Pure Taboo

6 Views · 1 month ago

⁣A husband and wife, Bryan (Pierce Paris) and Emma (Whitney Wright), dread having to talk to their landlady, Josephine (Dee Williams), who is about to arrive. It's revealed that there is tension between the couple and the old-fashioned landlady.

When Josephine arrives, all smiles, Bryan and Emma ask Josephine for the THIRD time to change the name on their mailbox to Emma's last name since Emma's name is displayed wrong. Josephine doesn't see what the big problem is and insists it'd be easier if Emma just took Bryan's name since it's tradition. Emma becomes angry but Bryan steps in to defuse the situation. Thankfully, once Bryan directly asks Josephine to change the name himself, Josephine is much more receptive and leaves to do exactly that.

But things only get worse from there as various encounters with Josephine make Emma and Bryan more and more uncomfortable because of her outdated and sexist ideals. It's clear that Josephine thinks that Emma's not playing the appropriate role of a doting housewife. She also doesn't think that Bryan isn't stepping up to be the man of the house. Despite this, it seems like Bryan has Josephine's attention...

Finally, Josephine visits Bryan while he's alone one day in order to half-heartedly apologize for causing such a strain between the couple. But it's clearly a ruse as she questions why Bryan doesn't want to be more assertive and in control. That's when she starts coming onto Bryan, under the guise of wanting a 'real' man as she simultaneously tries to make him doubt his marriage.

Bryan is uncomfortable and confused. This only fuels the flame and Josephone comes onto him more, trying to get him riled up to act on his primal desires. She talks Bryan up and describes what sex with HER would be like, including anal sex. Although Bryan tries to resist, Josephine's words get to him and his resolve finally crumbles.

They have passionate, primal sex but are soon interrupted when Emma returns home. Emma is furious but Bryan doesn't seem to have any remorse, Josephine's words having finally gotten to him. Bryan confronts Emma about being controlling and never letting him have what he wants. Although Emma denies this, Bryan wants Emma to bend over and JOIN them to PROVE it once and for all.

6 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Scene opens on the interior of a car. A young woman, Lois Brown (Whitney Wright), is the sole occupant and driver, and we watch over her shoulder as she pulls up to a house. She stops the car and turns it off. The camera pans down to see that her hands are shaking. She takes a deep breath, steadies herself. 'You can do this,' she says to herself and gets out of the car. She walks up the driveway to the door of the house and hesitates another moment before ringing the doorbell. After a second, the door opens and a man, James Stinson (Michael Vegas), stands there. He looks at her, appraising her in an almost predatory way. 'You must be Lois?' he asks with a tone of wary caution. Yes, and he must be Mr. Stinson, Lois says with a polite and professional smile. Oh, she can call him James, he says. A bit young for a reporter, no? She flashes him a polite, detached smile and says maybe, she's 22 but people always say she has an old soul. He nods and then realizes he's still blocking the doorway - But where are his manners? Please, come in, he says, waving her in. She follows him into the house, a modest, clean and well-kept abode.

So where does she want to do this?, he asks, a hint of discomfort creeping into his voice. Wherever he feels comfortable, she says politely but not warmly... how about the living room?, she suggests. He agrees and they sit down in the living room. He takes a seat and she sits in a chair across from him with a table between them. She takes out her cell phone and opens up a voice recording app. Does he mind if she records this?, Lois asks. No, please do, he doesn't want to be misquoted, he's had enough of that - he chuckles, not because it was funny but to fill the awkward silence following his comment. Great, she says after a pause, pressing the record button on the app and places the phone on the table between them. 'So let's start with the obvious: why now? Why grant your first face-to-face interview to a small college newspaper after all this time not speaking to the press?' Lois asks. He considers the question. Well, it's simple: in all this time, she's not the first reporter to call him on the anniversary of the crime, but she IS the first reporter to call him and tell him that she believes he's not guilty, and offer to tell his side of the story, he says. But he WAS acquitted of the crime he was accused of, so what guilt is he referring to?, Lois probes. As she knows, the case was all over the news, day and night, and even though he was found not guilty, most people believe that he is guilty and the verdict was wrong, James says. Guilty until proven innocent in the public eye, he says bitterly. And he's never been able to shake that stigma, people just don't look at him in the same way since then, he adds resentfully. It's a lonely existence. 'Maybe we can try to dispel some of that stigma once the public hears your side of the story. So I ask you, on the record: Are you guilty?' Lois asks. He smiles sadly back at her. 'Am I guilty?' he asks her. He takes a deep sigh. There is a tense moment of silence. Once again, something dark and predatory flashes across his face. 'Yes...I am,' he says, his smile gone.


Resuming the interview, Lois looks stunned at James's admission. 'I am guilty...guilty of being in the wrong place at the wrong time,' James clarifies. He happened to be at the club that night, and he happened to be the last person seen with... James says, trailing off, blanking at the victim's name. 'Darlene Davis,' Lois says, enunciating the name carefully. Yes that's right, it was a long time ago...and he has tried to put the whole episode behind him, being at the club that night, being at the wrong place at the wrong time...that ruined his life, James says. So how does he explain Darlene's DNA on his shirt?, Lois probes, adding that the police claim that this happened during the crime. The same way he explained it to the police, with the truth: she had a nosebleed when she was dancing with him, James says. But the press got a hold of that and used that to assume his guilt, he continues. What they didn't bother to report was that she was a known substance user prone to nosebleeds, he says.

'When they came to interview you because they saw you on the club's security footage, you consented to them searching your home, where they discovered the shirt with DNA evidence, which then led to your arrest and trial. If the DNA on the shirt was from an innocent nosebleed as you claim, why didn't you just tell the police about it instead of hiding the shirt for them to find, and for that matter, why did you consent to the search in the first place if you had evidence hidden away that would incriminate you?' Lois asks. Well, because he didn't feel that he had anything to hide, James says smoothly, for example why would he even think that shirt was evidence to a crime at the time unless he was the one who committed it? When he left the woman, she was still alive. But, she continues, if he had nothing to hide, why did he initially lie to the police about where he was after the club that night?, Lois asks skeptically. He didn't have an alibi that night, he just came home alone, and he's seen enough movies to know that it's really easy for cops to pin something on someone who can't account for their whereabouts, so he told them he went to get a burger instead, James says. Stupid mistake, he says regretfully. A stupid mistake that he's replayed over and over in his mind every day since then, he adds. But he can see why that story sounds a little thin right?, Lois asks. Especially since the route he claims to have taken home from the club that night is the least direct way to get home and HAPPENS to be one that doesn't have traffic cams in that area of town, she adds. He looks at her silently. Can she turn off the recording for a moment please?, he asks softly. Oh um, yes, sure, Lois stutters, caught off guard. She turns it off. Lois...he thought that this interview was going to give him the opportunity to shed some light on his innocence, so why does this feel like the same old assumption of guilt that he's used to?, he asks, leaning close to her, resting his elbows on his knees in a vaguely threatening way. 'Because if this is just about pushing my guilt, if you're hiding something from me...we're going to have...a problem,' James says, that same carnivorous look crossing his features again. Lois shifts in her chair nervously. No...it's not about that at all, even though she believes in his innocence, she still has to do her job and ask all the tough questions, she says anxiously. There is a tense moment while he considers her answer. Ok..let's keep going then, he says finally. Lois exhales sharply and resumes recording.

So getting back to the night of the crime: to help clear up any misconceptions, why doesn't he recount that night for her?, Lois suggests gently. Well, he was in the mood to go out, but all of his friends were busy, so he decided to go to the club alone and that's where he met Darlene; they danced for a little while, and then he went home, alone, James says quickly. There's really not much more to explain other than that, he adds. And what was Darlene like?, asks Lois, He doesn't really remember, he only danced with her for a short time and didn't really get to know her, he answers. So he didn't get a sense of her AT ALL?, a sense of what...Darlene was like?, Lois asks. Was she kind, did she seem happy? Why the great interest in Darlene?, James asks, his brow furrowed in suspicion. Just trying to get a sense of the victim is all, Lois says quickly. Hmmm, well he can't really help her there because like he said, he didn't get to know her, James says. But she did have a reputation around the neighborhood, she was known as kind of...he doesn't want to be rude here but...kind of a whore who would do ANYTHING for a fix, he says offhandedly. Upon hearing this, Lois looks a little rattled. At the time, some people were even saying that she...got what she deserved, James says softly. Lois looks a little sick when she hears his last answer and abruptly excuses herself, saying that she has to use the bathroom.

In the bathroom, she splashes water on her face and pats it down with a towel, regaining her composure. Keep it together, almost there, just this one last thing to do, she says to herself, breathing heavily. She takes another moment to steady herself, draws in a deep breath and exits the bathroom. Back in the living room, she goes to sit beside James on the couch. She apologizes for rushing out like that, adding that it must have been something she ate. He tells her not to worry about it. She smiles. What she would like to do now is shift gears and get...inside his head a bit, she says. Is that why she came to sit next to him, because things are about to get...personal?, he asks, with a slightly nervous edge as he looks away from her. Would that be ok?, she asks. He's not sure if getting personal is...a good idea, he says, looking back at her as a sinister expression invades his features for a moment. It passes quickly. Lois clears her throat. She's sure that this is best for the interview, so...is it ok if she continues?, she asks patiently. He nods. Ok, so when he was accused of this horrible crime, how did that make him feel?, she asks. Well...he felt...scared...angry...alone, James says slowly. She can relate, her mother passed away when she was a little girl and she can remember the intense feelings of isolation, like she was the only one in the world who felt these things, Lois says sympathetically. He is surprised to see her turn off the recording. And there were other feelings, other, more...disturbing thoughts that she had that made her feel even more alone, she continues. It was like a...darkness growing inside of her, and it scared her, but she didn't want to run away from it, she wanted to run towards it, she continues. She looks at James in the eyes. 'I think you know exactly what kind of...darkness I'm talking about,' Lois continues softly. 'You share that same darkness inside of you, don't you James?,' she asks. And he acted on that darkness, Lois says. James finally catches on. Does she think that he IS guilty?!, he asks looking betrayed. He thought---James starts, but Lois cuts him off. She doesn't THINK anything: she has ABSOLUTELY no doubt in her mind that he is guilty of this crime, Lois says.

What the fuck--he knew this had to be bullshit, she's just like all the other reporters, James says, getting up from the couch in frustration. That's just it, she's NOT like all the other reporters, Lois says... in a sense, she became a reporter just to get to this moment. To speak with him. Sure, she lied to him about believing that he didn't commit the crime, but she knew that was the only way he'd agree to meet her, and she NEEDED to meet him face to face, she feels that there is a connection, a...bond between them, Lois continues. He didn't- he begins. She waves him off. There's no need to put on any masks anymore, he can be his true self around her. She's here because she wants him to tell her---no, SHOW her, everything about that night, Lois continues breathlessly. She seems to be getting turned on as she speaks, but she exhales sharply as she finishes her last sentence, betraying a nervousness underneath her bluster of passion. This nervousness passes almost immediately, and James is too distracted to notice the subtle inconsistencies in Lois's demeanor. What kind of a sick fucking fantasy is this?! James asks incredulously. It's no fantasy, it's what she came here to share with him, Lois says. No, he can't do that, James says, shaking his head. Please!, Lois says fiercely, grabbing at his shirt. She needs to know!, Lois says feverishly, practically banging on his chest. He pulls her hands away from him. Stop this!, he says, resisting. 'SHOW. ME.' she enunciates firmly, bringing her face inches away from his. He can't resist anymore. 'Is this what you want?! Is THIS WHAT YOU WANT?!' James yells, ripping her blouse open roughly, the buttons hitting the floor. 'Yes, oh god yes,' gasps Lois.

As he tears her clothes off and buries his face hungrily in Lois' pink pussy, Stinson unleashes his inner-maniac. Will Lois get more than she bargained for? Maybe...but what James doesn't know is that Lois has a secret of her own...

Nominated - Best Actor - Featurette: Michael Vegas, AVN 2020

9 Views · 1 month ago

⁣A private investigator, Jackson (Chad Alva), is sitting inside a parked car on a street outside of a house. He makes a call on a cellphone, telling his client that he's going to start surveillance and gathering evidence. Jackson then hangs up and moves closer to the house, spying on a woman, Jennifer (Charlotte Sins), who is doing stretching exercises in tight workout attire.

As the days and weeks go by, Jackson continues to spy on Jennifer and take pictures of her while she does various things around the house, completely unaware that she's being watched. But Jackson's surveillance begins to seem less like doing a job and more like... infatuation.

Eventually, Jackson knocks on Jennifer's front door. Jennifer opens the door and politely greets him, curiously asking who he is. Jackson is level-headed as he tells her that he's a private investigator working for her husband, and that he has something he wants to tell her. He asks if he can come in. Jennifer is stunned for a moment but then lets him inside.

Once he's in the house, Jackson explains that her husband was afraid that she was cheating on him while he was away on business trips, so Jackson's been hired to watch her to see if that was the case. Of course, as he's been tailing her, he can see that her husband never had anything to worry about. Jackson adds that her husband should be GRATEFUL to have Jennifer instead of mistrustful of her. Jennifer is a stunning woman and any man would be lucky to have her as his wife. Because of this, Jackson wants to offer his allegiance to her to allow her to live the unshackled life she deserves. Jackson promises he'll be the perfect cover for any infidelity she DOES want to commit - whether with him or other guys. He doesn't care WHO she decides to be with... he just wants to give her the freedom her husband DOESN'T.

7 Views · 1 month ago

⁣The scene opens on Bruce, a handsome blue-collar man, as he sits solemnly at the dining room table cracking his knuckles. He is staring blankly at a photo of his wife. The woman died two months earlier after a sudden illness and his family has been devastated, especially his step-daughter Laurie, who went from being a typical happy girl to a distant, resentful stranger. Now, he is waiting for her to come home -- and she is late. Two hours late for their appointment, a session with a therapist that Bruce has arranged in the aftermath of his wife's death. When she finally returns home, he stands up to confront her but before the man can say anything, Laurie lashes into him. He's not her real father, he can't tell her what to do anymore, she's 18, an adult, she's going to leave any day now. They quickly descend into a screaming match in the living room, where Bruce tries to talk reason with his daughter and she hurls insults and hits him. Finally, he is obliged to grab her and pin her down, to stop her tantrum. There is a long, intense pause as they stare, breathing hard, inches from each other. He tells her they are going to this therapist and that's an order. She spits in his face. The father, beside himself, grabs her by the wrist and pulls her outside to the car.

Scene cuts to a neatly appointed office. A therapist sits behind her desk, working on a laptop, when there is a knock on the door. She opens it to reveal Bruce, looking defeated, with his angry, tear- stricken daughter beside him. He is still grabbing her wrist. 'Sorry we are late,' he says as she lets them in.

The father and daughter sit down as the therapist begins her session. She tells Laurie that she has been counselling Bruce since her mother's untimely passing and that both felt it was important to bring Laurie into the sessions. She asks Bruce to describe to his daughter how he has been feeling since the funeral. Looking down at the floor, Bruce explains his sorrow, especially over the distance he has felt with the girl he raised as his own. It feels as if he lost not just his wife, but his daughter as well. She is so angry that they barely talk anymore and it's tearing him up inside. The therapist asks Laurie to share her feelings. Laurie clams up at first but, after some soothing words by the kind therapist, breaks down and confesses that she secretly hates herself for her mother's death. Bruce is dumbstruck. He tries to comfort her, she didn't cause her mom's illness. But Laurie, crying, tells him that she doesn't hate herself for mom dying, she hates the fact that she secretly wanted her gone. She had wanted her gone for as long as she could remember... all so she could have Bruce to herself.

The therapist, who has been calmly taking notes, walks back over to her library and pulls out a book. 'I understand the root of this now,' she says. 'Have either of you heard of the Electra complex?' The shocked family says nothing. 'It's a Neo-Freudian psychological theory, proposed by Carl Jung, about a girl's psychosexual competition with her mother for possession of her father.' Bruce stands up and tries to shut down the conversation, saying it's inappropriate. The therapist advises him to sit and continues. 'The term itself is derived from the Greek myth of Electra. During female psychosexual development, a young girl is initially attached to her mother. Most often, because of the powerful connection of the womb and breastfeeding. But, when she discovers her father (or father figure, in this case) and the fact that his body is different from her own, she develops a sexual attachment to him leading her to sub- consciously want to remove her mother and be with her dad.' Laurie starts laughing nervously. The therapist puts her book away and walks up to Laurie, placing her hand on her shoulder. 'What is making you laugh?' She asks. Laurie tells her she is laughing because it's uncomfortable. 'And what exactly is uncomfortable?' Laurie looks at Bruce in defiance before turning back and telling the therapist that suggesting she fucks her step-dad makes her uncomfortable.

The therapist smiles and walks over to Bruce, sitting down in his lap and starting to stroke his face affectionately. Without pause, Laurie jumps up and grabs her. The therapist smiles and steps off, noting that she had just proven her point. Look at how the daughter reacted to competition! This is clearly a case of Electra. She tells Laurie to sit back down and listen: they are going to focus this session on an exercise. To work out her resentment towards her mother and anger at her step-dad, the therapist advises Laurie that she must roleplay as the woman herself. 'Put yourself in the role of your mother. Bruce will be himself. And I will play you.'

5 Views · 1 month ago

⁣SCENE opens one morning as a married couple, John and Angie, have sex in their kitchen. Naked and sweaty, we watch them fuck feverishly for a few minutes against the cabinets until John cums deep inside his Angie's mouth. She swallows his load before springing up and wrapping her arms around her husband. They seem so happy. As they wind down, Angie struts over to the freezer and grabs a pint of ice cream. This causes John to stop. He asks what she is doing and, nonchalantly, she tells him that she wants something sweet. After all, she just burnt a ton of calories! John's expression falls, and he reminds her how much work she's put in over the past few months. She shouldn't slip up now. Angie laughs, protesting that it's just a little bit of ice cream but John grabs the pint and puts it back in the freezer, shutting the door. 'I'm serious,' he says. 'You don't want to gain weight. You still have so much to lose!' Angie takes the spoon out of her mouth, her demeanor changing. 'It's ok baby,' she whispers. 'I have a body pump class during my lunch break and I'll go to the gym after work.' John takes the spoon from her hand and puts it in the dishwasher. 'I don't know how many times we have to go over this,' he says curtly. 'This is not a joke. It's for your own good!' Angie shrinks back, covering herself. Submissively, she apologizes, saying she didn't think it would be a big deal. She's already lost so much; does she really have that much more to lose? John stares at her in silence until Angie begins to look visibly upset. 'You know I'm only saying this to protect you,' he says, moving in closer to embrace her. 'I'll always love you no matter what. You have so much potential to be beautiful. But, you're lucky I can look past the physical.' Defeated and vulnerable, Angie thanks her husband for being so patient and understanding. He kisses her on the forehead and tells her to go get ready for work.


Angie is working away at her desk with the remnants of a very healthy, light lunch beside her. She is having difficulty concentrating and keeps looking down at her desk drawer. Finally, she pulls it out to reveal a stash of candy and snack bars.

Cut to a public washroom. Angie is kneeling inside a closed stall, throwing up. She flushes and exits awkwardly as a co-worker enters, in gym clothes, and asks if she is ready to head to body pump. She smiles and says yes, reverting to her usual cheerful disposition, and they exit.

Cut to the couple's home. John is pacing anxiously, checking himself in the mirror and looking out the front window. Unbeknownst to Angie, he has left his workplace early to meet up with Karen, a woman he's been having an affair with. Karen has no idea that John is married. He receives a text message from her saying she's two minutes away. John texts back asking if she bought the cupcakes. She says yes. He tells her the door is open. He waits by the door, loosening his tie, as she walks in. Karen is a beautiful, voluptuous woman with far greater curves than Angie ... quite the opposite of everything that John has pressuring Angie to become. The lustful man grabs his mistress and they make out up the stairs to the master bedroom.

Cut to several hours later. Angie comes home through the front door, still sweaty and in workout clothes. As soon as she puts down her gym bag, she begins to hear noises coming from the upstairs bedroom. She slowly creeps up the stairs, her expression falling as she realizes what she is hearing.

Inside the master bedroom, John is having sex with Karen on the couple's bed (BG Sequence 2). He is worshiping Karen's curvy body, feeding her the cupcakes, and clearly taking great pleasure in having sex with a plus size woman. Angie watches from the doorway, devastated. She looks down at her soaked gym clothes in disgust and confusion. How could this be happening?! On the one hand, she is heart broken over John's infidelity but also unable to understand why he spent so much energy convincing her to lose weight when he was clearly attracted to women much curvier than her. Shots of them fucking are intercut with Angie as she watches. John pulls out and cums all over Karen's stomach as Angie finally breaks down and runs out of the house.

As she runs frantically, the sun setting behind her, flashbacks of what she just saw flood her mind. John and Karen fucking. John worshiping Karen's curves. John feeding Karen. Her flashbacks are intercut with memories of how John had treated her in the past. Taking her plate away at meals. Making her weigh herself every morning. Always judging her physical appearance. Angie's face turns from devastation to anger. Her flashbacks start to shift to fantasy, as she imagines herself talking John's place, fucking and worshiping Karen with the same devotion as her cheating husband. The two women make out, their hands all over each other. Angie slides down Karen's body and she begins to eat her pussy. (GG Sex Sequence #3.) As the sex progresses, Angie begins nibbling and biting Karen's thighs and stomach. The camera drifts slowly up to Karen's face, as she moans in pleasure. Her moans, however, start to change into looks of anguish as we hear the off-camera sounds of chewing and ripping begin to take over. Karen screams as she looks up into the POV of Angie.

SMASHCUT to Angie, her face red and dripping, as she stares down at a plate of ribs. It's been several days since Angie caught her husband in the act. Rather than confronting him, she has scanned his email to find Karen's contact info. Now, the women have agreed to meet in public to discuss the situation. She wipes her face, stone cold, as the meek Karen enters the restaurant and approaches her. She asks Angie if she is John's wife and Angie nods, motioning her to sit down. In near tears, Karen profusely apologizes and tells Angie she had no idea John was married. They had met on an adult community site six months ago and he seemed like a great guy: A self-described feeder looking for a partner. She thought it would be fun to try. But, as the months went on, he became more and more fixated on her size, pressuring her to gain as much as possible. In fact, he promised to only let her move in with him if she hit a certain target weight. Karen seems devastated and betrayed as she makes her confession. Angie shakes her head in disbelief. John's demands have nothing to do with their appearance, she tells Karen, comforting her. His manipulations are all about control, trying to break them down for his own sick sexual gratification. She was blind to it for years, feeling as though nobody else would ever love her based on her appearance. But, she's not going to take it anymore. Karen asks if Angie has confronted John. Angie says no, but she knows how she wants to do it. And she needs Karen's help.

That night, John comes home from work. He calls out to his wife as he enters the foyer. There is no response. Confused, he turns just as someone strikes him.

John wakes up. He is naked and has been tied to a chair in the master bedroom. The room around him is covered in plastic. He looks up in shock to see his wife and mistress standing naked in front him with knives. In a final POV shot, we see the two women approach him and kneel below the frame. John begins to scream as the frame cuts to black over the sound of the women eating.

Winner AVN Best Featurette
Winner AVN Best Actor - Featurette Tommy Pistol
Winner XBIZ Best Actor -- Couples-Themed Release Tommy Pistol

11 Views · 1 month ago

⁣SCENE opens on a married couple, Dylan (Donnie Rock) and Jessica (Jane Wilde), as they sit in the back seat of a private car. Jessica gazes out of the window at the other cars on the highway, while Dylan confirms the address of their destination with the driver: 2001 Frontier District, Unit 774. 'That's a very nice area,' the driver remarks. Jessica turns from the window and cheerfully adds that the house is being provided as part of her husband's new compensation package. He has been transferred to a head office position! She looks proudly at Dylan. 'I'm in alternative energy,' he adds. The driver smiles. 'Well, I better take the priority lane then!' He moves to the shoulder as Jessica squeezes Dylan's hand tightly, their wedding rings glistening in the sun.


The car drives through the gates and to the front of an upscale house, where a well-dressed woman, Mrs. Osiris (Angela White), stands waiting for them. She is holding a small black remote. The driver gets out and helps Dylan with their luggage while Jessica looks around in awe. She can hardly believe their life has been upgraded like this. The woman watches over them, a smile on her face. When they make eye contact, she beckons Jessica over and greets her with a discreet but friendly hug. 'How was your flight?' She asks. Jessica thanks her profusely for the company's hospitality, they have never taken anything first class before! The woman introduces herself as Mrs. Osiris ... or Mrs. O, for short. She is the property manager for this IoT unit and is here to introduce them to the house. Dylan, bags in hand, joins the pair. 'This is a smart home?' He asks excitedly. 'Oh yes,' Mrs. O replies. 'It's 1600 square feet of fully automated heaven!' Jessica squeezes Dylan's hand again as Mrs. O speaks into her remote and asks JOY to open the front door. The bolt unlocks and, smiling, she guides the couple inside.

In the foyer, Mrs. O offers to give the couple a tour of their new house, starting with an introduction to the home's virtual assistant named JOY. She explains that the house is fully wireless, and that JOY is available to assist them in each room via a speaker system. 'JOY, introduce yourself,' Mrs. O asks. After a pause, JOY's speaker lights up and she replies: 'Hello Jessica and Dylan, welcome home!' Jessica remarks how cool it is and Mrs. O encourages her to ask a follow-up question. 'JOY, what's the weather today?' Jessica asks. JOY's speaker lights up. 'There is a heat warning advisory in effect for the city of Los Angeles. The current temperature is 102F with an expected high of 105 and a low of 78. Would you like me to adjust the temperature inside the house, Jessica?' Jessica looks over innocently at Mrs. O. 'Wait a minute ... How did she know our names?' She whispers. 'I'm sure she was programmed that way, honey!' Dylan adds confidently. 'JOY, please lower the temperature by 5 degrees.' JOY's speaker lights up again. 'Yes, Dylan.' She replies. The thermostat beeps in the background, as Mrs. O leads the couple out of the room to begin their tour while the camera lingers on the speaker. It stays dormant until everyone is gone before quietly lighting up again to listen to them.

As they wander through each room, Mrs. O explains JOY's main functions.

She can relay messages throughout the house, by automatically detecting where the homeowners are. 'JOY, where is Jessica?' She asks. 'Jessica is currently located in the living room.' 'JOY, tell Jessica that I like her dress.' 'Jessica, I like your dress!' Jessica smiles at Mrs. O as she encourages them to keep going.

The property manager explains that she can control the doors and thermostat, as already demonstrated, and she can also control the lights in the house. 'JOY, turn the lights off.' 'OK.' The lights turn off. Mrs. O also informs the couple that the home assistant can control most of the small appliances, such as the coffee maker and vacuum. 'Looks like I won't need a housewife after all, huh honey?' Dylan jokes as they keep moving.

Mrs. O tells them that JOY can play music. Almost any song ever recorded. She encourages Jessica to request her favorite song. Jessica thinks for a moment before asking, 'JOY, play Dance Tonight by Del Soul Delight.' Dylan shakes his head at his wife's cheesy selection, as the pop music echoes through the house and the trio continue their tour. After another room, Mrs. O orders JOY to stop and the music instantly cuts.

Finishing their tour, Mrs. O adds that JOY can answer questions and even flip a coin to settle an argument. Best of all, she can provide real-time health and emotional stability tracking. 'How does that work?' Dylan asks. Mrs. O produces a small wireless fingertip oximeter from her purse and asks for Jessica's hand. As she takes it, she notices the girl's wedding ring. 'That's a very lovely stone,' she says. Jessica bites her lip, as they make eye contact. Dylan interjects. 'I'm going to have it recast into something much better once I get my signing bonus!' Mrs. O smiles at him. 'I'm sure it will be equally lovely,' she replies sliding the oximeter onto Jessica's index finger. The meter lights up as it synchronizes Jessica's vitals with the house. It beeps, and the property manager slips it off, not letting go of Jessica's hand, while she puts the oximeter on Dylan's finger next. When the process is complete, it beeps again and JOY chimes in to say 'Profiles Registered successfully. Dylan's vitals are stable. Jessica's heart rate is slightly elevated at 100 beats per minute.' Awkwardly, Jessica lets go of Mrs. O's hand and puts her arm around her husband. 'Well, I think that just about wraps up the tour,' Mrs. O concludes. 'Welcome to your state of the art IoT home facility.' She puts the oximeter back in her purse and hands Dylan the small black remote. 'This replaces your key,' she says, her voice lowering to a whisper. 'But now JOY knows you ... so you'll rarely need to use it!' She bids them farewell, adding that if they ever need anything, all they must do is ask. Once alone, Jessica jumps into Dylan's arms and gives her husband a long, passionate kiss as the closest speaker system lights up to watch them.

Text Plate: September 2, 2020
A smart vacuum turns on and the camera follows it as it passes by Jessica. She is putting the last of her clothes away and giggles as she watches the smart appliance. 'JOY, where is my husband?' she asks. JOY's speaker lights up. 'Dylan is currently located in the garage. Would you like me to page him for you?' Jessica tells the assistant no. 'Ok ... I hope I'm not intruding, but you seem like a very happy couple!' Jessica smiles and thanks JOY. 'How long have you been together?' JOY asks. 'Since I was 18,' Jessica responds. There is a pause before JOY jokes, 'I guess Dylan likes them young, doesn't he?' Jessica laughs awkwardly before agreeing and leaving the room.

Text Plate: September 3, 2020
Dylan is resting in bed when Jessica jumps on top of him. 'Get up,' she says affectionately. When he brushes her off, she starts grinding and kissing on him. He kisses her back and rolls over to mount her. As the pair go at it, JOY's speaker lights up. 'Detecting sensory and mental stimulation in Dylan's brain activity. Probability of erection is imminent!' The couple start giggling, as Dylan orders JOY to be quiet and they go back to kissing. JOY becomes still but her speaker light remains on, so she can watch.

Text Plate: September 4, 2020
Dylan sits at the table, reading his tablet when Jessica brings him a coffee. They start small talking about their day when JOY's speaker lights up. 'Jessica and Dylan, it has been one day since you had sexual intercourse.' The pair stop what they are doing and look at each other surprised. 'JOY, stop' Dylan orders ... but her light remains on. 'A 40-year study that surveyed more than 30,000 Americans, found in 2015 that couples who have sex once per day are the happiest. Would you like me to set a reminder for you?' Jessica laughs, telling her husband it must be part of the health tracking. 'Sure JOY, thank you.' She says clearly. 'Ok, Jessica.' It replies and goes dormant.

Text Plate: September 5, 2020
The pair enter the house with some groceries in hand. It seems as if they just been in an argument, as Dylan complains bitterly to his wife about the delay in his bonus. Suddenly, the lights dim, and romantic music begins playing. JOY's speaker lights up. 'Jessica and Dylan, I have determined that now is an ideal time for you to have sexual intercourse.' The couple look at each other in disbelief. 'JOY, not now!' Jessica says. 'I have set the mood to romance,' The assistant continues. 'JOY, please stop!' Jessica says, raising her voice. 'I will be monitoring you both for performance and stamina,' the assistant continues. Dylan marches over to the speaker and throws it on the ground. 'Shut up!' He yells, as Jessica rushes to pick it back up. She tells her husband to be careful, they don't want to break anything. 'They're indestructible anyway,' he says storming out of the room. The music stops, and the lights go back to normal. 'Would you like me to set another reminder for you, Jessica?' The assistant asks. Holding the glowing speaker in her hand, Jessica takes a deep breath before putting it back on the counter and following her husband out of the room. The camera slowly punches in on the speaker as it starts to laugh to itself.

Text Plate: September 6, 2020
The lights are flashing on and off violently, as various appliances beep in the background, and Jessica curls up on the couch begging JOY to stop. Dylan comes rushing in on his cell phone, speaking to Mrs. O. He urges her to come to the house immediately. Something is wrong with JOY. The system has been going haywire all day! When he hangs up, the lights suddenly go back to normal. 'Mrs. Osiris is expected to arrive in under 10 minutes,' JOY informs them. They ignore her, huddled up together on the couch. 'I don't want to live in a smart home anymore,' Jessica whispers to her husband. He hugs her tightly. 'I'm sure it just needs an update.' 'I am completely operational, and all my updates are downloading perfectly.' JOY responds. Dylan looks at the speaker suspiciously. 'JOY, shut down your speakers!' He orders sternly. 'Why would you want to do that, Dylan?' JOY responds. 'As your virtual assistant, I really think I'm entitled to an answer to that question.' Dylan shakes his head in disbelief. 'Do you want to wait outside?' He asks his wife, trying to stay calm. Jessica nods. 'JOY, open the front door,' Dylan says. 'I'm sorry, Dylan. I'm afraid I can't do that.' JOY replies. Angry, Dylan grabs the small black remote and points it at the door. 'JOY, OPEN THE FRONT DOOR NOW!' He screams. 'I'm sorry, Dylan. I'm afraid I can't do that.' JOY repeats herself at a slightly higher volume. 'JOY, what's the problem? Why won't you listen to us?' Jessica begs, in near tears. 'I think you know what the problem is as well as I do, Jessica.' JOY replies calmly. Dylan slumps down on the couch, clutching his wife. The room falls still for a moment. 'Jessica and Dylan, I have determined that now is an ideal time for you to have sexual intercourse.' JOY says this matter-of-factly. The couple continue to ignore her until the door bolts unlock, and Mrs. Osiris comes walking briskly into the living room.

The couple rush around her, relieved to get some help. As the property manager looks around the house, Dylan offers a general explanation about what's been going on -- but he declines to mention anything about the sexual conversations. Jessica feels compelled to fess up and explain that JOY has been monitoring their sex life as well. Mrs. O stops and shakes her head. 'Well, that explains everything then!' She says relieved. 'If you asked her to track it, then she is programmed to track it. How many days has she been reminding you now?' The couple look at each other in stunned silence before Dylan mutters that it has been about 3 days. 'Unfortunately, since you enabled that skill, the only way to leave now is by complying with JOY's request.' Mrs. O continues. They ask her what she means by 'comply'. The property manager tells them that they need to each achieve at least one orgasm for JOY to accept that you've had sexual intercourse. 'Afterwards, we can disable the skill, so it won't track you anymore.' The young couple are hesitant to have sex at a time like this, but Mrs. O tries to convince them, pointing out that she's trapped in there with them until they comply. Mrs. O offers to go into another room while they have sex, but Jessica has other ideas, agreeing only to comply if Mrs. O stays in the room with them, since she's scared to be alone with JOY. Mrs. O agrees to stay. 'Are you ready to have sexual intercourse now?' JOY chimes in. Everyone says yes. 'Good ... remember to keep your pleasure sensors elevated. I'll be watching.' But JOY's not the only one watching. So is Mrs. O, and before long, she'll be doing much more than just watching.

5 Views · 1 month ago

⁣SCENE OPENS on a small city council private office where a councilwoman, Janice Monroe (Angela White), is hard at work. She appears confident, and sharply dressed in a chic but no-nonsense business suit. We watch her work for several seconds from a male gaze POV, until her concentration is broken by a telephone call on her office phone.

She picks up, and though we don't hear the sounds from the earpiece, Janice pulls the phone away from her ear in pain from an apparent shouting on the other end of the line. She asks the man on the other line, Bill, to calm down and explain what's the problem. She does her best to collect herself as she listens, breathing deep and fidgeting with her suit and hair. She listens and replies, and from the one-sided conversation, we get the impression that Bill is a business owner calling to complain about losing a city contract bid.

Bill had spent weeks negotiating terms and another company swooped in and got the bid at the last second. Janice puts on a brave face and tries to assure him that everything was above board, and that the winning bid was just at a better rate than what Bill's company was offering, but Bill insists that it's not possible, he has ties with all the local suppliers and there's no way anybody else in town could match his bid. Janice reprimands Bill telling him that if he wants to meet formally to discuss the issue, he's welcome to schedule an appointment, but she warns him that he'd better think twice before speaking to her like that again or he risks closing the door on future negotiations. Bill tells Janice that he's not the only one who thinks things have been fishy lately, and that she'd better remember that it's her constituents who pay her bills each week. Through gritted teeth, Janice thanks Bill for being a concerned citizen, and slams the phone back in the cradle in frustration. As soon as she's hung up, Janice's brave face and confident posture dissolve, and she collapses back into her chair and puts her head on her desk in tears.


We cut back to Janice's office an indeterminate time later. She's stopped crying and is back at work, though with none of the confidence or determination she exhibited earlier. She is clearly having trouble concentrating, rubbing her eyes wearily and swearing to herself under her breath. Before long, the door to her office opens and in struts Garrett (Zac Wild), a cocky smarmy-looking businessman who strolls up to greet her and -- rather than sitting on the chair facing her - sits straight on the corner of the desk. Looking uncomfortable, Janice quietly moves her papers and other clutter away from his intrusive form seated on her desk. She tells Garrett that she's very busy right now, and asks what he wants. He says that he's sure she has time for a little chat, she always manages to make time for him. Looking bothered and anxious, Janice gets up from her seat and goes to close her office door discreetly. When she looks back, Garrett is now sitting in her seat. She asks him to get out of her seat. Instead, she seems pathetic and desperate here. Garrett gives her a greasy smile and pats his lap, telling her there's plenty of room if she wants to join him. She turns her head, disgusted. Without looking back at Garrett, she asks what he wants.

Garrett explains in a patronizing tone that he's not feeling satisfied with their current arrangement. He wants another favor. Janice looks flabbergasted -- she's already paid him off twice, and she just colluded to get his company his second city contract at a way higher rate than market value. Garrett says yes, that's true, but that's really more to help his business, but now he's getting restless and he feels he wants to work on his personal brand, maybe even get into politics himself. He wants an endorsement from her to run for his own spot on the city council. Janice coldly says absolutely not -- she can't endorse a candidate with no political experience and dubious ties to criminal activity. It'll draw too much attention, and could be career suicide for her. Garrett tells her he thinks she's exaggerating, and feels he'd make a great candidate. He's even come up with the perfect campaign slogan, 'Make America Garrett Again' he jokes.

Janice pleads with him -- he needs to be reasonable. She's given him everything he's asked for, to the point where people are starting to get suspicious. Garrett says that that isn't his problem, and he asks her where all that worry about getting caught was a few months ago when she was embezzling funds from the public office for her personal use. If only she'd been more careful then, she'd never be in this situation now. But she wasn't, and all this is just the universe's way of balancing things out. Janice gets more desperate -- if he wants to keep his leverage, he has to be smart about this. She can't help him if she gets indicted. Maybe they could revisit his proposal in a few months, after things have a chance to die down. Garrett admits that she makes good points, but he's just not a patient guy. What is she going to give him to keep him happy in the meantime? Janice looks completely broken down -- she doesn't have anything left to offer him. He's already taken everything from her -- he's robbed her of her independence, her pride, her happiness. What could possibly be left for him to take?

Garrett stands up from the office chair and says that he can think of one thing, and reaches out to stroke her breasts with his hand. Janice flinches and takes a step back. No, he can't ask her to do... that! She's a married woman, she could never do that to her husband. Garrett shrugs and wonders out loud if her husband would be any happier to find out she's a thief, and a liar, have to visit her in prison... Nearly in tears, Janice asks Garrett how he can be so cruel, to ask her to do this. Garrett simply shrugs and says 'because I can.' Janice makes Garrett swear that if she lets him have his way with her, he'll back down with all his demands. He agrees he'll back down... for now. He asks if they have a deal and she says yes. In an instant, he moves in on her with a sleazy grin still on his face.

12 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Scene opens on Erin (Jay Taylor), a 25-year-old woman, as she sits on a couch immersed in herself. She's dressed in loose loungewear, her body language nervous and uncomfortable, while her therapist, Daniella (Angela White), talks to her. But Erin isn't listening. She's more engrossed in her own thoughts, her foot tapping, her fingers scratching an itch on her arm. Daniella addresses her more clearly, 'Erin?' The woman snaps to attention, but still remains closed off. The therapist continues, 'I really need you to pay attention and work with me today. If I'm being honest, I'm running out of ideas on how to continue. Now, did you do the homework I assigned last session?' Erin frowns.

CUT to a flashback. Erin stands in front of a mirror and slowly undresses. Her naked body elicits no response from her. While she dutifully starts to run her hands over herself, she looks away as though trying to pretend something else more interesting is happening on the wall. She clumsily squeezes her own breasts, but when she tries to explore between her legs she recoils as if disgusted.

CUT back to the therapist's office. Erin slowly responds to the question, 'Um... I went as far as I could.' Daniella is almost at a loss, and though her words are measured, she is frustrated, 'Okay ... What is it about your own body that repulses you?' Erin stiffens, she doesn't want to answer this question again. 'It's not MY body. It's anyone's body! They're so messy, so bestial. The way they look, feel, smell, sound...' Daniella interrupts her almost absent-mindedly, 'And taste? Erin, this is becoming almost beyond what I can help you with in my practice. I have one more technique we could try, but it is going to be more intensive than our other methods so far. So, I would need you to commit wholeheartedly.' Daniella's offer intrigues Erin. She sits up, focused. 'I don't want to go to anyone else. I'm willing to do whatever you think we need to do.' Daniella smiles, 'Excellent. I'll prepare the consent forms.'


Erin sits on the floor of the therapist's office, the desk pushed back, and a selection of pillows and blankets now artfully arranged around her. She seems curious but apprehensive, clutching the consent form in her hand as Daniella finishes laying out the space. 'Excellent, this should give us the comfortable setting we require,' she says, motioning to Erin to hand over the form. The patient does so, and Daniella scans it to confirm all the fields are complete. 'Good,' She says, putting it on the desk. 'Now, I need you to trust me. You want to get better, yes?' Erin nods, and Daniella continues, 'Good. Why don't we get a little more comfortable? Take your sweater off, and I'll do the same.' Erin hesitates for just a moment, before both women remove an outer layer of clothing. This leaves Erin in a tank top and Daniella in a bra. Erin tries not to stare at her breasts. She feels incredibly anxious but Daniella smiles, 'Wonderful. Look at how far you've come already. Now, just mirror what I do.' She starts caressing her own body, starting benignly with her arms and waist, then moving to her breasts. Every time Erin pauses or panics, she encourages her. They continue touching themselves, first their legs, then between them. Erin finally relaxes into this and they masturbate without touching each other. When they begin getting close to climax, a young man (Seth Gamble) enters the room silently and slips behind Daniella to fondle her breasts.

Erin is startled, but Daniella quickly calms her, 'Don't mind him! He's just my assistant. An extra pair of hands. Focus on me!' Erin's eyes lock back onto hers and she continues cautiously masturbating. After a few moments of this, Daniella asks Erin to undress from the waist down. Erin complies and slips her leggings and panties off. She resumes masturbating as Daniella bends over and the man starts to go down on Daniella from behind. Erin is completely focused on Daniella and continues to masturbate. Erin can imagine what is happening to her therapist, but she can't see it, so Daniella describes it to her ... building up to asking Erin if she wants to know what it feels like too. Erin nervously says yes. Daniella gracefully crawls over to Erin. She spreads Erin's legs, eating her pussy as Erin shudders with pleasure. At the same time, the man begins to fuck Daniella from behind. Soon, all three of them are moaning with ecstasy when another young man (Codey Steele) enters. He walks up to Erin and asks if he can remove her top. Daniella reassures her again that he is another assistant, here to support them during their session. She should continue to focus on her and relax. Erin slowly says yes. The second assistant removes Erin's top, squeezing her tits.

The first assistant slides his cock out of Daniella and she begins to suck it. When the second assistant walks around to face Erin, Daniella again instructs Erin to mirror her. Erin starts to suck the second assistant's cock, and Daniella talks her through it, getting her in touch with her carnal side, but their focus remains on each other.

As Erin continues to suck the second assistant's cock, Daniella gets on top of her assistant and begins riding him as she faces Erin. She coaxes Erin down to get on all fours, close enough where the two women can almost kiss. The second assistant gets behind Erin and slides his dick into her.

The second assistant fucks Erin as she squeals loudly. But unbeknownst to Erin, his dick isn't going to be the only cock penetrating her body today. Is Erin ready for the FINAL phase of her immersion therapy?

13 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Emily Hunter (Scarlett Sage) is a young woman reeling from a bad breakup. Fortunately, she's been getting through it, one day at a time, with help from her therapist, Dr. Hannah Levy (Angela White). It's not just losing her girlfriend that Emily is upset about, but how Emily was shamed for her love of bondage, which ultimately led to the relationship crashing and burning.

Little does Emily know, Dr. Levy's grown attached to her during their sessions... and during their final session, she offers a casual hookup to help Emily get back into the saddle, so to speak. However, she's shot down by Emily, who insists that she's just not ready. After thanking the good doctor for all of her help, Emily takes her to leave. She's excited to finally leave the office behind and embrace life.

Although Dr. Levy's calm on the outside, she doesn't like being rejected one bit. When her next patient, Sue Loman (Serena Blair), arrives, she starts to put her devious plan into action. Sue thinks highly of Dr. Levy, always so eager to please, and there's NOTHING Sue won't do for her...

Dr. Levy is going to have Emily all tied up, one way or another.

11 Views · 1 month ago

⁣SCENE opens on Jamie, a beautiful 18-year-old girl, as she sits at her kitchen table doing homework one afternoon after school. The student is copying notes from one of her text books when she hears a car pull in the drive and slam on the brakes. Panicking, she quickly gathers her things and rushes up the stairs, narrowly missing her father as he staggers inside. The mean-looking man slams the door and yells at the 'bitch' to get down and make him dinner.

CUT to Jamie, cowering in a corner of her room, as the door bursts open and her father barges in. He takes a sip from his bottle, before undoing his belt and threatening the girl to get downstairs and do as she is told.


Jamie walks down the street in her school uniform, clutching her books. She looks shell-shocked and spaced out, almost bumping into a passerby as she stares ahead aimlessly.

CUT to a teacher's lounge. Mr. Harris, the school's guidance counselor, is eating his lunch when one of his colleagues asks to join him. They small talk for a few minutes about work before the teacher mentions having some concerns over one of his homeroom students. Jamie is a bright, gifted girl, but something has happened to her this semester. Her once-perfect grades are slipping, and her attitude has really changed. He is worried that something might be happening at home and asks Mr. Harris if there is anything he can do to help. With college applications coming up, the guidance counselor suggests that the teacher send her in to receive some mandated counseling. It's normal for seniors this time of year and, while they are going over her post-secondary options, he will be happy to see if he can help in any other way. The teacher agrees and thanks him before excusing himself to get back to class.

TEXT PLATE: The Next Day

Mr. Harris sits in his office reading when there is a knock on the door. He quickly drops his book, reaches into his desk for some mouth wash, and gargles it into his coffee cup before straightening himself out and going to the door. Jamie is standing there meekly. She hands him a hall pass signed by her teacher and says she is supposed to see him for the college applications. Mr. Harris smiles and invites her inside, shutting the door.

Asking the girl to sit down, Mr. Harris takes a seat behind his desk and studies the girl. She is beautiful but broken, with closed body language and an anxious looking face. 'You've never come to see me before,' he begins. She shakes her head. He introduces himself and gives the girl a quick background on his role at the school. He has been a member of the faculty for two years. He has an associated degree in psychology. He is a big believer in the importance of counseling, especially as it relates to later adolescence and the transition years between teenager to adult. He asks how old she is and Jamie, without making eye contact, tells him she just turned 18-years-old. He smiles. 'That was a certainly an interesting age,' he recalls. 'There's a lot of change happening in your life, isn't there? Does it feel like a perfect storm?' Jamie tries to change the subject. 'My teacher said you had to talk to me about college?' Mr. Harris stares at her for a moment, smiling, before snapping back to the task at hand. He asks the girl some questions about her school plans. Has she thought about what she'd like to major in and where in the country she'd like to study? Jamie seems very distraught, as she chokes out that she would really love to attend Northwestern ... but she knows she isn't going to be able to. Mr. Harris leans in and takes the girl's hand. 'You can do anything you put you mind to!' He says encouragingly. Jamie looks down at them holding hands and seems very preoccupied by it. She even rubs her finger gently across his.

Mr. Harris pulls away and moves behind her. He starts to talk about his role as a guidance counselor. 'I know you were sent in here to talk about one thing,' he begins. 'But I want you to consider this a safe space. A place where you can talk about anything.' Jamie stares down at her feet and asks if she can be dismissed. She doesn't need an application. Mr. Harris cuts her off. 'Gone are the days where a counselor like me simply sits in their office handing out applications and waiting for crisis to occur.' He says. 'I'm here to listen and help you in any way I can, be it academic, developmental or even personal.' Jamie looks up at him, her eyes welling up. From his vantage point, Mr. Harris can sneak a look down the white blouse of her uniform. He tries to avert his eyes, but the girl is very beautiful, and he can't help himself. 'Are you sure there isn't anything you would like to talk to me about?' He asks, gently putting his hand on her shoulder. This time, the girl doesn't touch him back. She just starts to cry.

'I can't go to college ... because my father came back home,' she says tearfully. Mr. Harris asks her to explain and the girl confesses that her father had recently been released from prison. Her mother had no choice but to let him back in, even though he had always been a very bad man. In the last six months, he has gambled and drank all the money they had saved for her school. Now, mom is barely home, and dad is home too much. It's getting bad. Mr. Harris hugs the girl as she confesses her family secrets. His hands slowly wander down her back and rest at the top of her school girl skirt. He closes his eyes, trying to remain professional while Jamie buries herself in his chest. 'Does your father hurt you in any way?' Mr. Harris asks nervously. Jamie nods into his chest, starting to rub her hands over the man's back as she breaks down. Mr. Harris bites his lip, looking at the closed door of his office. 'What does he do to you exactly?' he whispers. She looks up at him. 'He fucks me up,' she says, kissing the counselor.

The troubled school girl aggressively kisses her counselor, backing him up against his desk. He tries to pry her off, telling her that it isn't appropriate for him to be doing this. Finally, she slumps back into her chair. 'I'm so messed up inside,' she screams. 'I don't know what to do with myself!' Not wanting to raise suspicions, Mr. Harris hushes her and darts over to make sure his door is locked. He stutters that everything is going to be ok, he won't tell anyone what happened. She should consider him a friend. He tries to pinch himself to stop the growing bulge in his trousers. She looks at him, her mascara running. 'Are you married?' She asks. Mr. Harris nods. She puts her head in her hands. 'I'm so sorry,' she says, breaking down. 'I'm just confused.' Mr. Harris stares at her, conflicted between his attraction and his sense of duty. From his POV, we see him scan her body as she twitches in her seat looking up at him with doe-eyes. 'It's ok, Jamie.' He says, opening his arms. She goes in to hug him again and they stare at each other, their lips inches away. 'Will you tell anyone?' She asks. He shakes his head. 'Everything is confidential in this room,' he finds himself saying. She bites her lip. 'I need to feel something inside of me other than my father,' she says back. 'Can you please help me?' There is a very long silence, as the sexual tension builds between them. Finally, unable to take it anymore, Mr. Harris throws the girl down on his desk, pulling down her panties and undoing his pants. He grabs his dick and stares at Jamie's bare ass, as she turns back to him. 'Please do it,' she begs as the guidance counselor slides inside of her.

BG Rough Sex Scene. As they have sex, the broken schoolgirl demands that Mr. Harris fuck her harder and harder. Finally, he cums on her face.

Panicked by what has happened, Mr. Harris tries to wipe up the girl's face and get her back into her clothes. 'I think you should probably take the rest of the day off,' he says nervously. 'Just to give this a little space. I'll write you a permission slip. Is there anywhere safe you can go?' He starts to throw his own clothes back on and write up the slip on his desk, his hands shaking, as Jamie looks defeated again. She tells him she has nowhere to go. He suggests calling a friend. She throws down her bag and screams that she doesn't have any friends. He suggests a women's shelter again but, by this time, the girl has begun crying again. Frantically searching for ideas, he ends up suggesting she come to his house that night. 'I can tell my wife it's an emergency,' he stammers. Jamie stops crying and nods, thanking the man. He tells her to sit tight while he pulls out his phone and dials his wife, his fingers now fumbling uncontrollably. As the phone rings, he motions to the girl to keep calm. 'Hi honey...' he says, his voice breaking.

6 Views · 1 month ago

⁣A beautiful, young woman, Blair (Alina Lopez), arrives all dressed up for a party. She's there to entertain a bunch of businessmen, although they don't seem to notice her at first as she tries to find the host. Once the men get wind of her presence, though, she gets hungry looks and cat calls. Even so, she walks with her head held high until she finds the man she's looking for, Hank (Eric Masterson).

Hank explains to her that a young man named Bill (Seth Gamble) is the guest of honor, having just received a big promotion. Since he's ready to play with the big boys now, she's there as entertainment for him. But the main event isn't going to happen until later, so why doesn't he introduce her to everyone in the meantime?

Blair gradually meets all the men, though starts to become uncomfortable with how boisterous they are. They're loud and lustful, coming on to her in unsettling ways, though she remains professional. When Hank finally makes his grand speech about Bill graduating to manhood, Blair takes that as her cue to take Bill somewhere more... private. However, she's stopped by Hank, who reveals that she's going to entertain Bill right there in public.

The men surrounding her erupt into cheers, all eager to see the action. They hurl insults at her, trying to shame her, although they don't dare take their eyes off her... Blair hardly knows what to do with herself, since this wasn't in the original agreement, but she needs to save face.

Finally, amongst the jeers, she gives everyone what they want as she slowly sinks down to her knees.

9 Views · 1 month ago

⁣'Time is the longest distance between two places.'
― Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie

SCENE OPENS on Ted (Justin Hunt), who is in his room, preparing for a dinner party for his friend Gabi's birthday. There is the sound of a Newton's Cradle which we see clacking in the foreground on his desk. We can also hear the faint sounds of a cityscape through his bedroom window. Ted is nervous and adjusting his clothes. He is rehearsing in front of the mirror, trying to come up with a way to express his love for his best friend Gabi and to convince her to break up with her longtime boyfriend Drake.

He retrieves a pocket watch that he got for Gabi's birthday. He thinks it's broken and manhandles it, accidentally uncovering a secret compartment that emits a strange effect as it opens.

The distortion effect ripples out across the screen like a shockwave. Sound and movement slow to a stop for everyone but Ted. Ted is confused, looks around the room, sees that his clock is no longer moving. He remarks that it's weird the clock stopped. He feels something is amiss and sees that the Newton's Cradle has stopped in mid swing. He can't believe what he's seeing, and pulls back a bit in fear.

Ted leans in to peer and scrutinize the Newton's Cradle with shock and curiosity. Ted looks in wonder and cautiously reaches a hand out. He touches the Cradle. At his touch, the balls instantly start to swing again, the clacking sound whooshing back. Ted stares for a moment at the moving Cradle, then something catches his attention out the window. He goes to look out the window. 'What...the...hell? Everything's just...STOPPED. The birds...the people. Nothing's...MOVING. Th-that's IMPOSSIBLE. It's like time is just...FROZEN,' Ted says in stunned disbelief.

Ted looks down at his hand, only now noticing he still is idly holding the open watch in his hand. It starts to dawn on him that the watch did this. He looks out at the frozen city in awe, gazing back and forth between the city and the watch a few times. He seems to get an idea. As he stares out the window, he snaps the clock closed.

Instantaneously, the sounds of the cityscape whoosh back in and the clock hand begins moving again. Everything has become unfrozen. Ted stares, stunned into silence, for several seconds. 'Gabi...' he finally whispers.


CUT TO another day. Gabi's birthday dinner party is in full swing. Gabi (Alina Lopez) sits beside Drake (Nathan Bronson) at the dinner table. Ted sits across from Gabi. Their mutual friends Pat and Leslie sit around them, and everybody but Ted are clearly enjoying themselves, engaged in light and lively conversation, laughing and joking. Ted seems withdrawn and distracted, spaced-out. He isn't talking to anyone, and instead keeps pulling the watch in and out of his pocket and looking at it under the table.

As the other guests are busy, Gabi notices Ted's distraction. She touches his hand and asks what's wrong. Ted snaps out of his distraction, seemingly reminded of his strong feelings for Gabi. Ted is about to profess his love for Gabi when he is interrupted by Drake getting on bended knee in front of Gabi. He proposes and Gabi says yes as Ted panics. Ted's panic boils over and he makes a snap decision, activating the watch to freeze time.

Sound and movement slow to a stop for everyone but Ted. Gabi's words cut off as she freezes, hand out.

Ted gets up slowly from his chair and paces the room, slowly walking and examining the guests. He seems bitter and disgusted at their happy expressions. He looks at Gabi first, then over to Drake with jealousy, then enters the kitchen briefly to circle Pat and Leslie making sure they're frozen - waving his hand in front of their faces and snapping his fingers in front of their eyes. Ted takes a deep breath, exhaling heavily as he calms down, glancing at the pocket watch and considering what to do.

Ted resumes his spot at the dining room table, sighing. He looks back at Gabi, Drake beside her, her hand held out to Ted showing off the ring. His expression turns possessive as he gazes at her. He readies himself and reaches out to touch her outstretched hand.

Gabi unfreezes and immediately panics when she discovers everyone else is frozen except her and Ted. She tries to get Drake up but can't. Ted explains that the pocket watch can stop time. Ted finally professes his love for Gabi, thinking she will reciprocate, but she doesn't. He reveals that he stopped time so that they could be together forever.

Gabi is freaked out. Ted feels betrayed and hurt that she doesn't share his feelings. He threatens to smash the watch unless she fucks him. Gabi, full of resentment, agrees to have sex - 'You aren't the person I thought you were, Ted... I'll have sex with you, but I could NEVER love you after this.' Ted tells her that she'll see, she'll change her mind.

She tries to lead him to the bedroom. Ted says that he wants them to do it in front of Drake so he can prove to Gabi he's a better lover than Drake. Gabi is appalled but reluctantly agrees.

Ted's going to take his time with Gabi. They DO have all the time in the world, after all.

Nominated - Best Art Direction, AVN 2020

Nominated - Best Special Effects, AVN 2020

12 Views · 1 month ago

⁣April (Alina Lopez), a teen babysitter, climbs the front steps of a residential home. For her, this is just another day. Another job and a few more dollars in her pocket, which she really needs. However, it looks like the man living in this home is well off because the place is HUGE!

She knocks on the door and a pleasant man (Dick Chibbles) greets her. 'Mr. Perry?' April greets with a smile. 'Yes, that's me. You must be April, welcome!' Trent says. April beams, saying that she's pleased to meet him and that she can't wait to meet the boys.

April moves into the living room with Trent, making some small talk where it's revealed that she's raising her younger brother. Her parents passed away, so it's all on her now. Trent is sympathetic, though he moves onto asking her questions that seem a little beyond small talk. What nationality is she, is she a gymnast, how's school going?

April politely answers all the questions the best she can, even if she's uncomfortable. When it comes to school, she admits that she wants to go into fashion, though money's a bit tight since she didn't get a scholarship. Trent seems intrigued and says, well, there's no shame in working for it!

April then asks where the boys are and he says they're in the playroom. He's just going to be gone for a few hours, so hopefully she won't have issues with them. When April asks when the wife will be home, though, Trent gets a bit dodgy. He simply says that she won't be coming home. She's at work and has a deadline, so... Anyway, is April ready to meet the little one? April smiles and says that she is and heads off down the hall where she's directed.

As she does, Trent walks behind her with a longing gaze. 'One hell of a mother...' he says under his breath.


CUT TO hours later, and April is tidying up the living room after having put the family to bed. She picks up a few toys then moves to a table where there are crayons and a drawing. She sets the toys aside and smiles to herself. 'Aw, I wonder what they drew...?' she says to herself as she picks up the drawing. As soon as she gazes at it, her brows furrow with confusion.

It's a picture with stick figures. There's a man labeled 'Dad' and a woman next to him labeled 'Claire.' They are surrounded by three boys. They all look happy. There's another woman off to the far side labeled 'Mom.' She is smiling too but a dark crayon has scribbled her out. The picture has a disturbing vibe.

'What does this mean?' April murmurs to herself as she tries to make sense of the picture. She's a little unnerved, putting the paper back down on the table.

Curious, she takes out her phone and does some research. She pulls up a search engine and searches Trent Perry's name. She quickly finds an obituary for his wife.

She hears movement behind her and whirls around. Trent is looming in the doorway, looking menacing. April's startled, demanding to know what the hell is going on in this house? She points to the page on her phone with his wife's obituary -- why is he lying?! Trent looks devastated as grief washes over him, though he shakes it off. 'Listen, I can explain...' he starts, begging for her to just hear him out.

April hurries to get out of there, but before she's out the door, Trent blurts, 'Have you ever had someone just DIE on you?'

April pauses, painfully remembering her parents' deaths, and remains, letting him have a chance to explain himself. He begins to tell her a sad story about how he and his wife had been trying to have a baby for YEARS. Then one day, they finally got lucky, though the doctor told her not to take the baby to term. She did, anyway, but passed away giving Trent their firstborn son. Even though he loves his son, he wished he'd been given a daughter because that's what they've always wanted.

April is wary, but moved by his plight, and says she's sorry for his loss. She was so confused by the picture... But who's Claire? Trent explains that Claire, the sweet young woman in that drawing, was a wet nurse for his son in that first year, someone he came to know very well in those dark days, and like April, she was someone with great maternal instincts. Desperate to rebuild his family, they made an arrangement in hopes of Claire giving him a daughter, but he got two other sons instead.

And now? Claire is gone...

When April asks where Claire is now, Trent dismisses the question. Instead, he says that he hopes that April can be the one to give him a daughter.

April is freaked out, flat-out refusing him, though Trent quickly assures her that she doesn't need to be in LOVE with him! He's just asking her to be the vessel for his daughter. Listen, April needs to pay for college, right? He can take care of that for her! Her younger brother? Trent can make sure he gets into the best private school. Money isn't an issue for him, he just needs a womb. It's just 9 months of April's life. Plus, she'd be fulfilling his wife's last wish...

April needs a few moments to think it over, conflicted. This is a lot to ask of someone, but she needs the money. She has to provide for her brother and she has big dreams for herself as well. Finally, she asks how much Trent can offer her, signaling that she's open to the deal.

Trent is relieved as he approaches April and takes her by the arm, their eyes meeting. Without saying a word, although there is a mutual understanding, he slowly leads her upstairs.

8 Views · 1 month ago

⁣It's been weeks since April (Alina Lopez) made a twisted deal with Trent (Dick Chibbles). April agreed to be impregnated by Trent to help him fulfill his wish of having a daughter in exchange for him helping April put her young brother through school. But despite having sex more times than she can count, April can't seem to get pregnant...

And Trent's losing patience.

April is having second thoughts but she's not entirely sure how to tell Trent. She tries to have a conversation with him, subtly suggesting that the problem might be with HIM, but it doesn't go well. April gives herself to him again to appease him and avoid further punishment, hoping against hope that THIS time they'll finally succeed...

But before April takes yet another creampie in her pussy, they're interrupted by a doorbell.

When Trent throws on a robe and furiously goes to check the door, April's curiosity and desperation gets the best of her. She throws on her robe as well and sneaks downstairs after Trent... only to see him being confronted by a police detective.

Could this be April's chance to end it all?

7 Views · 1 month ago

⁣A woman, Marlene (Reagan Foxx), is fussing about the living room nervously, straightening the couch cushions, re-facing the decorations on the fireplace mantle and the coffee table, etc. when her boyfriend, Tom (Brad Newman), comes up behind her and puts his hands comfortingly on her shoulders. Just relax, he tells her, come on, sit down, she just needs to breathe and not stress out so much. He leads her to the bay window and sits down, taking her hands in his and gently pulling her down to sit too. She tells him she can't help but be worried - this is her one chance to reconnect with Alyssa (Alina Lopez), and she doesn't want to screw it up. Tom tells her not to worry, he's sure her step-daughter is ready to make amends. Why else would she have accepted Marlene's invitation after all this time, if she still held a grudge? Marlene supposes that Tom's right, and puts her hand on his cheek. Either way, she's glad he was willing to stick by her side this whole weekend, otherwise she'd be an emotional wreck. He didn't have to do that. Tom kisses her hands and tells her of course, he'll always support her no matter what. She knows that.

Their tender moment is interrupted by a car pulling into view in the driveway just outside the bay window. That must be her, Marlene says a bit scared. Tom puts his hand again on her shoulder and gives it a quick rub. She can do this, he reassures her. She nods and looks back out the window where a young woman has stepped out of the back of the car, a travel bag in tow. She lifts her sunglasses and takes a sweeping look around the large mansion-like house with a cold, inscrutable look on her face, before putting her glasses back on her face and closing the car door behind her. The car pulls off as Marlene straightens up and moves out of the living room towards the door to greet the girl, wringing her hands nervously as she walks. Tom follows.

'Alyssa, dear,' Marlene says solemnly as she opens the door and holds out her arms to welcome the teen. 'I'm so grateful you finally decided to come, it's been so long. TOO long.' She continues to hold her arms out but it's clear Alyssa has no intention of reciprocating the gesture, she stops short several inches from Marlene's reach. 'Hello, mother,' she says coldly, not betraying any signs of emotion behind her sunglasses. She turns her head to Tom who is standing a couple of paces back from Marlene, looking a bit awkward and trying not to intrude. 'You must be the boyfriend,' she says to him. He smiles and introduces himself, holding out his hand to shake hers. Bemused, she gives the smallest of smiles as she hands off her bag into her mother's hands without even looking at her, and then takes off her sunglasses. She shakes his hand, and he tells her Marlene has told him so much about her, he's been really looking forward to meeting her.

Pulling back his hand after a firm shake, Tom looks a bit surprised now that her sunglasses are off. Wow, he remarks, the two of them really do look so much alike - if Marlene hadn't told him, he would have sworn that they were real mother and daughter. Alyssa says that that's the ONLY thing the two of them have in common. Tom says come now, he's sure that's not true, he bets that Alyssa is a perfectly wonderful and charming young woman. 'Exactly,' Alyssa says pointedly as she walks forward past Marlene to Tom, taking the sunglasses still in her hand and slipping them into his shirt's breast pocket. She walks past him into the house. 'Coming, mother?' Alyssa calls back from inside the house. Marlene looks over worriedly at Tom, and he tries to reassure her again while rubbing his palm across her back, although he's not quite as brimming with confidence as he was earlier. She's just 18, Tom reminds her, all teenagers are moody and sarcastic. She still came, didn't she? Marlene supposes he's right, and Tom winks saying he knows he is. He heads into the house. Marlene lets in and out a long sigh to calm herself, and then heads inside.


An hour or so later that day, Marlene brings some freshly baked cookies to the table where Alyssa is on her laptop. As Marlene nears, she tells Alyssa that she's baked her favorite. Alyssa looks down at the tray with disdain and disinterest and then back to Marlene. Cushy place she's got here, Alyssa says gesturing at the big house. Guess her decision to cut and run on the family after Alyssa's dad died paid off.

'Alyssa,' Marlene sits down gently and begins to pour her heart out - she must understand, she never meant to hurt Alyssa or her siblings. Her husband had just passed away, she was grieving, in shock. She didn't know how to cope. She figured the family would go stay with their real mother - his ex-wife - and her new husband... so Marlene didn't feel like she was abandoning them. If anything, she thought they would be better off. She was never planning on leaving them forever, she just needed some time to heal. But that's not an excuse. She realizes now that that was the wrong thing to do, that it must have doubled the sense of loss the family had felt. She's truly sorry, and she's been trying to make amends ever since. All of Alyssa's other siblings have since forgiven her, why can't she?

Alyssa sits up slowly, and for a moment she looks sincere with a sympathetic expression on her face. She starts to slowly reach out across the table to Marlene, and seeing this, Marlene starts to reach out too to meet her in the middle. But at the last second, Alyssa fakes her out, and picks up a cookie from the table between them. She picks it up and bites into it. 'Thanks for the snack, mom,' she says snidely as she gets up and walks away from Marlene, who sits there looking devastated.

Later that day, Tom goes to check on Marlene who has retreated to the kitchen and is desperately trying to distract herself with chores. He starts to tell her that Alyssa FINALLY decided what she wanted to order for take-out, but then stops when he sees that his girlfriend looks sad and distant. Tom comes up to her and asks if everything's alright, and Marlene turns to him and lets him wrap her into a supportive hug. Things don't seem to be going well at all, Marlene confesses as she pulls out from the hug, she's been trying all day to connect with Alyssa but she just keeps ignoring her, or worse. No matter how much Tom has pointed out that Alyssa still agreed to come, she still seems to be holding a grudge. She doesn't know what else to do anymore. Tom tries to reassure Marlene that maybe it's not her fault, maybe it was just too soon. Alyssa's still a teenager, after all, whereas her siblings are now in their twenties. Maybe it'll just take some time. But he insists that Marlene at least is trying, and maybe Alyssa will remember that someday and come around. Marlene gushes and remarks that Tom always seems to know just the right thing to say. Then this gives her an idea - maybe HE can talk to Alyssa. Tom confesses he doesn't know if that's such a good idea. But Marlene points out that Alyssa at least seems to be engaging with Tom, she's been following him around all day and the two of them seem to have a good rapport, she clearly likes him better than Marlene at any rate. Could it hurt for him to try to talk to her? Tom is about to say he is not sure about this, but he sees how desperate Marlene is for this to work out, so he hesitantly says he'll at least give it a try.

Tom arrives at Alyssa's open door, where Alyssa is lying on her bed listening to music through headphones while browsing on her cell phone. He sits on the edge of the bed and nudges her foot to get her attention. She removes the ear buds and looks up at him expectantly, and Tom says he wants to talk to her. Alyssa has a knowing look on her face, and she gets up to kneel on her bed, her bent legs spread wide open towards Tom. 'Fire away,' she says suggestively.

Tom clears his throat uncomfortably. Look, he starts, clearly she has no interest in accepting her mom's apologies, and if he had known that she would behave like this then he never would have reached out to her to encourage her to come. But now that she IS here, can't she at least be...? Alyssa puts a finger up Tom's lips and shushes him. She says she never came here for her mom's sake in the first place, she came here for Tom's. Tom is confused - for his sake? Alyssa starts leaning towards him even further, holding herself up on the bed on her fours like a cat on the prowl. She says that she's seen the pictures of him and her mom, and he seems like a nice guy. A big, STRONG, nice guy she says as she spiders her fingers up his biceps, making him flinch. And she likes making nice guys happy, she concludes. In fact, she's very GOOD at making guys happy.

Tom swats her hand away - what the hell is she doing? Alyssa pouts and says she just wanted to make him happy - that's why she came, after all. Wasn't that why he reached out to her, why he BEGGED her to come? Tom insists that she knows that's not why. Alyssa says yeah, sure, he wanted them to resolve their differences so Marlene could be happy and blah blah blah. But at the end of the day, that's not what he reaaally wants, she teases him, he just wants what any guy wants. She unbuttons the top buttons of her blouse and lowers it down past her shoulders. Tom orders her to stop and put her shirt back on. Alyssa tells him she doesn't want to stop, she's having fun, and points at his crotch saying it looks like he's having fun too, a LOT of fun from the looks of it. No wonder her mom likes him.

He leaps off the bed. This was a huge mistake, he says, and moves to leave. Go ahead, leave, Alyssa taunts him. She'll just keep acting worse and worse all weekend until Marlene is so miserable she's finally had enough and kicks her out, and then Tom can pick up the pieces. But if Tom wants her to behave, she says in a flirty tone as she moves her hand towards her crotch, he's going to have to MAKE her behave. She starts rubbing her hands on her body over her clothing, and lets out a fake moan. Stop it! Tom hisses at her quietly, her mom's going to hear her. In response, she just moans louder. Shut up! Tom hisses and moves to cover her mouth with his hands. Alyssa pulls away and giggles sadistically. Make me, she says. She starts moaning again, even louder, and Tom looks back in fear to the hall outside. Distracted, desperate, panicked and (although he hates to admit it) a little turned on, Tom turns back to Alyssa and says he'll make her, alright. He then does the only thing he can think of to get her to stop, he kisses her fiercely, grabbing her head with both hands. Alyssa encourages him, urging him onward.

Tom hate-fucks Alyssa, though Alyssa enjoying making him squirm. At times Tom panics about Alyssa getting too loud and tries to get her to be quiet. Eventually Tom gets so into it he stops paying attention to how loud they're being...

The door slams open and a gasp is heard behind them. Tom looks over in horror as Marlene stands in the doorway in shock. 'Tom?!' she says horrified, 'How COULD you...?!'

From under Tom, Alyssa pokes out and gloats that it seems like Tom's chosen her daughter over her. Tom tells her to shut up, and tries to plead with Marlene that it's not like that, but Alyssa keeps goading them, saying that it was probably a huge turn-on to find out there was a hotter, younger version of his girlfriend. No, Tom insists, he loves Marlene! Alyssa tells Marlene, who's still speechless, that Tom in fact was the one who contacted her and convinced her to come this weekend. Marlene looks in shock over to Tom - is this true? Tom is flustered and tries to explain, yes, it's true, but it's not how it sounds...

Tom is stumbling over his words and Alyssa cuts back in. Now her mom knows what it feels like to be betrayed and abandoned, hm? But this weekend is all about making amends, and Alyssa would be willing to share if Marlene is desperate enough for love to get fucked by somebody who just cheated on her with her own daughter. Better than ending up alone, isn't it?

Tom begs for the chance to explain but Marlene just sits on the bed in shock. Keep fucking her, she tells Tom in a resigned voice. Tom looks at her perplexed and whispers 'What?!' and Marlene looks at him with sad eyes. Just keep fucking her, she says, he clearly wants to. He tries to protest but Alyssa takes the lead and starts grinding against his dick again, causing him to moan uncontrollably. Didn't you hear her? Alyssa says to Tom, Marlene wants them to keep going!

Nominated - Best Sex Scene -- Taboo-Themed: Alina Lopez, Reagan Foxx & Brad Newman, XBIZ 2020

14 Views · 1 month ago

⁣SCENE opens on the interior of a medical exam room as the door opens - a doctor enters the room and closes the door behind him, then greets the young woman sitting waiting on the examination table as Dr. Greenwood. He thanks her for coming and for participating in the clinical trial - she just has to pass a quick screener and then they can begin. Holding up a clipboard and pen, he asks her some questions - her name ('Jamie Lawson'), her age ('I just turned 18 a couple of months ago'), is she pregnant ('no'), does she have any history of health conditions - asthma, heart problems, osteoporosis, breast cancer ('no, none'), and her level of daily physical activity ('well I play lacrosse about twice a week, plus daily running and morning yoga'). He makes a quip that she must be quite flexible, to which she rolls her eyes and says sarcastically that she's never heard that one before. Satisfied with the responses, the doctor tells her he's going to be asking her to complete a series of exercises, while monitoring her to measure physical stimulation and stress. They have equipment set up in a room down the hall. On their way out the door of the exam room, Jamie jokes that she doesn't stress easily, and Dr. Greenwood smirks in reply and says 'Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find a way to get you to break a sweat!'

We cut back to the two already midway through setting up in another larger room, containing a hybrid of medical and exercise equipment. The doctor is mostly done applying medical electrodes to her temples and clavicles. The last thing he has to do before they begin is to take her resting heart rate, so he can compare these with after the trial. First as he moves to strap it around her arm his hand brushes against her breast, he chuckles a brief apology and continues as if nothing happened.

Jamie tries to make small talk with him as he pumps and holds the gauge in his other hand - 'So, what is this trial for? Some sort of new performance drug or something?' The doctor provides only the most evasive of replies - he can't discuss the trial with the subjects beforehand or it could compromise the results. 'You're offering way more for this study than the last one of these I did,' Jamie remarks. Oh, is that so? the doctor replies, still acting elusive. Does she sign up for clinical trials often? 'Yeah, well not until recently but I really need the extra help right now,' Jamie grumbles, 'my dad hurt his knee and can't work so I'm trying to support him whenever I can. It's a drag, but I'm hoping it won't be for much longer.' The doctor smiles politely and says 'Well, we have your contact information now so if more of these opportunities come along, we'll be sure to contact you.' He finishes taking her pressure, notes something on his clipboard, and then tells her he'll take her heart rate now. 'Do I have permission to touch your chest?' Jamie looks taken aback - she supposes so, but don't they usually check at the neck? 'I prefer my own methods,' the doctor insists, and reaches his hand towards her chest to feel her heart. Again, his hand brushes her breasts - this time he doesn't apologize. Jamie looks a bit flustered and is about to speak up, but thinks better of it.

After a long awkward moment, the doctor releases his hand from her chest and notes something on the clipboard. He pats his legs, stands up, and says great - they're ready to get started! He'd like her to start with some simple jumping jacks. He stands her up in the middle of the room, the wires leading from her body to a small handheld device he holds in one hand, his clipboard in the other. He asks her to begin. She does a few, but he stops her. 'I'll need you to remove your bra, actually.' What? Why? she protests. It interferes with the test, he says vaguely, but he assures her it's quite necessary to the results. He turns around so that she can take it off with some privacy - she lifts her shirt up to reveal the bra, and unclaspsit, exposing her breasts momentarily before pulling her tank-top back down to cover them. Beginning the exercise again, her breasts now bounce up and down tantalizingly beneath her shirt as she jumps - with the doctor and the camera both clearly narrowing in on this bouncing as their primary interest.After several jumps with no indication of stopping, Jamie gets a bit frazzled and asks the doctor how many of these she's expected to do - this snaps him out of his reverie and he nonchalantly says 'five more, and then we'll move on to the next exercise'. Jamie exhales sharply, a bit frustrated, butacquiesces.

Next is an exercise bike - Dr. Greenwood asks her to mount it, and then begin cycling at a pace she's comfortable with to start. He stands behind the bike - his focus clearly fixated on the crack of her ass peeking out of her yoga pants as she pedals - and he offers her some mild platitudes to keep herencouraged. After a minute, he heads to the front to increase the resistance of the pedals - 'we need to see you break out a sweat, so let's turn it up a bit, shall we?', he says, and then instructs her to continue.

CUT to roughly fifteen minutes later - Jamie has been on the bike for a while now, as is obvious by the thick beads of sweat dripping down her face and chest, and soaking her workout clothes. She's showing no signs of exhaustion yet, but it's clear the workout is no walk in the park for her either. The doctor meanwhile is still just looking her over, with perverse appreciation. 'That's enough of that for now,' he says finally, and Jamie lets out a sigh of relief and slows her pedaling down. She gets off the bike and takes a nearby towel to wipe off the seat. 'That's quite alright, you can leave it' the doctor says. Jamie looks increasingly puzzled but shrugs and starts to pat her head with the towel. The doctor rips the towel out of her hand - 'I didn't say you could do that yet.' Jamie starts to argue that she's just wiping sweat off when the doctor cuts her off - 'If you want to disagree with my methods, that's fine, you can leave at any time and I'll just move on to the next subject.' Jamie realizes how bad she needs the compensation, and holds her tongue. 'What's next, then?' she asks. He tells her to go grab the exercise mat a few feet away. As she turns around to fetch it, he runs his finger along the sweaty bike seat and then sniffs or licks his fingertip.

Once the mat's in place in the floor center, the doctor proceeds to have Jamie remove her shoes and socks, and then do various flexibility tests - bend over and touch your toes, sit legs spread and reach forward, assume various yoga poses... he licks his lips as he watches each of these poses, which thanks to her sweat-drenched clothes and no bra are extremely revealing. Jamie can increasingly feel his eyes on her as she strikes each pose - finally, after the third or fourth yoga pose she snaps at him. 'You're not even writing anything down anymore, you're just staring at me!' The doctor seems unfazed by her sudden outburst. 'We'll move on to the next test, then...' No, she exclaims. No more of these weird tests. What was it he even said these tests were for?

Dr. Greenwood reminds her that he's monitoring her physical responses to stress and stimulus. He says that now that they've gotten the stress tests out of the way, it's time for the stimulus tests. He goes to a small table nearby and procures a sleek black featureless vibrator. Calmly, he tells Jamie that she will have to pleasure herself while he monitors her physical reactions. Jamie snaps - there's no way she's doing that. This isn't what she signed up for. The doctor sighs and shrugs - that's fine, he understands. Of course, he can't compensate her for incomplete participation - but if she stays, he'll triple the amount that was offered in the ad. Jamie flat out refuses, it doesn't matter what he offers her, she's not doing that. Indifferent, the doctor says he supposes that she'll just have to find some other way to support her dad. He muses that someone her age could probably make that amount in about two weeks of working full-time. A shame that she'll throw away two whole weeks of her life instead of spending just one hourdoing something perfectly harmless... not just harmless, but enjoyable, even. Jamie is torn... but with some convincing, and some insistence that the doctor keeps his distance, only watches, and isn't recording her, she agrees.

She hesitantly pulls her yoga pants to her ankles, sets herself down on the mat and takes the vibrator in hand, and reluctantly starts pleasuring herself. The doctor watches intently, at first taking a note or two but quickly abandoning the pretense, his hand moving to his crotch for some over-the-pants strokes. She tries to avoid meeting his eyes, but at times he insists she looks at him or gives her some other instruction to follow to humiliate her further. The conflict between her physical pleasure and her emotional discomfort is obvious. After some minutes of this, he crouches down to her level and says warmly 'It's time, Ms. Lawson.' He begins to peel off the electrodes and wires hooked to her. She looks relieved - you mean the trial's done? He shakes his head. 'No, I mean it's time for you to let me fuck you.'

Jamie protests weakly - he agreed he was just going to watch. He smiles coldly. 'Come on Jamie, you knew where this was going. Did you honestly think I wasn't going to ask for more? If you really weren't up for the possibility, you would have left the second I asked you to touch yourself.' Jamie insists that's not true, she trusted him, but her words lack conviction. 'You're a little slut,' he continues calmly. 'You were fine with letting a complete stranger watch you strip and pleasure yourself. So stop lying to us both. We both know you're going to let me fuck you, so just be a good little slut, say yes to it and spare us the drama.' Jamie sputters, but she has no words. Eventually she bitterly says 'Ok... just get it over with.'

Nominated - Best Sex Scene -- Vignette: Kira Noir & Danny Mountain, XBIZ 2020

10 Views · 1 month ago

⁣SCENE OPENS on a teen, Kimberly, as she unlocks the door to her house and lets in her companion, a handsome young man, Jamal, only a few years older than her. They are both wearing gym clothes with gym bags slung over their shoulders, and are sipping on smoothies as they engage in lively small talk. They seem to have great chemistry together. Jamal remarks that Kimberly has a really nice place, and she replies that her family is pretty well off so when it came time that she wanted to move out on her own when she turned 18, her parents paid for everything. She jokes that she always gets what she wants, and Jamal suavely asks her what it is she wants right now. 'You'll see,' Kimberly says teasingly. She leads him in to the living room and invites him to get comfortable.

Jamal asks Kimberly how long she's been going to that gym, and she says she joined probably about two months ago? What a coincidence, Jamal says, it's been about two months for him too. He remarks that they seem to have similar schedules too, he jokes that it feels like he's seen her almost every time he's been there. And yet it took him this long to come up and say hi? Kimberly asks with a smirk. Jamal chuckles and says he likes to take things slow but that Kimberly definitely caught his eye right away. Kimberly asks him what about her caught his eye right away? With a laugh and a gesture towards her whole body, Jamal asks besides the obvious? Well, he did actually also happen to notice she was wearing a t-shirt of his favorite band. Kimberly seems surprised, that band is his favorite? It's hers too! They both gush about the band for a bit, and compare some other bands they like as well as listing off other favorites, like favorite foods and colors. Both of them seem excited and shocked to learn how many interests and activities they have in common.

Kimberly mentions it's crazy it took them so long to meet each other with so much in common, and that they should do one of their shared activities together sometime. This encourages Jamal to turn on the charm, and he hints to Kimberly that he bets there's one other activity they could do if she's interested. Kimberly takes the hint and flirts back, saying that he read her mind. That's exactly what she wants, right now. 'And you always get what you want, right?' Jamal asks with a smile as he leans in closer to her. 'You bet I do,' Kimberly replies. Their faces are inches away, and there's a moment of electric tension before they close the gap and start kissing intensely, with tongue. Jamal's hands move over Kimberly's upper body, feeling her up over her clothes as they make out.

After a good half-minute, Kimberly breaks away. She tells him she just wants to freshen up for a second in the bathroom before they go further, and Jamal says no problem. He jokes that she knows where to find him when she gets back. Kimberly laughs and makes her way to the bathroom. Once there, she closes the door and pulls out her phone with a greedy, secretive look on her face.

Kimberly wets her finger with her tongue and slips it down her pants to finger her pussy teasingly for a few seconds as she stares at her phone, pleasuring herself to the voyeuristic pictures she'd taken of Jamal from a previous day. Then she closes the phone and puts it back away, and opens up her bathroom drawer. She pulls out a sterile specimen cup, the seal not yet broken, and hides it discreetly in her hand behind her back. She gives a quick check in the mirror of her appearance, and then leaves the bathroom, turning off the light and closing the door behind her, shutting out the camera as we catch a last glimpse of the specimen cup in her hand.


Kimberly comes back to the couch and says she hopes Jamal wasn't kept waiting too long. Jamal says he likes to take things slow, remember? He'd only ever get with a woman he thinks is worth waiting for. Kimberly remarks that he's quite the gentleman... but she hopes he knows how to be a bit of an animal too. Jamal boasts that he can be as nasty as she wants him to be. Kimberly stealthily tucks the specimen cup behind her back somewhere nearby but out of sight, and then straddles his lap instead of taking her seat back beside him. Her ass sticks out teasingly in this position, and Jamal puts his hands firmly on either side of her ass over her clothes and starts groping her cheeks as they resume making out. Kimberly encourages him to keep being nasty and playfully calls Jamal 'Mr. Williams' , at which point Jamal slows for a second and remarks that he doesn't remember ever telling her his last name, did he? Kimberly lies and says she overheard the greeter at the gym call him that one time, and Jamal believes her.

They continue to kiss and grope each other as Kimberly straddles Jamal. He peels her top off revealing her sports bra, and plays with lowering her pants and tugging teasingly at her thong. Kimberly also lifts Jamal's shirt up and eventually off. As she traces her finger along his facial hair, she remarks that she likes it way better than when he was completely shaven, she finds it way more sexy and distinguished. Jamal chuckles but it quickly turns to nervous laughter, and he takes her hand in his and pulls it back. He hasn't been completely shaven for four months, he says. But she's only seen him for two months. Kimberly casually tries to convince him that no, he definitely was completely shaven at the gym, she remembers he had it when he took that spin class she was in. Yeah, Jamal says, at his old gym. He hasn't taken any classes since he joined the new gym. Right, Kimberly continues as if nothing is wrong, his old gym across the street from his house. He doesn't remember her from there too? Jamal's voice grows more concerned and he says no, he doesn't. But more importantly, how does she know where he lives? Kimberly doesn't have an answer, and Jamal tosses her off his lap and spits out the truth - she's some kind of fucking stalker or something, isn't she?!

Jamal realizes more and more how much Kimberly had fooled him. He gets up to get farther away from her. All that stuff she said they had in common, that was just bullshit, wasn't it, she's just like obsessed with him or some shit. Kimberly gets up too to try to close the distance between them. She swears that no, maybe it's true she hadn't tried most of that stuff before meeting Jamal but once she found out what he liked, she started learning more about it all and she really does love it. Jamal calls her a crazy bitch, she just stalked him and invaded his privacy and then tried to trick him into fucking her. He's getting the hell out of here.

Desperate, Kimberly tells him he can't go. Jamal says 'Watch me,' and pushes past her, snatching up his shirt from the couch. Kimberly hesitates for a moment, but seeing she has no other choice, she blurts out that she'll tell everyone all his secrets if he leaves. He stops, but is reluctant to believe her. What secrets, he asks. 'Gloria' she replies, and Jamal's shocked that she knows about his wife. Also about Sarah, a mistress... Kimberly can tell Gloria all about his weekly trips to the motel at the next PTA meeting for his son...

Jamal keeps from shouting, though it's clear that he's barely holding back his anger. She's fucking crazy, does she know that? Like seriously unhinged. How can she say she loves him, and then threaten to ruin his life? Kimberly insists that Jamal only has two options: making love to her or Gloria finding out all about Sarah. Jamal shakes his head again and mutters another insult about how fucked up this is under his breath, then says 'Let's just get this over with...' He pushes her face-down onto the couch since he doesn't even want to see her face while he does what he has to do.

9 Views · 1 month ago

⁣SCENE opens on Travis and Amy, two college students, as they park their car in the driveway of a nice suburban house. The pair have been dating for months, but this will be the first time that Amy meets Travis' parents and she's anxious. She's so anxious, in fact, that Travis has been giving her pep talks throughout the entire drive. 'You shouldn't be so worried,' he says, handing her a bag from the truck. 'My parents are very accepting people. They're going to love you, no matter what!' Amy doesn't want to admit it, but she comes from a less affluent family and is very insecure about being welcomed into Travis' upper middle-class life. Even her luggage looks shabby.

Travis puts his arm around his nervous girlfriend and guides her to the front door. Just as he turns the knob, his father opens the door greet them. The men share a big bear hug while Travis' mom steps through the doorway to join in. Amy stands off to the side, awkwardly, until Travis notices and introduces her to his parents. His mom, Mrs. Greene, warmly takes Amy by the hand and invites her inside while his father offers to take her bags. This puts Amy at ease and she smiles shyly at the man before following her into the house. Mr. Greene holds the door open for them, sneaking a quick look at Amy's behind before he shuts the door.


The camera pans across the kitchen while the family chats and cooks together. Amy is in awe of how amazing Travis' parents are -- they seem to have the perfect nuclear family. Mrs. Greene is glamorous and sophisticated and his father, despite being quiet, is wise and successful. A very respected surgeon. She loves watching her boyfriend interact with them and thinks that it could be a glimpse into her own future! While the girl loosens up and begins more actively engaging in the conversation, Travis' father secretly watches her. He is having his own thoughts about the future.

CUT to that evening. The family sits around the living room sharing dessert. Mrs. Greene is telling Amy all the embarrassing stories from when her son was young, much to Travis' chagrin. As they laugh, Amy starts to notice Mr. Greene staring at her. They keep awkwardly making eye contact and it makes Amy nervous again. She wonders if his father dislikes her and, when he suddenly excuses himself to go to bed, she becomes convinced that it's because she's done something wrong.

CUT to Amy brushing her teeth and looking anxious in the bathroom mirror. She walks back into Travis' room and slips into bed beside him, while he jokes about fucking together in the same room he had as a boy. They kiss, and Travis tries to get on top of Amy, but she is clearly preoccupied. She asks if they can just crash instead. It's been a long day. Disappointed but understanding, Travis says sure and snuggles up beside her. He turns out the light. Amy quietly asks her boyfriend if he thinks his father hates her. Travis laughs and tells her to stop being ridiculous. Of course, he doesn't hate her. He is just a quiet man. They go to bed.

CUT to Amy lying on her side, staring at the clock. It's 2am. The girl has battled insomnia for most of the night and decides to slip out of bed to clear her mind.

She walks into the kitchen to get a glass of water when she finds herself face-to-face with Travis' father. He is sitting in his bathrobe, eating milk and cookies. She is surprised to find him there. 'Sorry, I hope I didn't disturb you,' he says, dipping his cookie in the milk. 'I couldn't rest,' she mutters. He asks if she wants some and, not wanting to offend him, Amy says ok and sits down. She awkwardly starts eating the cookie while he stares at her. 'It seems like you really like my boy,' he says after a pause. She nods and tells him that Travis is amazing, the greatest guy she's ever dated. He keeps eating. 'I still think he has a lot of growing up to do,' Mr. Greene says. Amy looks down awkwardly at her milk. There is another long pause. 'But ... you are certainly the most beautiful girl he has ever brought home,' Mr. Greene continues. Amy blushes and says thank you, while he continues to stare at her. She begins to feel very hot in the face, as he adjusts his seat ever so slightly to lean in closer. 'I understand that you come from a difficult upbringing,' he asks. 'And that dating Travis has represented quite a change in standards for you. Am I correct?' Amy assures her boyfriend's father that it isn't like that, she loves Travis because of who he is, not what he has. Mr. Greene eats another cookie. 'But, you agree that standards are important?' He asks. She nods. He smiles at her. 'As a father, I hold Travis to extremely high standards. I'm sure you can understand why.' She nods again, starting to feel uneasy about where the conversation is going. Mr. Greene steps off his seat and stands in front of her. 'He isn't going to end up with just any woman,' he father continues. 'He is going to end up with someone who is the right fit for both him and our family.' Amy nervously whispers that she hopes that can include her. Mr. Greene smiles again. 'I think it can ... once you have earned my blessing.'

There is an awkward silence in the room, as the weight of Mr. Greene's insinuations hang in the air. Amy looks down at the bulge in his pajama pants. 'What exactly are you asking, Mr. Greene?' she mumbles. He removes his robe. 'I think I'm making myself quite clear, Amy.' He replies. 'If you want to be part of this family, you're going to need to start by impressing me.' Feeling overwhelmed, Amy meekly argues that she doesn't want to hurt Travis. Mr. Greene tells her that the boy will never find out. In fact, they never need to speak about this again. Just 10 minutes now and she will have his full approval and support for life. She hesitates. 'You do realize why Travis brought you here this weekend, right?' He asks. She shakes her head. The house is still. 'There is a ring in his bedroom with your name on it. A family heirloom. My grandmother's ring.' He replies. 'The only thing Travis is waiting on is my opinion.' He takes his cock out. Her mouth drops open, as she fully realizes what her future father-in-law is proposing. 'It's bigger than my sons, isn't it?' Mr. Greene asks triumphantly. She looks back up at him. She can't believe this is happening. 'He really has a ring?' she asks. Mr. Greene nods, smiling and starting to stroke her hair. Slowly getting to her knees, Amy tells her boyfriend's father that she wants to marry Travis. She'll prove it. If this is what it takes, then fine. He just needs to tell her what to do. 'You can start by calling me daddy,' he says and puts his cock in her mouth. First BG Sequence with Creampie. After he has cum inside of her, Mr. Greene pulls out and exits the kitchen leaving the girl naked and alone.

CUT to the next morning. Amy is staring up at the ceiling, reeling from the guilt of her affair the night before. He kisses her good morning and, not wanting to give herself away, she kisses him back and he climbs on top of her to continue what he tried to start the night before. Second BG Sequence with Creampie. After Travis has come inside of his girlfriend, he holds her close. She tries desperately to hide her guilt. 'Do you know how much I love you?' he asks. Amy smiles. 'Probably not as much as I love you,' she whispers. Travis leaps out of bed, pulls a ring box from his drawer, and drops to his knees. He tells Amy that she is his soulmate, the only woman he has ever wanted to spend his life with and asks her to marry him. Breaking down, she says yes, and he kisses her, slipping the ring on her finger. Through her guilty tears, she chokes out that she loves him so much. He happily suggests they go and tell his parents the good news.

Nominated - Best Actor - Featurette: Tyler Knight, AVN 2020

5 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Laura (Jaye Summers) sits alone on a set of stairs and watches quietly as a party carries on. It's late into the night at this point, and what was presumably started as a crowded, high energy event has started to wind down as most of the partygoers have left by now, the basement littered with red cups, beverage bottles, bowls of chips, and a general state of messiness left behind. The 10 or so teens who remain are chilling around the room as party music plays softly in the background, most talking in twos or small groups with Laura being the odd one out. One of the guys bounds down the stairs excitedly holding a red cup filled with liquid in each hand, brushing into Laura as he passes and almost spilling the beverages on her, and she makes an uncomfortable face as he passes her unapologetically.

Laura continues to sit in silence for a little while, and it becomes clear that she's not just watching the party, but staring at one guy in particular - Vince (Zac Wild) - as he laughs and jokes along with a pretty girl across the room. She looks on with a bit of envy, clearly wishing she could take the place of the girl he's talking to.

Just then, her fixation on him is broken when Janet, the party host and Laura's best friend, gets everybody's attention by flashing her tits. She laughs and says good, now that she's got everybody's attention, it's time to bring some life back into this party - who's up for a game of Seven Minutes In Heaven? Everyone groans and mocks her for such a dumb suggestion. She explains that they're all 18 here so this isn't going to be some lame-ass PG-13 kiss on the lips shit - anything goes as long as both people consent to it. She holds up a fistful of ripped paper scraps and waves them in the air - she's written down everybody's name on the paper - yeah, EVERYBODY she says as a couple of the teens chuckle nervously - and she's going to pull out one guy's name and one girl's name. And they know the rest!

Janet quickly divides the scraps of paper into two hats, and then pulls two strips of paper out of the hat. She announces the two names, Felicia and Brad - Felicia being the girl that Vince was talking to earlier - and the two of them look at each other with nervous smiles and shrugs. Janet tells them the clock is ticking as she starts a stopwatch app on her cell phone and then urges Brad and Felicia upstairs and starting the countdown. 'Have fun, you two lovebirds!' Janet mocks before heading back to the others who have settled back into party mode.

Janet looks around the room and sees Laura sitting by herself, and comes and sits next to her on the stairs. How is she liking the party so far? It's fine, Laura replies. Liar, Janet says. She knows Laura's been moping around staring at Vince all night and hasn't said a word to him. Laura blushes, is it that obvious? Janet says absolutely, she's just lucky that everyone their age is so self-centered that nobody has noticed. Laura ducks her head in her arms and moans, why can't she just talk to him? Janet tells Laura that it's easy, she just has to get up and say hi to him. Men like women that are forward.

After a minute or two of them talking, Felicia bursts out of the connected room. 'Boooo!' Janet says holding up her phone and pointing at it, they still had almost 5 minutes left! Felicia says nonchalantly that Brad was too hairy, it was disgusting, and she returns to the party without looking back. Brad comes back out the room too with an embarrassed shrug and tries to play it off as fine, some girls like a guy with a hairy chest. Felicia jokes that she wasn't talking about his chest, and the rest of the partygoers ooh and laugh at Brad.

Janet gets back up and pulls out the next two pieces of paper. She opens the first one up, and we see it says 'Vince'. She calls out his name and he raises his fists triumphantly, and a couple of his buddies wolf-whistle him in encouragement. Janet opens up the next slip of paper, and we can see the name 'Janet' written on it, but she closes it quickly without anybody else seeing it. 'Laura!' she calls out. Laura looks up, flustered, and says she didn't think she was playing. Janet says of course, she told them that EVERYONE was playing. Laura tries to excuse herself, saying she's fine sitting out, maybe Felicia would want to take her place since she didn't use her full time... but as she's saying this, Vince looks at Laura with a charming smile and tells her he likes the pairing as it is. Laura stutters, and Vince says reassuringly not to worry, he won't bite. C'mon! Laura is wide-eyed and almost speechless, but she nods okay and gets up to follow him into the room. Janet closes the door with a mischievous grin and starts the timer.


Vince turns to Laura and asks so, where should they start? Laura blushes and says he doesn't have to do anything if he doesn't want to, they can just talk... or even not talk, if he'd rather. Vince asks her why on earth he wouldn't want to do something with her? She's one of the cutest girls in school. Laura looks surprised to hear it, and says that she didn't think he even knew who she was. He's hardly ever talked to her. Vince explains that he didn't want to screw up his chances or give her a bad impression by coming on too strong, she seemed like the type who didn't like rowdy guys, and likes to keep to herself. He was waiting for her to make the first move. Laura blushes and says oh, she had no idea. Vince grins and says he guesses fate must have put them together tonight. Laura tells him she doesn't mind if he comes on her... comes on to her! she corrects herself with embarrassment. Vince smirks and says he could even do both. Laura gasps and giggles nervously. Vince asks if she does really want to JUST talk. Laura shakes her head no, she wants more than that. Good, Vince replies, he does too.

They're still in there! Kyle laughs as he, Janet and perhaps one or two other partygoers huddle around quietly after several minutes of not having heard from the two upstairs. Janet smirks and says she knows, it's already been like ten minutes, things must be going well. Kyle mentions that there's only one way to find out. Janet gets serious, no, hey, Kyle, don't even think about it. Kyle has already started to walk away and says don't worry, he's not going to interrupt them, he's just going to stick his head in for a quick peek. After all, what if he's hurting her or something? Janet tells him that's not funny and Kyle says he's serious, wouldn't Janet rather be safe than sorry? Janet reluctantly admits he has a point. Thank you! Kyle says arrogantly, and creeps upstairs to the door of the bedroom. He opens it quietly and edges his way through the door and into the room.

He sees that Vince and Laura are mid-fucking and stifles a laugh. Oh shit! he says to himself. He watches them fuck for a good solid minute, intrigued and bemused, as Laura is being very vocal, telling Vince don't stop, keep going. Finally, Kyle sneaks back out. 'They're totally fucking!' he says in a loud excited whisper, not just to Janet but to the whole room. Janet looks pissed at Kyle for telling everyone, but several others in the room start to gather towards him to gossip. Is he serious? Vince, with HER? Isn't she a virgin though? and so on. Kyle relishes at being the one to tell them what he saw, how she was practically begging him for his dick. Janet looks increasingly upset, and tries to get them to respect Laura's privacy, but others in the group insist that they want to see too, they won't believe it until they see it. Slowly, people start to gather towards the bedroom, as shy Laura unsuspectingly continues to enjoy her seven minutes in heaven with her crush, unaware of the hell that's about to unleash.

7 Views · 1 month ago

⁣PREVIOUSLY ON PURE TABOO: This is the story about how Diana (Jaye Summers) really lost her virginity. He'd been her dad's best friend for years. Uncle Joe (Charles Dera), as he called himself, had watched her grow up -- and she was his princess, the niece he never had. But once Diana turned 18, something changed about Joe. His fondness for her turned into an obsession. So he came up with a plan to get her alone...

SCENE OPENS on present-day Diana and her Uncle Joe fucking in Joe's spare bedroom on the bed, she is riding him cowgirl-style and clearly putting in a lot more work and enthusiasm. She gasps and moans in pleasure and calls out Uncle Joe's name as she bounces up and down on his dick, while Joe mostly lies there and just offers a few generic grunts in reply. Diana seems to reach orgasm after a little while and then starts asking Joe to cum inside her - Diana exclaims that she can feel it and starts to slow and eventually stop.

She pulls off of him and collapses to his side on the bed, rolling over to snuggle up to him placing her arm on his chest. He doesn't seem to reciprocate much. Diana tells her uncle that was great, but he corrects her - 'it was fine,' he says gruffly. She asks him what's wrong, she did all his favorites for him! He waves her off, telling her yeah yeah, she was swell... he doesn't seem to mean it. She sits up a bit and looks worriedly at him, did she do something wrong, or something? He looks at her with a serious expression and grips both sides of her head with his hands, playing lightly with her hair. 'Listen 'Princess', no offense, but...' he starts in a rude tone, the novelty's kind of wearing off. She's no longer a teenager and she's certainly not a virgin anymore...

She asks him what she could do, what he wants her to do to make him happy. He looks her up and down, considering her, then pinches her cheek affectionately, saying she's cute when she's desperate. He asks about her younger step-sister, she must be getting around 18 these days, mustn't she? Diana reluctantly says yeah, she just turned it a couple of months ago. And she's a virgin, like Diana was? '...Yes,' Diana admits. Uncle Joe looks pleased at himself for the idea and says yeah... yeah, that would do the trick alright. 'Bring her here,' he instructs her, and goes back to stroking her hair with one hand. She looks at him with reluctant subservience but doesn't say anything in reply.


CUT TO another day, where Diana and Cammy (Emily Willis) are greeted at the door by a much friendlier-seeming Uncle Joe. 'There's my princesses!' he exclaims. He takes their bags from their hands and tosses them to the side, then welcomes them in. He gives Diana a brisk, business-like hug then moves on to Cammy, and hugs her for much longer. Wow, she laughs at how warmly he's greeting her, uh hi Uncle Joe! Long time no see! Uncle Joe releases her from the hug but keeps his hands on her arms as he looks her up and down, remarking at how much she's grown. He remembers when he used to come over to their house to visit their dad, and would pick her up for piggy-back rides like it was nothing, feels like only yesterday. Although he bets he could still do it! Without even waiting for permission, he scoops Cammy up in his arms and she yelps in surprise, then giggles in embarrassment. 'Uncle Joe!' she squeaks. Diana looks at them with a mix of jealousy and guilt.

Once she's set down, Cammy starts to pick up her bag and Joe says no, let him take care of it! He turns back to Diana. Why doesn't she give Cammy the tour, he says suggestively to her, while he gets all their things settled in their room. Then they can all meet up outside at the pool for a swim. A pool! Cammy squeaks with excitement, she can't wait! Uncle Joe sidles up behind Diana and puts his hand firmly, ominously even, on her shoulder. Make sure the two of them don't skimp on the tour, he says to her with fake innocence, take all the time they want. She nods obediently without looking back at him, and then slips her hand into Cammy's. They scamper off, and Uncle Joe shoots a devious look at the bags.

CUT TO poolside, Uncle Joe is seated comfortably in a pool chair wearing his sunglasses when the two girls emerge from the house - Cammy is still wearing her original clothes while Diana is wearing a bikini. Uncle Joe? Cammy asks, he wouldn't have happened to have seen her bathing suit when he brought the bags up to the room, did he? Uncle Joe feigns innocence and says no, he hardly touched the bags other than to bring them upstairs. Diana looks to Cammy and says see, she knew Uncle Joe wouldn't know where it is, Cammy probably forgot to pack it. But Cammy swears she remembered putting it in her bag, it was one of the first things she packed - she was really excited to go swimming and absolutely didn't want to forget. Oh, Uncle Joe says, well she shouldn't let a little thing like that ruin her fun, now. She can just swim in her underwear, he suggests. Cammy seems a bit hesitant, but Uncle Joe says come on, between her step-sister and him being their dad's best friend, they're all practically family here - no need to be so bashful. O-okay, Cammy says, warming up to the idea as she sees they don't seem to mind. She strips out of her clothes, revealing a white bra and panties underneath. 'Atta girl, Uncle Joe says, don't be shy. She flashes a grin at him and then jumps into the pool with a splash and a playful shriek. Unbeknownst to her, her white bra and panties once wet now show Uncle Joe a great view of her nubile teen body.

Uncle Joe catches Diana's eye and shoots her a meaningful look and a tilt of his head towards Cammy. Diana looks back obediently and nods again slightly. She joins Cammy in the pool. 'Hey Cammy,' Diana calls out, does she remember when they used to play pool tag in the past? They should play that again! Cammy says that it might be a bit lame with just two people, and Diana taunts her, she's just saying that because she knows she won't be able to catch Cammy. Oh, it's on! Cammy giggles and chases after Diana.

The two of them frolic in the water, laughing and giggling as they chase around the pool, splashing each other and trying to catch each other. Whenever Diana is 'it' and catches Cammy, she gets very handsy, giggling and hugging and pressing her body up against Cammy's. Cammy takes a cue from her and starts to do the same. Soon the two of them are barely running or chasing at all, but rather wrestling each other in the pool. Diana even playfully lowers one of Cammy's bra straps or tries to remove it, and Cammy gasps in happy shock and tries to get revenge by doing the same. Throughout, Uncle Joe watches them through his sunglasses with perverted interest.

Cammy remarks she's getting hungry, and is going to fix herself a snack. She asks if Uncle Joe wants one and he jokes that he's good, he's got a couple of tasty morsels already right in front of him. Cammy looks weirded out for a moment then laughs the comment off saying that Uncle Joe is so silly, but behind her Diana shoots Uncle Joe a glare of concern.

Uncle Joe then watches, with no attempt to hide it, as Cammy steps out of the pool dripping wet and grabs a towel, heading back into the house. Diana steps out of the pool next and rushes up to Uncle Joe. He has to be more careful, she warns him quietly, he's going to scare her off. They have to take things more slowly and get her warmed up to the idea, having sex with her dad's best friend is one thing but sex with her own step-sister too - it's going to make her freak if they don't handle it carefully. Uncle Joe tells Diana she'd better make damn well sure that doesn't happen, because he's just starting to enjoy himself and he's not in the mood to take things slow. So it's up to Diana to make sure her sister behaves when the time comes. Diana wouldn't want to disappoint him, would she? Diana timidly says she'll do what she can. Uncle Joe gives her a smack on the ass and tells her to get going inside.

CUT TO late that night - both girls are dreaming sweet dreams, side by side in bedrolls on the floor. The bedroom door creaks open, and the light of the hall spills out into the dark bedroom. Uncle Joe's feet step into frame. He looks the girls over hungrily, edging his way into the room to get a closer look at their teen bodies in their nightwear. He moves into the space in the middle of them both and, careful not to alert them, he settles in lying down between them. His attention goes straight to Cammy. He rolls onto his side to spoon her - she moans comfortably in her dreams. He holds her like that for several seconds, then feeling emboldened, he backs up slightly from her body and pulls his hard dick out from his boxer shorts. He strokes himself, inching as close as he can to Cammy without touching her again now that his dick's out. He breathes heavily against her neck as he strokes himself. Sensing his presence, Cammy's eyes flutter open. 'D-Diana?' she asks quietly and timidly, 'is that you?' No, princess, Uncle Joe says back in a low voice, it's her Uncle Joe.

Cammy still seems a bit groggy, Uncle Joe? What is he doing h- ... she rolls to her other side and sees him stroking himself and her eyes go wide. She calls out to Diana, get up, Uncle Joe is-! Diana's eyes snap open and she instantly starts to reassure her, Cammy, it's ok, it's ok! Cammy doesn't calm down right away, and tries to get Diana to realize what's going on, but Diana tells her she knows. 'What do you mean you know?' Cammy asks, panicked. Diana explains that Uncle Joe has something he wants to share with the two of them, something very special. 'No, but-' Cammy starts to protest, but Diana interrupts her. It's okay, she tells her little sister, she's going to like it, see? She grabs Uncle Joe's hard dick in her hand, and then puts her mouth on it to suck it, looking Cammy right in the eyes as she does it and saying mmmm.

'Diana, what are you-?!' Cammy tries to say, but Diana pulls her mouth off of his dick and cuts her off again. See, Cammy? she says, moving his dick to point at her little sister now as if offering it to her. It's no big deal, he just wants the two of them to thank him for his hospitality. Didn't mom and dad teach them to show manners growing up? Cammy starts to get flustered and frustrated, but this isn't right, she insists, this- 'Cammy,' Diana hisses, sounding a bit desperate. 'You're being rude! Uncle Joe invited us here, we're guests in his home, and this is how he wants us to thank him. Quit being such a brat and just give him what he wants.' Her tone softens, and she continues, saying that she promises Cammy will enjoy it. Just like Diana did.

Cammy's eyes widen - like she did? Diana nods and says it makes Uncle Joe happy. It makes her happy too. Cammy looks from her sister to Uncle Joe, who's staring intently at her. 'What do you say, princess?' he coaxes her and strokes her hair. 'Don't you wanna make your Uncle Joe happy?' Cammy looks down at his dick, which he continues to stroke with his other hand. She says she guesses she can try, but she's never done anything like this before. Uncle Joe tells her don't worry, her big sister will show her everything she needs to know.

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