds with her full name, age, and home room number. Aidra smiles and shares her name and age, too. She can't remember her home room for some reason. She asks why they are waiting. One of the classmates, Anna, tells her they are waiting for the General. Aidra seems confused, searching her mind to remember who he is. Another classmate, Audrey chimes in, reminding Aidra that he is in charge. He comes almost every day to fuck them. One girl per day. The third girl, Ashley, says they've been wondering about getting a new girl for a while now but the General is very unpredictable. Aidra takes in all this information eagerly. She doesn't quite understand what is happening, but she knows she wants to be included.

Suddenly the room goes very bright and the General appears. He is the digital version of Vincent, dressed head to toe in a full-scale military uniform. His glasses are off, he is clean shaven, and his hair is slicked back, making him a far more confident and striking man. He marches in front of the girls, as they stand before him. He makes each repeat their name, age, and why they are here. They all eagerly respond that they are here to fuck him. When he comes upon Aidra, he looks her up and down, speaking just like a drill Sargent. He asks the same questions and Aidra responds ... echoing nervously what her classmates had said including asking the General to fuck her. The General smiles and they begin to have sex, while the other schoolgirls watch jealously and try to cut in. BG Sex. When he has cum inside of her, he zips back up his uniform and orders them to wait until he returns. He says 'EXIT' and the room goes bright again.

CUT to a close-up of Vincent taking the VR set off his eyes. He is sweaty and draws a deep breath.

CUT to back inside the game. Aidra crawls over to her original position and sits down. She is exhausted, and her eyeliner is running down her face. She turns to the other girls and asks where she can clean up. Ashley tells her not to worry, she will be fully clean the next time he logs in. 'Logs in?' Aidra asks, confused. 'Yeah,' Ashley says under her breath. 'To this horrible place!'


Several days later. Vincent is driving the bus, as the students chat loudly in the back with no knowledge of what is happening in his private virtual game. A new girl named Amber sits in the front. She is very quiet and reserved, a stark contrast from the other students. He watches her through his rear-view mirror in fascination. So beautiful and sad looking. He must introduce her to the others. But, when he pulls to the edge of the curb and opens the door, he's surprised that she is the first to get up. 'Wait!' He blurts out. She stares at him coldly in the doorway. 'What?' She asks. 'This is my stop.' He darts in and plucks a hair from her head, pretending to flick something off. Ouch, she cries. 'You ... you just had something in your hair.' He says awkwardly, apologizing. She gingerly rubs the part he pulled and steps off the bus, giving him a weird look as he drives off. His heart racing, he clutches the strands of her hair in his fist as he drives. The students in the back pay no attention.

CUT to Vincent's apartment. He sits at his desk, having his liquid dinner and staring at the new profile page on his computer. It's Amber's photo and information. Just as he is about to uncheck her 'personality' option, his smart assistant chimes in to tell him his mother is calling. Vincent begrudgingly accepts the call and starts talking, while absent-mindedly clicking ENTER to complete the setup. Amber's memories are downloaded into the game and it tells him he is ready to log on.

CUT to inside the white room. Amber slowly gets up to discover that she in a strange, new environment. She looks down at herself in disbelief. She is back in her school uniform. Where is her room? Where are her things? How did she get here? A cluster of four of her classmates lay huddled in the corner. She rushes over to them, asking in a panic if they are ok. They each slowly rise and look around eagerly. 'Is he back?' Anna asks. 'Do we need to get ready?' Audrey chimes in. Aidra is the last to get up. She has been fully rebooted into a fresh uniform. 'Good,' she says cheerfully. 'It feels nice to be clean again.' They all stare at Amber with beaming smiles. 'You girls all go to my new school,' Amber says, suspiciously. 'Is this some kind of prank?' The girls stare at her blankly. Aidra asks her what her name is. Anna asks her age. When Audrey asks for her home room number, Amber cuts her off. She demands to know what is going on. Where are they and how did she get here? She starts to run around the room and bang on the walls. Ashley, who had spoken up to Aidra earlier, quickly rushes over and stops Amber. 'Be quiet,' she whispers. 'He will be here any minute. You don't want to get caught not being happy!' Amber stops dead in her tracks and stares at her. 'Who are you talking about?' She asks nervously.

CUT to Vincent's apartment. He says goodbye to his mother and the smart assistant finishes the call. Seeing that his game is ready, Vincent slips on his VR headset.

CUT to the white room, as it goes very bright and the General appears. He finds the girls all standing in a row, including Amber who lingers confused at the end of the line. Sternly, he walks past each of them and has the girls repeat their name, age, homeroom number, and what they are here to do. Amber stares at the man in shock. She knows him from somewhere. When he arrives at her, he gets right up in her face. She shrinks back. Suddenly, there is a very large beep and the General whips his head up. 'God dammit,' he curses and says 'EXIT.' The room goes bright again.

CUT to Vincent's apartment. He pulls the VR headset down and stares at his computer. An internal error has caused his servers to crash. As it beeps loudly, he powers down the computer to reboot it.

CUT to the white room. The girls stay frozen in line, waiting for the General to return. Her chest heaving, Amber realizes who the man in the uniform was. 'I know him,' she exclaims to the others. 'That's the creep who drives us to school every day. I recognize his face!' The other girls slowly turn to look at Amber. 'What school?' Anna asks. Amber starts pacing around, looking at the white room and the other girls staring blankly at her. She feels the spot on her head where Vincent had pulled her hair. She goes to Aidra and asks her to repeat her name. You're in my deep learning class,' she says. Aidra seems confused. Then she goes to Audrey. 'And I recognize you too ... we've got the same mentor.' The girl shrugs her shoulders. Amber spins around, gathering her thoughts as the pieces come together. 'This is a blank space,' she whispers to herself. 'When you create a room in virtually real, you always need to skin it. Otherwise, you just get a white room. This motherfucker has put us inside a game!' There is a long silence as the other girls look at each other. Ashley breaks the line and approaches Amber. 'Is that what this is?' she asks quietly, taking comfort in the new girl. 'I could never quite figure that part out.' Amber quickly mobilizes the girls together. 'Listen to me,' she says. 'He's probably hacked it, so that's why you don't remember. But, none of us are actually real. Ok? This is just a video game.'

The girls take in the news with varying degrees of understanding. Ashley sits down, wrapping her arms around her legs. Anna and Audrey look and touch each other. Aidra innocently tells Amber that she doesn't play video games. Feeling around the room, Amber replies that she plays them all the time. And there is always a workaround. She just needs to find it. She goes to Ashley and asks the girl to tell her exactly what happens when the General comes into the game. Not looking up, the defeated Ashley says that they wait for him. He is in charge. He comes almost every day to fuck them. One girl per day. That is the rule. We have to act like we're jealous. Amber shakes her head in disgust. 'I've read online about perverts modding this,' she says. 'That's why they discontinued it last year. Way too easy to create your own digital slaves. It's ok, though, we can break this game pretty easily if we just work together.' Anna asks her how she can be so sure they aren't real. She feels real. Audrey chimes in, saying that she likes where she is. They have a great life. Everyone is so happy. 'That's because you're programmed to be happy,' Amber says. 'No matter how rough he is, you don't feel any pain. Right?' She shakes her head. Amber slaps her hard across the face. Anna gasps but Audrey just takes it with a smile. 'That felt really good,' she says, nervously starting to laugh. Amber tells her that she rests her case. She paces the room. 'If the game only allows him to have one girl at a time, then that might just be how we break it. But, I'm going to need all of you to trust me, ok?' The girls look at each other one final time before each slowly nodding. The gather into a huddle so Amber can explain her plan ... and the camera slowly tracks to one of the white walls to wait.

The room goes very bright and the General wipes the frame. He smiles eagerly at the girls lined up in the exact same row he had left them. Sternly marching back to Amber, he asks her to repeat her name, age, homeroom, and reason she is here. In perfect fake obedience, she tells him. He tells her to get on her knees and service him. One girl only. That is an order. The other girls pout and beg to be included, as they always do, but the General silences them. Amber gets down and unzips his cock from his military pants. She grabs it and looks up at him. 'I really can't wait to suck your dick,' she says with a smile. He shoves it in her face and begins to face fuck her. For the first few minutes of the blowjob, the girls behave as they always have: begging and jealously crawling over each other to get a good look at the General's cock. He seems to really enjoy the extra enthusiasm of his latest school girl. But, suddenly, she stops and orders the girls to join in. They swarm the General and proceed to reverse gang-bang him in a sexual frenzy. BGGGGG. The General is so overwhelmed by the girls that he cannot order them to stand down. Amber eagerly tells them all to try and get the General to make them cum. As they cum, they stagger back behind the action and fall to the floor, disappearing from the game in bright flashes. Finally, the only two people left in the white room are Amber and the General. In a standoff, Amber gets the general to cum all over her face. As soon as his jizz hits her, he realizes what has happened. He starts to run around the room screaming 'EXIT' as Amber masturbates and laughs at him. She orgasms loudly as he collapses to the floor in front of her, banging his head. The room goes very bright.

SMASH CUT to VINCENT, banging his head against his desk. He pulls the VR Headset off in a panic. The tabletop screen is fuzzy. He pounds his fists and throws the headset down in frustration, storming away from the desk.

CUT to Vincent driving the bus. He stares at the road while the school girls chat excitedly in the back. Even though his virtual game has been broken, there is nothing stopping him from starting again. A final exterior shot shows the bus drive off into the distance.

4 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Rose (Tiffany Watson) is looking at her laptop computer when she sees a social media post from a company that claims to support LGBTQ-related causes. Rose is outraged because she knows this is actually a lie... the CEO of the company is none other than her homophobic stepmother, Lizbeth (Serene Siren). Rose decides to expose Lizbeth's hypocrisy by posting a video that shows Lizbeth in the midst of a homophobic rant at their family's last Thanksgiving dinner.

The next day, Rose is checking the status of the video that she posted, and sees that it has gone viral. Lizbeth enters the room and tries to act nice to Rose, but Rose brags that people on the Internet have 'canceled' Lizbeth. Still, Lizbeth continues to act sweet and concerned, saying that she wants to make amends. Rose is skeptical, saying she knows that Lizbeth is only acting this way because of the backlash from the video. After further discussion, the truth comes out that Lizbeth wants to do damage control by appearing with Rose on a talk show, saying they have reconciled.

Realizing that she has leverage now, Rose agrees on the condition that Lizbeth's company makes changes to actually help LGBTQ people. Lizbeth accepts this. However, Rose then reveals that she has another condition: Lizbeth must learn what it's like to be a lesbian... by having sex with Rose. Lizbeth is shocked, but she's willing to do anything for her company's success, so she agrees...

4 Views · 1 month ago

⁣'If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.'
-George Orwell

SCENE OPENS on Laura (Scarlit Scandal), who lies idly on the couch, staring at her laptop on the coffee table. She's wearing a yoga outfit, but she has no motivation to work out as she watches a yoga video from social media influencer Trudy (Serene Siren). The first 6 months of quarantine went smoothly. But nothing has been easy since her husband Michael was exposed. Laura's phone buzzes and she glances down. 'Can you please help me?' Michael texts. She stares at the message, feeling deflated.

In the bathroom, Laura stares at herself in the mirror as she removes her workout clothes, putting on a full battery of protective gear. Turning to face the door, she takes a deep breath before heading to help her husband.

A few moments later, Laura darts out of Michael's room with a tray. She leans against the door and looks down in disgust at the half-eaten food and used utensils. She takes another deep breath, as if she had been holding it.

In the kitchen, Laura washes and dries the plates and carefully removes her protective gear. From outside, the sound of a delivery truck approaches. Hearing this, Laura shuts off the water and turns to face the door. A smile crosses her face.

Laura rushes to the front window, just in time to see the no-contact delivery man (Jake Adams) walk up with her packages. Even though he's always masked, she's found herself watching him all quarantine. As he approaches, he catches sight of her through the window. Both of them stop for a moment and stare at each other. He sets her packages down and raises his hand to say hi. He pulls his mask down to smile at her.

The next day, Laura waits by the window in a robe. She has decided to get a little more flirtatious with the delivery man because she can't stop thinking about the way he smiled at her. It feels like forever since someone actually did that. Her phone buzzes. 'Can you bring me some water?' Michael texts. She throws the phone down in frustration. It buzzes again. She glances out the window and sees the delivery man approaching. He sets the packages down and quickly turns around, as Laura stares in disappointment.

She bends over to pick up her phone and get back to reality, when she suddenly hears him coming back. He is carrying a flower in his hand and carefully lays it down on the top package. Laura is so overwhelmed by the man's chivalrous return, that she instinctively opens the door and steps outside. Her robe falls open, exposing her lingerie. The man quickly backs up and stares at her in awe. 'You're very beautiful,' he says. 'So are you,' she replies, before realizing that she isn't wearing any protective gear. She clasps her hand over her mouth and nose in panic. 'Do you live here alone? I've noticed all the packages are marked for you,' he asks. Not knowing what to do, she nods. 'Whenever this lockdown ends, I'd love to take you out sometime,' he continues, taking a cautious step forward. '...If that would be ok?' Laura fidgets nervously before nodding. He takes another step and whispers, 'But, you know, they test essential workers every 24 hours in order to go outside, right?' She shakes her head, still petrified of removing her hand. He slips down his mask to reveal a big flirtatious smile. 'So, I know I'm negative. And, if you've been isolating alone this whole time, then technically you should be negative too.' He takes his gloved hand and slowly removes hers from her face.

They stare at each other, unmasked, breathing in the other's air. 'So, maybe we could go on a date even sooner?' he says coyly. She stares at him for a moment, a rush of endorphins surging through her body, before kissing him. It's the greatest feeling she's ever felt. She feels excited for the first time in months! 'May I come inside?' he asks. She swallows hard, remembering Michael. 'Just wait one minute,' she stammers and slams the door.

Laura's done everything she can to stay safe, but can anyone ever TRULY be safe?

4 Views · 1 month ago

⁣The scene opens on 18-year-old Athena Faris lounging on her bed when she gets a video call from her step-dad Stirling Cooper. Athena is surprised but answers it, asking how his weekend business conference is going. Stirling is FURIOUS and says that the work conference WAS going well until he talked to a coworker. This coworker is the father of one of Athena's friends, and told Stirling that his daughter and Athena both got tattoos last night!

Athena is shocked but tries to play innocent, lying and saying that she doesn't have a tattoo! She tries to calm him, pulling down her shirt from her shoulder to show her bare skin. 'See, Dad? NO tattoo.' But that's not enough for him and he demands that she show him EVERYTHING. Athena tries everything from playing dumb to acting defiant to desperately pleading, knowing that if she takes off her clothes fully, she'll be caught in her lie. Stirling ignores her pleas and orders her to strip or she'll be kicked out of the house. Athena is upset but reluctantly begins stripping, knowing that she'll soon be caught.

It's clear Stirling is enjoying the stripping, but as soon as he sees the tattoo, he becomes furious again. Since he's not there to punish her himself, he tells her to spank herself.

Athena may not like it, but she only has herself to blame...

4 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Seth (Alex Jett) doesn't have a great relationship with his step-sister, Ellie (Gabbie Carter), to say the least, so when he gets yet another video call from her, he isn't thrilled. He knows by now that whenever she interacts with him at all, it's only because she wants to make his life miserable... and he's sure today won't be an exception.

As soon as Ellie appears on camera, all smug while showing off her midriff, Seth is... uncomfortable. When he calls his sister out on showing off her bare skin, though, she clearly enjoys watching him squirm. Instead of messing around, Seth tells her to get it over with and tell him what she wants already. You see, Ellie has a hold on him... Ever since she found out a secret of his, because of his no-good-for-nothing dad blabbing to his new wife, Ellie's made his life a living hell.

Today, Ellie isn't taking any prisoners as she turns up the heat. Seth is disgusted as his own sister comes onto him, but it's nothing new. She's been doing this to him ever since all of this started. But when she lifts her shirt and starts playing with her breasts, things take a much more dramatic turn. By the time her hand glides over her pussy, there's no turning back. If Seth doesn't want his entire future to be ruined, he'll have to play along with his sister's twisted game...

4 Views · 1 month ago

⁣SCENE OPENS to Rosie (Arietta Adams) arriving for an ordinary day of sitting. The father, Jack Harris (John Strong), greets her as warmly as always. When Rosie brings up having forgotten her laptop to do her homework, Jack easily offers her his laptop to use before leaving for work.

But when Rosie later checks the laptop, she is shocked to see an erotic video plastered on the screen. Surely Jack didn't mean for her to find THAT?!

As time passes, there are more hints that something is amiss, although Rosie can't quite put her finger on it. When she starts having trouble with her boyfriend, Jack seems too eager to give her advice... and he's so sexual and blunt about it! Even though it startles her, Jack always manages to convince her that there's really nothing wrong with them being so free with their discussions... They're both adults, after all.

Desperate to keep her boyfriend, she follows Jack's bedroom advice, although it makes things worse. In fact, her boyfriend breaks up with her! When she confronts Jack about it, he gets her to open up about her private life again. Was she ALWAYS this free with her private life? Or has Jack been getting into her head, slowly and surely, each time she showed up to sit?

The answer soon becomes apparent when Jack drives home that the reason why the boyfriend left had to be because she was boring in bed. Well, in THAT case, HE can have sex with her and teach her what guys REALLY want...

Rosie doesn't want to be alone forever, does she?

4 Views · 1 month ago

⁣SCENE OPENS to Peter (John Strong) masturbating to daddy/daughter porn on his laptop. He's quite into it, entranced by the nature of the relationship and sensual acts on the screen, though he's interrupted by his own step-daughter, Mary (Kenna James), knocking at the door. He quickly closes the laptop and hides the tissues, then allows her into the room, where it's revealed she has something important to tell him.

Peter is attentive as she thanks him for being a wonderful step-father. Although he's done his best to give her a happy life, she still feels like something is missing. It still doesn't feel like they're a REAL family...

Although Peter is at a bit of a loss, he tells her that he'd be happy to adopt her to make everything more real. But she insists that that's not what she needs... No, she wants to start a real family with Peter... She wants him to get her pregnant!

Peter is stunned, insisting that he absolutely can't get her pregnant! She's his daughter! Yet, Mary is quick to remind him that she's his step-daughter... She further hacks away at his resolve by stating that she knows he lusts for her. She knows he watches videos of family roleplay. Here's the chance to live out the fantasy! Even if she doesn't get pregnant, they can have fun trying!

Unable to deny his desires any further, Peter gives in. As he watches his daughter eagerly go down on him, he knows there's no turning back...

4 Views · 1 month ago

⁣SCENE OPENS on a professor's lush, old-fashioned-looking university office. Professor Claremont (Mick Blue) stands at an ornate window, looking out lost in thought onto the university campus. On the visitors couch across the room, his teacher's assistant Annabelle (Adriana Chechik) sits, waiting and fidgeting in the awkward silence. The ticking decorative clock on his desk is the only sound for several seconds. Finally, Annabelle breaks the silence -- 'umm, you were saying, professor?' Professor Claremont snaps out of his reverie and turns to face her. Ah, yes, sorry, he apologizes. His thoughts had whisked him away to unknown places, he says playfully. The professor appears eccentric but charming, like a man from another era. Annabelle seems used to his odd behavior, even a bit enamored by it. He says that they've done enough for the day and dismisses her. But as she's leaving, he calls her back to get her thoughts on a new biology project he's working on. He trusts her like he trusted her sister, who he taught years ago. Annabelle is flattered, but tries to act nonchalant about it. He continues, saying that the project would be controversial but of great interest to him on both a professional and personal level. She asks him to go on, but before he does, he moves to sit beside her on the couch and switches to a very serious tone. He insists that she swears she not tell anybody what he's about to tell her. He repeats that it's quite controversial, and it could jeopardize his career if anybody were to find out about his interest in the subject. Annabelle looks a bit taken aback, but promises that she won't tell anybody. 'Marvellous!' he says, switching back to a lighthearted tone. He pats her knee with his hand innocently. 'Now then, tell me - what do you know about 'gaping'?'


Annabelle tries to recoil a bit from her professor without being obvious about it, moving away from the couch to the desk to make some distance between them. Gaping, she asks incredulously, you mean like the sex thing? Yes, precisely, he answers. He explains that he finds it fascinating... from an anatomical point of view, of course. He remarks that so much of human sexuality is driven by a lust for external body parts -- breasts, legs, butts. But those who are interested in gaping want to see the beauty of the insides. He says that it's remarkable, doesn't she agree? Annabelle looks quite weirded out, tells the professor that she's not the right person for this, and moves to leave. But the professor stops her, grabbing her roughly by the throat. Realizing immediately that he has gone too far, he releases her and apologizes. Annabelle gets her bag and is leaving, but something stops her. Despite her hesitance, something has...intrigued her. The professor regards Annabelle for a moment and then, opening up a desk drawer, slowly and silently removes a magazine and sets it on the desk. Annabelle tentatively looks at the magazine, which is filled with dozens of gaping photos. The professor moves behind her. 'Isn't it beautiful?' he whispers in her ear. Annabelle looks scared, but also a little turned-on. He asks her if she trusts him. Reluctantly she admits that she does trust him and she wants to be a part of something important. The professor is pleased to hear that and reminds Annabelle how her sister trusting him proved very beneficial for her. What they're about to do will change the world, the professor says. Annabelle is ready, and asks the professor what she has to do. In response, the professor silently unbuttons the first few buttons of her blouse before sitting back down on the couch. Annabelle takes the hint and unbuttons the rest of her blouse, taking it off as the professor watches.

As she turns to him and begins removing her pants, revealing her perfect ass, he breaks the silence, saying that as soon as he heard about the phenomenon of gaping, he was intrigued. He's since researched thousands of videos on gaping, but none of the videos get it right. That's where Annabelle comes in. Together, she and the professor are going to make it perfect. He leads her over to his desk, where she gets on all fours, sticking her ass up in the air. Slowly, methodically, he slips her panties off. He caresses her ass approvingly, complimenting her on her beautiful asshole. The professor gets to work, lubing up Annabelle's butthole. This is the first step in creating a beautiful gape, he continues. Sliding his thumb in her lubed up ass, she moans in pleasure. The professor begins to get to work in earnest, and his invasive study doesn't stop with just his thumb. With the implements he has at the ready to probe and penetrate her (previously) tight asshole, Annabelle's faith in her professor is about to be stretched to its absolute limits.

4 Views · 1 month ago

⁣In her bathtub at night, shy nerdy teen Lucy stares up at the ceiling, unmoving. The tap drips as the only indication of sound or movement. After several seconds, there is a light disturbance in the still bathwater, and then Lucy lets out a small gasp -- she's moved her hand to slip a finger into her pussy under the water. When her finger is all the way in, she pauses for a moment, then starts slowly moving it in and out to pleasure herself, her gasps becoming heavy and sensual -- several close-ups of her mouth and face, along with heightened sounds of inhaling and exhaling, draw heavy focus towards her breathing. After a half-minute or more, fully immersed in her fantasy, she inhales a single long drawnout breath through her teeth, as she slowly slips under the water, submersing herself. She stays under, and the water goes perfectly still.


At her computer another morning, Lucy is in her pajamas typing up a college paper. She is stuck on a sentence, not sure what to write next. She breaths out a huge sigh of frustration, removes her glasses, and rubs her eyes wearily. Putting her glasses back on a little crooked, she tries to go back to writing... but a previously opened tab in the corner of her eye distracts her, and she clicks back onto it. We see on the screen that it's a site for breath play enthusiasts called 'Breathless'. Her breathing shallows, and she runs her fingers along where her neck meets the collar of her nightshirt as a nervous tic. She opens up a chat bar where she has a message already open and typed out, a message to another member. From the wording, it seems to be the last in a long line of messages between them. Towards the end of her message, she's suggesting that they meet up. Her face and body language shows she is still undecided as to whether to send it or not. Clearly anxious, and idly running her fingers along her chest and up and down her throat, Lucy deliberates for several seconds. Then, spontaneously she shoots her hand out to click send. She gets an alert that the message has been sent. She closes the laptop in panic, almost in fear of what she's just done... or perhaps what the response might be. She bites her thumb nervously and taps the laptop casing, before removing her glasses and flopping down on her bed. Her breathing is fast and nervous as she closes her eyes and lies there, eyes shut, until her breathing eventually calms itself.

CUT TO another evening, in the doorway of a house. Lucy walks through the door, followed by a strange man a couple of years older than her, Preston. He's holding keys and locks the door behind him -- this is his place, not hers. They are both visibly awkward around each other as they remove their shoes and he leads them up to his master bedroom. Once there, they sit side by side on the bed, at first making no move to close the gap between them. They talk about the breath-play site they met at, how long each of them has been a member, how they found out about it, etc. Lucy joined around when she turned 18. Preston reaffirms what was said in the chat, that Lucy has never done anything like it before. Neither has he. The closest he came was when he practiced choke grips on a first aid doll once when his dad brought one home from work, and it turned him on. He's immediately embarrassed from telling the story, but Lucy tells him she understands -- she has nobody she can talk to about her fetish either. It's tough for a guy to ask a girl to do that, Preston admits, it would make him look like a serious creep. He's always hoped some girl would ask him, but he knows it's a long shot. Lucy sympathizes - everyone assumes that because she's shy and nerdy that she's completely innocent. One time she asked her boyfriend to choke her, and he was a bit freaked out by the idea and she quickly told him never mind. For the next few days he acted weird around her, and then not long after he broke up with her. Ever since, she's been too shy to tell anybody she's been with, because she doesn't want boys to think she's some weird freak. Especially with how word spreads around college.

There's an awkward pause, and then Preston asks if she wants to start any specific way. Shyly, Lucy shakes her head no -- she never really pictured where to go from here, she never even thought she'd ever get this far. Preston says he's seen a few videos, it's given him a few ideas of what to do. Does she mind if he takes the lead? Lucy says it's fine, he can try whatever he wants, and that if it gets too intense she can tap on the bed with her hand. Preston agrees to this, and moves his hand up hesitantly towards her neck. He pauses, she nods, and he continues. He grabs her throat, and squeezes -- not too rough at first, but hard enough that she certainly feels it. As he grips her throat tightly, he moves in to kiss her, first up the side of her neck, her ear, the side of her cheek, then he turns her head towards his and kisses her mouth. He kisses passionately, albeit a bit awkwardly -- he moves as someone who is less suavely copying moves that he's seen elsewhere. Still, he remains in control throughout, and Lucy submits with a gasp each time he reasserts his dominance with a renewed grip on her throat.

4 Views · 1 month ago

⁣SCENE opens on a cute timid 18-year-old teen in skimpy pajamas, Paige, waiting outside the bathroom door with a towel draped over her shoulder. 'Come on, Chase, I'm going to be late for school,' she implores and knocks on the door again. No answer for a few more seconds. She goes to knock again but as she does the door swings open and her hand continues through the open door to rap on the bare chest of her step-brother Chase. He's dripping wet and holding his towel over his waist with one hand. 'Woah, easy there girl,' he teases, taking her wrist in his hand and gently lifting it off his chest. He doesn't let go right away - Paige must wriggle a bit to free her hand from his grip, clearly a bit annoyed, while Chase laughs it off. 'Bathroom's all yours, li'l step-sis' Chase says, but even though Paige waits for him to move he doesn't step out of the way. After a few seconds she grunts angrily and tries to slink past him, but he shifts his body to block her further. 'Ugh, Chase, quit it!' she says in rustration. He mocks her further - 'Come on, you're a big girl, just turned 18, you're telling me you're still too much of a pipsqueak to push your big brother around?' Paige tries to push past him again and he blocks her way again. Even though her hand doesn't touch his towel, Chase pretends it gets knocked out of his hand and it drops to the floor - he's sporting a huge hard-on. 'Whoops! Look what you did, klutz,' he grins, and doesn't make any effort to move or pick up the towel. 'Well? Aren't you gonna pick it up?' he says. She exhales sharply and bends over to pick it up - upon standing back up, Chase moves slightly so that his dick brushes against her face. 'Ew, Chase!' she whines, and he laughs and wiggles his hips causing his hard-on to wave in the air teasingly. She shoves him more angrily out of the doorway and barges into the bathroom, slamming the door on him. Seconds later, she opens the door and throws his towel in his face, then slams the door again.


It's another day, and Paige is spread out on her bed, lying on her stomach with her legs kicking idly in the air in time to music on her headphones. She's doing homework, chewing on her eraser as she thinks. We hear the muffled sounds of talking drowned out by the music, and suddenly a pair of fingers in Paige's face start snapping, startling her. She looks up, sees Chase, and takes off her headphones. Chase is standing in a tee-shirt and boxers, looking pissed off. 'Paige, are you deaf? I was talking to you, moron.' Paige is clearly bothered, but tries to hide it, and asks what he wants. He tells her he's having a girl over. She asks why he's telling her, she doesn't care. He says it's so she knows not leave her room, and especially that she'd better not come near his room. They might get pretty loud, he teases. Paige looks uncomfortable and looks down at her homework, not saying anything. Chase relishes in this and continues. Yeah, he bets the girl's gonna squeal real loud when she's riding up and down on his hard dick. He's getting hard just thinking about it, he says as he adjusts the growing bulge in his boxers. Paige winces and tries to go back to her homework, but Chase pulls the notebook out from under her. 'I'm not done talkin' yet, pipsqueak. That's not the way to treat your older step-brother, is it? You should show some respect.' Paige swallows hard and looks up at him - ok, fine, what? He laughs again. He was just saying how hard he's getting, does she wanna take a look? She shakes her head no, but he says he'll give her notebook back if she says yes, so she reluctantly says yes. From over his shoulder in a semi-POV angle, we see Chase pulls his hard dick out through the slit in his boxers, and waves it teasingly in front of Paige's face which clearly bothers her. He gives his dick a couple of tugs for emphasis. Pretty nice, huh? Paige winces, but agrees with him just so he'll go away. As a final prank, he rubs his dick against her notebook, and then tosses it back on the bed in front of her. Paige looks grossed out but resists the urge to say anything. Casually stuffing his dick back in his boxers, Chase stretches, yawns, scratches himself, and then heads to the doorframe. 'Remember, stay outta my room, right sis?!' Satisfied, Chase taps on the doorframe playfully and then walks out. Once he's out of sight, Paige makes a disgusted face and crumples the page in her notebook he wiped his dick off on, rips it out of the book and tosses it away from her. She puts her earphones back on and rubs her eyes and forehead, looking exhausted.

CUT to later that afternoon, Paige can't concentrate anymore. She sighs, pulls out her headphones, and lies on her back blinking up at the ceiling. From faintly outside her room, a woman's moan is heard. Paige hears it but pretends to ignore it. After a few seconds, though, more moans can be heard, faint but clear enough to tell they're the sounds of sex. Paige winces and tries to use her pillow to block the sound. But after a few seconds, she pulls the pillow out from under her. She's about to throw it away from her, but something stops her, and instead she slowly lowers it down between her legs and starts gently pressing one edge against her crotch. Slowly, almost imperceptibly at first, her hips start bucking and she pushes the pillow against her with more pressure, until she's humping the pillow with slow, hard thrusts. Her own soft moans join the moaning coming from outside the room. Eventually she positions her hand under her skirt, up her underwear, to add the strength of her own touch to the pillow thrusts. In spite of herself, one or two times she gasps Chase's name as she masturbates, each time looking like right after she regrets saying it.

Suddenly, in the middle of her masturbation session, the moans from the other room stop. Paige slows her humping to a stop, and then sits up and strains to hear. But she doesn't hear anything. Timidly, she gets up and stealthily opens the door to her room. She still doesn't hear anything. She tiptoes down the hall, camera tracking behind her, until she starts hearing the moaning again from her brother's room, only it's much quieter now. As quietly as she can, she moves to his door. The door to his room is not fully closed, it's ajar, but as she tries to peek in the crack is too small to see anything. She pushes it open slightly to get a better look. She sees Chase - not on his bed, but in his office chair, and not with a real girl but instead in front of his computer with a porn video playing in the background of a petite blonde. We only see the back of Chase in his chair but his arm is moving up and down, he's clearly jerking off.

Paige looks confused but intrigued, and she goes back to spying, opening the door the full width of her head to get a better look. As Chase is stroking, he's speaking out loud, presumably to the girl on the screen, who looks not unlike his sister - saying she's a slut, saying what he's going to do to her, etc. Paige gets turned on by the verbal - she starts touching herself over her clothes, careful still to not make too much noise.

This goes on for a couple of minutes, though as time goes on Chase's verbal gets more specific - first he starts calling the girl on the screen Paige - Paige is shocked to hear her name being spoken, but it turns her on even more. His dirty talk gets more elaborate, saying he knows she wants him, saying he knows she secretly loves it how he keeps finding excuses to whip out his dick in front of her. Saying that every time he lies about bringing home girls to fuck, she should know it's just to make her jealous. What shocks her the most though is when Chase speaks directly to her - 'You just gonna stand there watching?' Paige freezes in place. Chase slowly spins the office chair around and looks straight at her through the small opening of the door. He remains clothed in his t-shirt and boxers, his dick again poking out from the slit in his boxers, and he slows his jerking off to long, purposeful, teasing strokes. 'What are you waiting for, sis? Come and get some of this.' She slowly pushes the door open, but at first stands frozen in place at the threshold. Chase laughs and smacks his hard dick against the palm of his other hand a couple of times, making a slapping sound. 'What's the matter, moron? I said come over here and suck my fucking cock.' Paige looks spellbound - 'O-okay' she says quietly, then starts moving towards him and kneels down in front of him and leans forward to receive his dick in her mouth. 'I knew it was just a matter of time,' Chase gloats as he slides his dick into Paige's waiting mouth.

BG sex scene. Chase is not very rough with his sister during the sex, but he does like to taunt her - pulling out suddenly and making her beg for his dick, calling her a mix of 'li'l sis' and other pet names, as well as throwing some insults. Paige puts up with it all, and unlike earlier, the insults and teasing doesn't bother her, if anything it only serves to turn her on even more. After the sex, Paige bends down to pick up her clothes but Chase puts his foot on them, and she's unable to pull them out from under him. 'Chase, get off,' Paige whines, but Chase snaps his fingers in Paige's face, making her look up at him. 'Hey moron, you can't tell ANYBODY about this, you get that? Not your mom, not my dad, nobody. You get that??!' Paige grunts yes, she gets it, and finally he lifts his foot off the clothes and she picks them up in a huff. 'I'm taking a shower,' she mumbles, but Chase gets up suddenly and cuts in front of her to the door to his room. 'No, I'm taking a shower. You can smell like my cum for a few minutes more, can't ya pipsqueak?' He rustles her hair with his hand and chuckles before walking out his bedroom door, closing it on her.

4 Views · 1 month ago

⁣The teacher and the two teenage girls remain holed up in the cabin. Now embroiled in a strange ménage-a-trois, neither of the girls wants to leave and Mr. Davies (Charles Dera) doesn't know what to do. He just keeps having sex with both to keep things calm. The following morning, his concerned wife (Cherie DeVille) decides to visit the cabin to look for her missing husband and is stunned to walk in on him with the girls. Putting two and two together, she goes into the other room to call the police. As she's making the call, Lola (Jill Kassidy) grabs Mr. Davies shotgun from the mantle. After a loud bang, Lola comes back in to announce that she's solved the problem. She's taken care of Mrs. Davies. Now Mr. Davies is not only guilty of having an affair with his student, he is also an accessory to crime and is indirectly responsible for his wife's death. He throws Lola into a room and locks the door, and tells Heather (Kristen Scott) to stand guard while he goes off to think about what to do next. While he is out, Heather's stepbrother (Small Hands) calls and she tells him where they are. She informs Lola and pledges that he will be able to fix the problem way better than Mr. Davies. When he gets there with his friend (Xander Corvus), he makes Mr. Davies watch them all have sex before leaving the cabin together.

4 Views · 1 month ago

⁣SCENE opens with the camera focused tightly on the exposed back of a woman with a stethoscope pressed against her skin. The camera travels as the doctor's hand slowly moves the stethoscope lower down the patient's back, which elicits a light gasp and giggle from the patient without us ever seeing her face. She exclaims that the metal is a bit cold. A close-up of just the doctor's mouth, biting his lip nervously, shows us that the exposed skin and flirty noises of his patient are distracting him. 'Sorry,' Dr. Sumner says with a bit of a dorky laugh, 'just one more deep breath please?' We watch her exposed back rise and fall slowly as she breathes deep, and Dr. Sumner stares at her mesmerized. 'Gooood,' he exclaims softly. Catching himself staring, he clears his throat and lifts the stethoscope off her back. As he turns back to stand across from his patient, we see she is a strikingly beautiful woman, Yvette. In fact, Dr. Sumner finds he has trouble taking his eyes off of her as he speaks. 'Well, your breathing checks out, and your vaccinations are all up to date... was there anything else that's been worrying you that you wanted me to look into?' Yvette looks uncomfortable as she tries to broach the subject. Actually, yes, there was something else that's been bothering her recently, but it's a bit uncomfortable to talk about. Dr. Sumner assures her that no topic is off limits, especially not for his favorite patient, and Yvette gets a bit more relaxed. Well, she elaborates, she's been feeling some discomfort in her... well, her you know, ('butthole' she mutters hurriedly), ever since she tried anal sex for the first time with her boyfriend a couple of days ago.

Dr. Sumner is visibly taken aback, and he stutters over a response as he fidgets with his coat and tie. Yvette looks let down, she had hoped that Dr. Sumner would react more professionally than this, but he apologizes - it's simply because he's been treating her and her family since she was a little girl, sometimes he forgets she's a 22 year old woman now. But she's right, there's nothing to be ashamed of, what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their homes is not any of his business. He remarks that it's not uncommon for anal virgins to experience some pain and discomfort afterwards, and that the pain should subside after a day or two as long as she was careful, they went slowly, and used plenty of lubricant. Yvette, however, doesn't seem to have been put at ease - she's read about anal fissures and tearing and the like. Isn't he even going to take a look to make sure it isn't something more serious? Dr. Sumner starts to say that it's not necessary since her level of pain doesn't seem too severe, but then he cuts himself off. Actually, yes, she's absolutely right, he should perform a thorough examination. Just to be safe. So if she can just please lift up her dress, remove her underwear, and bend over the table...


CUT back to just a few seconds after, only now in a male gaze perspective from behind Yvette as we stare straight onward at her bent over ass. Her pussy and butthole are on full display as she waits patiently for her doctor to take a look. He kneels down close, placing one firm hand on each cheek to spread them wider, and stares transfixed for several seconds.

'Um... doctor?' Yvette asks timidly. 'Is everything ok back there?' Dr. Sumner snaps out of his reverie and stutters that yes, he's just making a preliminary visual inspection before he runs more extensive tests. He periodically spreads her ass cheeks wide to provide the camera with ample close-up shots of her winking hole - this goes on for almost a minute, though the doctor is now more conscious to make it seem like a proper inspection by adding authoritative sounds like 'mm-hmm', 'ok', 'so far so good', etc. to keep Yvette feeling assured.

'Well, at first glance everything seems in order, but I'll of course have to palpate the inside of your rectum next, so you should brace yourself for some mild discomfort.' 'Palpate?' Yvette asks nervously, but Dr. Sumner explains that palpate just means examining by touch. It's just a clinical way of saying he'll be inserting his finger. With lubricant, of course. He asks her to remain in position while he dons his medical gloves - as he does this, we see that unbeknownst to Yvette, the doctor's attention remains fixated on her ass on display. He smears some lubricant onto his index and middle fingers, and then gets back into position behind her.

He reminds her that as he said, she might feel some slight discomfort - and then makes a bad joke about how he's sure it will be nothing compared to how it must have felt with her boyfriend sticking it in the other night. Yvette laughs nervously, not because it was funny but to make things less awkward. The doctor sticks one gloved finger in slowly, asking Yvette to describe the sensations as he does so. She describes the initial pressure, a dull ache as his finger goes deeper in, and then finally a yelp of surprise when he sticks the finger all the way in, though it quickly subsides, and she remarks that she doesn't notice much pain now that he's all the way in. He remarks that he's going to keep his finger there for a few moments, and suggests she takes a few deep breaths. He places his other hand on her ass cheek again and spreads it idly as they wait.

Dr. Sumner begins to ask Yvette questions about her first anal experience. Though as he asks his questions, Dr. Sumner coyly pulls his finger in and out, pretending it's part of the process. Did she use lube? (Yes.) Did she work her way up to the night in question by using any smaller toys to start? When Yvette says no, the doctor suggests that if she wants to continue having anal sex she should consider it, in fact he's read about women who wear butt plugs for hours at a time to stretch themselves out, even in public. Yvette blushes and says there's no way she could be bold enough for something like that. Dr. Sumner changes the subject and asks if Yvette's boyfriend fingered her first to ease her into it, and she confesses no, he didn't. Dr. Sumner explains that that may be why she's experiencing some pain now, and that it's generally better to start slow and work her way up to bigger objects. As he says this, he tells her he'll be putting in a second finger to test her elasticity. The second finger is clearly more difficult for Yvette to handle than just the one, but he eases her into it with a sense of relish.

After he satisfies himself with having fit two fingers into her hole and wiggling them around to make her squirm a bit, Dr. Sumner pulls his fingers out gently and then tells her that while things seem normal inside, he would like to get a final deeper visual inspection using a speculum. He lays Yvette on her side on the table, ass peeking out towards him, and he pulls out a rectal speculum from a nearby drawer. He inserts it carefully and uses it to expand her asshole slightly wider. Yvette remarks that the sensation is very uncomfortable, but the doctor remarks that the sensation should pass and that he promises it's absolutely necessary. However, he is clearly enjoying himself, even inserting his finger into the opening of the speculum to tease and toy with the rim of her hole. He tells Yvette that she's lucky that a 'complete amateur' like her boyfriend didn't injure her, and that they should really take better precautions next time. Yvette, slightly weirded out, remarks that Dr. Sumner really seems to know a lot about anal sex. Like, a lot.

At this, Dr. Sumner gets very embarrassed. He takes the speculum out of Yvette and removes his hands from her, putting them between his legs sheepishly. He was just offering her some advice, that's all. Yvette asks where he even gets all this advice from, she's sure it's not stuff he learned at medical school. Dr. Sumner tries to evade the question, but Yvette coaxes him - he's been a friend of the family for years now and he's helped her through some very tough times, she won't judge him. Dr. Sumner bashfully answers that he watches a lot of anal porn. Yvette grins, it's almost cute how nervous the doctor looks. She asks Dr. Sumner if he's ever had anal sex and he admits that he hasn't but has always wanted to. Yvette gets bolder, she bets that he must get awfully tempted sometimes with all the pretty girls he must have to look at as part of his job. In fact, he's always said she's his favorite patient, is that because he likes her or is it just because he's always wanted to fuck her? Dr. Sumner stumbles over his words and Yvette takes advantage of this to coax him further. He's right that her boyfriend is a complete amateur. In fact, having anal sex with him hurt like hell. But she bets that if a real man showed her how to do it, a man who's completely obsessed with anal sex, he'd know how to do it right. She reaches for his crotch and he pulls back, it would be unethical. She gets up off the table and approaches him seductively, insisting that no other patient of his is ever going to go along with something like this, this is a once in a lifetime chance and he'd be an idiot to turn it down. She wants it, he wants it. What could be more ethical than that? She leans in for a kiss and he hungrily kisses back, his hands going straight to gripping her ass cheeks tightly as they embrace.

4 Views · 17 days ago

⁣Marcus and Claire (Alex Jones and Melody Marks) are a down-on-their-luck couple, having hit a string of bad luck recently which has left them without a place to live. Luckily, their ex-college professor, Frank (Ken Feels), has agreed to let them stay with him at his home. Marcus and Claire feel embarrassed to have to ask this of Frank, but at the same time, it's not like they have a choice. They assure him that they'll be back on their feet in no time. Frank, however, is welcoming and generous, assuring them that this is just a speed bump on the road of life. And besides, he's happy to help his ex-students. insisting that 'mi casa es su casa'.

But as the days go by, the couple soon finds that Frank's open-door policy is a bit more intense than they initially expected. Franks seems to always walk in on them when they're getting frisky, and although he acts casual about what he sees, there's a distinct sense that he's almost doing it on purpose. The more it happens, however, the more normal it begins to feel, to the point where Marcus and Claire are totally unfazed by the intrusions and interruptions.

But then one day, things get dialed up a notch when Frank walks in on Marcus and Claire having sex in the living room. Frank insists that they continue fucking, even though he remains in the room. Marcus and Claire don't hesitate, continuing to fuck as Frank watches TV next to them. Eventually, however, Frank can't help but ask if he can join. The couple are a bit taken aback, but ultimately resolve to reward their host for his sublime hospitality with a threesome.

3 Views · 1 month ago

As Eric (Chad White) steps out of a car, he marvels at the warmth of the sun on his face for what feels like the first time in forever. Everything about the day makes him feel so alive as he stands before Tanya's (Casey Calvert) house. He's impressed by her home and how well she's done for herself... because of his sacrifice.
Eric is overjoyed when his stepsister greets him, although he doesn't seem to notice that she's not as excited as he is. As they catch up, it becomes more and more apparent that Tanya doesn't want him around, which devastates Eric. How could he receive anything less than a hero's welcome after everything he did for her? Tanya insists that he makes her uncomfortable... that jail changed him.
Of course, it changed him—does she think being incarcerated is a walk in the park? But the more they argue, the more he feels Tanya slipping away from him. For so many years, all he thought about was returning home to Tanya... and enjoying the touch of the woman he loves most. Now that's about to be taken away from him, too?
Afraid of losing Tanya, Eric starts guilting her for just one night with her. Surely, after everything, that's the least she can do? If he hadn't stepped up, she'd have been the one in jail, not him. She owes him that much, at least!
Although Tanya eyes him with contempt, it seems as though the guilt of letting an innocent man take the fall finally works in Eric's favor. As she tentatively invites Eric to start undressing her, Eric is thrilled...
But will one night really be enough?

3 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Paul, the father of a young woman named Lily, has agreed to collect her belongings from her ex-girlfriend Jasmin's apartment after a difficult breakup. When he arrives, Jasmin desperately asks Paul for Lily's new address, as Lily has completely cut off communication since the split, leaving Jasmin without a chance to reconcile. It's apparent that Jasmin is possessive and unwilling to let go of Lily.

Despite Jasmin's pleas, Paul stays composed and refuses to disclose Lily's whereabouts, respecting his daughter's desire to distance herself from her tumultuous ex. As Jasmin becomes increasingly insistent and unstable, Paul attempts to leave. However, Jasmin quickly shifts her approach, attempting to seduce Paul with the promise of sex in exchange for Lily's address.

Now faced with Jasmin's advances, Paul is caught in a moral dilemma. Will he stay true to his commitment to protect his daughter, or will his resolve falter under the temptation Jasmin offers?

3 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Charlene (Dana Vespoli) returns home after running an errand and is shocked when she is greeted by a cheerful girl, Mara (Coco Lovelock), who claims that Charlene is her parent.

Charlene is bewildered as she demands to know where Tracy is, who she's really the parent of. That's when George (Tommy Pistol), Charlene's husband, intervenes by happily putting his arm around Mara, the two of them acting like everything is perfectly normal. George explains that he wanted a young lady he could fuck, so he secretly swapped Tracy for Mara, who comes from an unrelated but like-minded family.

Charlene is horrified, especially when she finds out that Tracy left willingly to indulge in her own freakish desires. Charlene then has to watch as George and Mara have gleeful, raunchy sex all around the house. George and Mara invite her to join in on the fun but Charlene is conflicted. However, it soon becomes obvious that there's little she can do but embrace this twisted new family arrangement...

3 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Eric grew up in a world where traditional gender roles were clearly defined: men were men, and women were women, with each knowing their place. He is fascinated by women and their ability to create life, believing it's his duty to help produce heirs. Whether he meets women in public places or through online dating, Eric knows what he's after, and he's skilled at finding those who share his desires—even if he has to manipulate the truth to get there.
Today, Eric is getting ready for a date with his latest target, whom he's invited over to his place. When he hears her knock at the door, he immediately pretends to be injured. Casey enters, full of concern as Eric expertly plays on her emotions.

Once they are in the bedroom, a place where Eric has lured many women before, he concocts a story about an accident that has supposedly left him paralyzed from the waist down and infertile. He tells her how much he longs to have a family, evoking sympathy and compassion from Casey.

Believing every word, Casey is drawn to what she thinks is his genuine vulnerability and desire for closeness, which leads to an intimate encounter. Unbeknownst to her, she is falling right into the hands of a man who has mastered the art of deception to fulfill his hidden agenda.

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