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5 Views · 17 days ago

⁣Dave (Seth Gamble) is FURIOUS that his stepdaughter, Sheila (Demi Hawks), has been bullying another girl at school. But no matter what he says, Sheila is unapologetic, remarking that what she did is normal high school stuff and that the other girl is just a wimp.

Dave is disgusted, insisting that Sheila wouldn't like it if someone treated HER like that. However, Sheila says she wouldn't CARE.

That's when Dave decides to take her up on that challenge by bullying and humiliating her. He does everything from making fun of her, to pulling her hair, to even giving her a wedgie. But Sheila refuses to admit that ANY of the treatment is bothering her... even once it becomes clear that they're BOTH secretly getting turned on by the twisted event.

22 Views · 1 month ago

⁣SCENE opens on an 18-year-old girl, Beth Coleman, rushing to answer the door - 'coming!' she shouts asthe doorbell chimes a second time. She opens the door to find a meek man in glasses and a somewhatnerdy-looking suit, holding a leather messenger bag under his arm. He greets her nervously andintroduces himself as Milton James, and holding up an ID on a lanyard across his neck he explains thathe's a census taker - her parents failed to fill out the latest census and so by law he's required to come inperson to interview someone from the household. Beth looks wary - her parents aren't home for theday and she doesn't know anything about this census stuff. He says it's quite alright, anybody over theage of 15 can be interviewed for the household. He looks her up and down - she is over 15, right? Bethanswers yes, she just turned 18 a couple of months ago. Milton adjusts his glasses and says perfect, thenhe can interview her in her parents' stead, it should only take about fifteen minutes or so. Beth is stillreluctant, now's really not the best time and she'd rather he come back sometime when her parents arehome. She apologizes and goes to close the door but it doesn't close all the way - Milton has put hisshoe in between the door and the frame. 'I'm afraid I must insist,' he says in a nervous attempt tosound menacing. 'Answering the United States census is required by law. To put it simply, Miss Coleman,you don't really have a choice in this matter.'


We cut back to a few moments later, after Milton has since let himself into the house and taken off hisshoes. The two emerge in a large cozy living room with wood paneling. Clearly the Colemans do not lackfor money. 'Do you want a glass of water or something?' Beth asks, in an effort to be polite despite herdiscomfort. Not right now, thanks, Milton says. He seems trying to sound more warm than he was at thedoorway, but comes off as awkward more than anything. He waits for Beth to choose her seat, and thenpicks a seat across from her, and pulls out a fancy-looking folder, some forms, and a nice pen from hisbag. As he does this, he tries to make awkward small talk with Beth, but her answers are very curt andhe soon gives up. He clears his throat and says 'Well then, let's get started.'He asks her a series of mundane questions - do you currently reside at this address? How many peoplebesides yourself reside at this address? Please list the names of all persons who currently live at thisresidence, and their relationship to you. What is your marital status? When Beth answers 'single', helooks up from his paper and coyly asks 'what about a boyfriend?' No, no boyfriend either, Bethanswers, averting her eyes as she says it. Milton smiles and says 'Good, good', as he moves on to thenext questions.

What languages do you speak at home? Do any of your household speak any other languages at homeon a regular basis? Were you born in the United States? Are you presently a citizen of the United States?Have you attended school in the United States? Throughout these questions, Beth's body language becomes less hostile and more bored. She relaxes and spreads her legs somewhat, at which point fromover Milton's shoulder the camera catches glimpses of upskirt panty shots. After the latest question,Milton pauses, his attention lingering on Beth's legs - the pause alerts her to him checking her out andshe very uncomfortably clears her throat, as she tries to pull her skirt over her legs as much as possible.Milton continues as if nothing happened.

What is the highest degree or level of school you've completed? Beth reluctantly answers that shedropped out of high school. In the last week, how many hours of paid work did you do? Beth answersnone, she doesn't have a job. In the last week, how many hours of volunteer work did you do? Also none.Milton tsks condescendingly - no job, no volunteering, not even a high school diploma? Beth's parentsmust not be very proud of her. Beth looks at him angrily - that's not really any of his business is it?Are your parents sexually active? He blurts out. She looks at him, disgusted. How is that relevant? Heexplains that it's to forecast whether or not the census bureau should expect new births from thishousehold in the next few years. Grossed out, Beth struggles to find an answer, she doesn't know, shetries not think about it too much, but she guesses they might be. Are you sexually active? Milton asks,with obvious interest. She looks straight at him, and says 'No' very slowly and angrily. 'Would you liketo be?' Milton asks. Beth stands up - 'I think you should leave, Mr. James,' she says nervously. Miltondoesn't move though - he's almost done, just a few questions about their house and utilities and thenhe'll be out of her hair. Beth doesn't sit down, she just crosses her arms with renewed discomfort.Does the family own the house or are they renting? Does the house have landline service or just cellphones? Does it have complete kitchen facilities - sink, stove, and refrigerator? Does it have completeplumbing facilities - hot and cold water, a flushing toilet, and a tub or shower? He makes a remark abouthow he bets Beth's plumbing is fully functional, and the innuendo further discomforts her. How manyrooms does the house have? How many bedrooms?

'Can I see?' Milton says innocently. See what, Beth asks through gritted teeth. 'The number ofbedrooms the house has. Can you show them to me?' Beth looks like she's about to say no, when headds 'After that, I'll be out of your hair.' Beth raises her hands in the air in exasperation, and then saysfine, follow her.

The camera tracks the two as she leads him to three bedrooms, with the focus being on her backside asif we're watching her walk from his male gaze POV. First she leads him to her parents' master bedroom,then to a guest bedroom that doesn't get much use. Milton pokes his head in when he's lead to each,but he doesn't express much interest in either. Finally she leads him to her bedroom, and before she canreact he brushes past her to walk inside.

He moves around the room with eager curiosity - peering intently into her drawers and closet, poking acouple of her belongings with his pen. He even stands in the centre and takes a deep breath. Beth waitsat the door to the room impatiently, reluctant to go nearer to him but getting more upset and insistentas he intrudes. Finally, he moves to stand up straight rather formally in front of her, and adjusts his glasses. 'Satisfied?' Beth asks uncomfortably. Milton chuckles. 'Oh, very satisfied. Although I'm afraidYOU're in a bit of trouble, Miss Coleman.' Beth stiffens - what does he mean? He explains that he foundbirth control pills in one of her drawers. But she said in the census she wasn't sexually active, whichsuggests that she lied to him. Does she understand what the penalty is for giving false information to agovernment official?

Beth pleads - she only said that because he was acting completely inappropriate. She doesn't even thinkall his questions were part of the census. She'd already asked him to leave. Why can't he just leave heralone? Milton explains that he's only doing his job, and it's a thankless job, meeting with tons ofungrateful people who don't want to give him the time of day. Ungrateful people like Beth. Maybe all hewants is some thanks in return. Beth sees an opportunity and tries to appease him. If it's just a matter ofsaying sorry and thank you, she can do that.

But Milton elaborates, she was so rude to him. She didn't even give him a chance, tried to slam the dooron him if he recalls correctly. If she really wants to make it up to him, she has to do better than a halfheartedapology. 'Like what?' Beth asks nervously. He pretends to think for a moment. How about... akiss? Beth is scared, but hopeful that that's all he'll ask for. 'O-ok,' she agrees. She leans in and theyexchange a quick peck on the lips. Encouraged, Milton asks for another - this time she should reallymean it. Hesitantly, she says OK and leans in again, and this time he kisses her much more aggressively -we can see that she's not very into it and is rather stiff, not moving her lips much, while he is going reallyeagerly at it. Several seconds of awkward smooching later, he pulls away from her. He seems to haveenjoyed it, but he wants more. He knows she can give him what he wants - he knows she's not a virginafter all. If she shows him a good, appreciative time, he'll be on his way. She swallows hard, and thenputs on a fake smile and reaches for his belt buckle to undo it.

3 Views · 1 month ago

'Those Whom We Love Are Often The Most Alien To Us.'
-- Christopher Paolini

SCENE opens on an empty field late one night. The stars twinkle in the sky, as the camera slowly tracks back to reveal Roger (Michael Vegas) looking through a telescope. The self-published conspiracy theorist is wearing nothing but his boxer shorts, a UFO t-shirt, and LED translucent glasses. His hair is greased back, and he is guzzling a can of liquid caffeine, as he shifts from the telescope to the back of his flatbed truck, where he finishes setting up his latest invention. It's a small but powerful antenna designed to transmit mathematical equations into space in the hopes of contacting a ghost rocket.

Roger believes this long-disputed UFO phenomenon is the key to contacting alien life forms. As he connects the final pieces of his machine together, he mutters into a makeshift gadget on his wrist: 'In 1946 and 1947, numerous reports occurred of ghost rockets appearing over Scandinavian countries, primarily Sweden, which then spread into other European countries. In 2046, similar reports resurfaced of ghost rockets appearing in the Pacific Northwest and down through parts of California and Mexico. All 200 sightings have been refuted by the US government, despite being verified with radar returns and, in some cases, physical fragments...'

He puts his wrist down, stripping off his shirt and putting a tin foil cap on his head. '...Until now, you sons of bitches!' He shouts into the night, removing his glasses, placing transmitters in his ears, and rubbing his chest with petroleum jelly. He plugs some final code into his laptop before hitting enter and pointing his antenna towards the sky. A static sound in his ears grows louder and louder as he spins the antenna around. Finally, it connects with something and a beam of light penetrates the sky and strikes the antenna. Then, as quickly as it started, the beam disappears, and Roger falls to the ground. The antenna lies at his side, melted and destroyed.


Roger drives home from the field, feeling frustrated. He mutters and swears to himself before rolling down the window and throwing his antenna out. He puts his wrist to his mouth and begins to report the failed experiment when, suddenly, he comes upon a beautiful woman (Cherie DeVille) standing in the middle of the road. She is shimmering in a metallic body suit, with windswept hair, and staring at him like a deer in headlights. He slams on the breaks.

They regard each other for a moment before she starts to approach the car. Roger is scared. What is this strange woman doing out here? She presses her hands on his driver side window, trying to open it, and speaking in a strange language he doesn't understand. Finally, Roger rolls it down. 'What... do... you... want?' He stammers. She stops, takes a moment to compute what she just heard, and then begins talking slowly again -- in English. 'Hello human male,' she says. 'May I please enter your craft so I may breed with you?'

'Who... are... you?' He asks slowly. The woman unfolds her arms and puts her hands in front of her. The broken antenna appears. 'I am responding to your signal,' she says. Roger stares at the antenna in disbelief. 'You were on a ghost rocket?' He mutters. 'Affirmative.' she replies, and the antenna disappears. 'I have been sent to earth to breed with a human male. Are you a human male?' 'How do I know you're not just putting me on?' He asks. 'Do you require proof?' She asks. He nods. Her hands pull apart her face. He is horrified by what he sees and slumps back before raising his arms in surrender and stating that he is, indeed, a human male. She stops, puts her face back and, revealing her human form again, smiles. 'Excellent! We must hurry and get to a breeding chamber,' she says. Stunned, Roger opens up the passenger door and she steps inside. 'Is my bedroom ok?' He asks, getting in himself. 'Affirmative,' She says smiling.

They arrive at Roger's home. It is bare bones, with only UFO posters on the wall, stacks of papers, and a basic blowup mattress in the middle. The woman walks in and examines the surroundings. 'Human males are strange and primitive life forms,' she says matter-of-factly. Roger nervously clears an area around his bed and invites her to sit. 'I would like to consume your seed now so it may stimulate this human shell and support my arousal.' Roger flushes red. She unzips her top to expose her breasts and puts his hands on her. He has never felt anything so good in his life. She tells him to take out his member. Nervously, he does, and she slips her hand around his cock, stroking it, all the while exclaiming how fascinating his human penis is. Finally, she puts his hard cock into her mouth, tasting him before she guides him into her pussy. He gasps as she rides his cock.

Roger can hardly believe his good fortune, but how will he react when it's HIS turn to be probed?

Winner - Most Outrageous Sex Scene: Cherie DeVille & Michael Vegas, AVN 2020

Nominated - Best Art Direction, AVN 2020

Nominated - Best Special Effects, AVN 2020

3 Views · 1 month ago

⁣SCENE opens on a dark bathroom. From a birds-eye angle over the tub, the lights in the room turn on as a woman known only as unit #30562 (Emily Willis) floats in the milky bath water. She opens her eyes, calmly getting out of the tub and drying herself off. She has a perfectly proportioned body. She walks over to a large mirror and, pressing her fingertips in the lower right corner, causes the mirror to illuminate before it turns into a smart screen. A message pops up, thanking unit #30562 for signing in. 'Are you ready for your next shift?' The mirror asks in a soft female voice. #30562 says yes and the screen loads her itinerary for the evening. It explains that her first guest will be a returning client: John Doe, 57 years old, solar sales manager, 6'0'' tall, 165 lbs, brown hair, blue eyes. His kinks include school girls, anal sex, ass worship, rimming, ATM. Past crypto tips include 8000 tokens: extra rough, 10000 tokens: novelty take home, and 500 tokens: kissing on the mouth. Accept client? 'Accepted,' says #30562. As the smart screen processes the order and a confirmation appears, the door buzzes.


#30562 opens the door and John Doe (Steve Holmes) enters, breezing into the room in a silver bomber jacket and matching wraparound mirrored glasses. He looks her up and down lustfully before pulling out a card and inserting it into the reader. A hologram screen pops up and confirms that the tokens have been accepted. #30562 takes a deep breath, puts on a big smile, and guides John over to the bed. She bends over, and he buries his face in her perfect ass, before sliding his cock inside her tight hole. After he pulls out and cums on her ass, she asks if he would like to kiss and he eagerly agrees. The room flashes green and replies to confirm the extra gratuity. They make out for a few moments before John Doe happily puts his clothes back on and leaves the room.

#30562 goes back to the mirror and stares at herself for a moment, emotionless. She presses the tips of her fingers against the glass and the smart screen wakes up. It explains that her next guest is also a returning client: Richard Roe, 30 years old, space tourism guide, 5'10'' tall, 170 lbs, auburn hair, blue eyes. Kinks include rough sex, breath play, collaring, fisting, and golden showers. Note from management: client is limited to rough sex after last session resulted in damages. Accept client? 'Accepted,' says #30562. As the smart screen processes the order and a confirmation appears, she stares at herself blankly and the door buzzes.

CUT to the door opening. Richard (Charles Dera) enters briskly. He backs #30562 in a corner and places his hand around her throat, his lips curling up in a sneer to reveal shiny gold teeth. 'Remember me?' He growls. She smiles and advises him to scan his card. The man backs off slowly, places his card into the reader, and a hologram screen pops up to confirm his tokens have been accepted. #30562 takes a deep breath and walks over to him. He hoists her over his shoulder and goes to the bed. Throwing her onto the bed, he licks her tight pussy, getting it nice and wet before he fucks her hard. At a certain point, he is about to pee on her when the room flashes red and reminds him that this activity has been blocked. Frustrated, he shoves his dick back in #30562's pussy and keeps fucking her till he pulls out and cums on her face. While the woman catches her breath and wipes the cum from her eyes, Richard gathers his things and leaves without a word.

When #30562 stands up, she finds herself very dizzy. The room beeps red and instructs her to return to her charging station. She crawls to a corner of the room and stands on a white platform to recharge. As soon as her feet plant on top of the station, she becomes still while her body powers up.

CUT to an hour later. #30562 is still charging, eyes closed, when the door buzzes. She opens her eyes and steps off the platform, walking to the mirror in the bathroom to accept the next client but discovers the screen is off. The room buzzes again. #30562 goes and opens the door anyway. A naked woman (Penny Pax) steps inside, clutching a holographic bag. #30562 has never seen another woman before and she is awestruck. 'Please scan your card here...' she says to the woman. The woman looks at her for a long time and feels #30562's face, trying to hold back tears, before reaching into her bag and pulling out a coin. 'Is this accepted?' She begs. #30562 takes the coin into her hand and stares at it. She's never seen anything like it before. She places it on the counter beside the card reader. 'What would you like to do to me this evening?' She asks the woman. Biting her lip and trying to contain her nervous energy, the woman reaches back into her bag and pulls out a shiny silver dildo. 'I want you to fuck me as hard as you can.' She says. #30562 takes the dildo and puts on a big smile, leading the woman to the bed. Unit #30562 may be programmed to please, but this latest client of The Love Hotel is not who she seems, and by the time she's done with #30562, the sexbot's world will never be the same.

7 Views · 1 month ago

⁣While their parents are away on a honeymoon, a new stepsister, Aria (Holly Day), and stepbrother, Kyle (Lucky Fate), are left home alone. Aria is playful and naive, wanting to get to know Kyle better, which leads to her suggesting that they do that through playing doctor!

Kyle is startled and weirded out by the invitation, since he thinks of 'playing doctor' as a sexual roleplay, although it's clear that Aria thinks it's innocent fun. After some coaxing, he decides to humor her, and Aria excitedly grabs the family's medical bag.

That's when Kyle begins thoroughly examining Aria, touching her tongue with a tongue depressor, her knee with a reflex hammer, her arm to check for her pressure... It's already weird enough for Kyle but it only gets worse when she asks for him to press a stethoscope to her chest to listen to her racing heart.

All of the closeness seems to stir something within Aria as well, and she eventually invites her nervous stepbrother to examine her pussy after it starts to feel tingly...

Will Kyle put an end to the tantalizing roleplay or is he too far gone?

4 Views · 1 month ago

⁣After his parents unexpectedly die in a car crash, troubled college student Damian Charles (Brad Knight) is left the keys to the family's estate in their will. The only clause is that he allows his step-sister, Miranda Alexander (Lana Rhoades), to live there until her 21st birthday. The step-siblings have never gotten along but, now that he has firm control over the household, something starts to shift within him. After first begrudgingly letting her stay with him, he slowly starts to get off on the feeling of bossing her around and imposes stricter and stricter rules on her, 'as long as she lives under his roof!' It begins with chores and a curfew but soon turns sexual. Ultimately, he strikes a deal with the precocious 18-year-old teen that she can do whatever she wants in the house, so long as she agrees to service him.

8 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Two friends, Adam (Tommy Pistol) and Darrell (Damon Dice), who are also stepdads, are hanging out while their cute teen stepdaughters, Nicole (Madi Collins) and Tracy (Summer Col), innocently and distractedly play video games in front of them.

The stepdads lament about their lousy marriages while daydreaming about being with younger women. The cheeky conversation eventually leads to the stepdads lustfully eyeing their own stepdaughters, who are blissfully unaware of everything. The stepdads then both start candidly talking about how hot the girls are, slowly opening up about their attraction to their own stepdaughters, plus each other's. With all of those hungry thoughts swirling around in their heads, the stepdads start conspiring with each other to play their OWN game...

5 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Two earnest and religious young men, Adam (Josh Rivers) and James (Celtic Iron), approach a house to spread word of their faith. James, who is mentoring Adam as a newbie, talks about getting to know each other and the buddy system for their door-to-door work. James explains how the buddy system is meant to keep each other on the straight and narrow, built on trust and support.

The men knock on the door, though Adam seems confused about why they're visiting that house in particular. James insists he knows the homeowner and that it'll be a great teaching moment. The homeowner, Mrs. Carson (Dee Williams), pleasantly answers and invites them in.

Mrs. Carson leads the men into the living room, then excuses herself to get refreshments. While she's gone, it's revealed that James visits Mrs. Carson a lot, which confuses Adam since she doesn't seem interested in being converted. James casually explains that because of their buddy system, they can do whatever they want since it's only between THEM. Adam is confused about what James is getting at, then shocked when Mrs. Carson returns wearing an open robe and sexy lingerie.

James explains that he and his previous buddy regularly had sex with Mrs. Carson, and he obviously wants him and Adam to continue the tradition. Mrs. Carson is eager and comes onto them, trying to entice Adam to join in on the fun. Although Adam seems tempted, he resists, trying to stay on the straight and narrow. He promises that he won't say anything unless asked, but that he won't participate...

James seems satisfied with this and ravishes Mrs. Carson while Adam nervously waits nearby. Although Adam tries to avoid all temptation, he starts to get aroused and begins watching them. When Mrs. Carson catches his curious looks, she invites them to join. Will Adam's faith be enough to save him?

4 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Alicia (Alina Lopez) is nervously fidgeting, sitting in a pew with the congregation. A sacrament tray is passed towards her, which is the source of her stress right now. She takes the tray, and hesitates, looking down at it. She knows she SHOULD take a sacrament but she can't. Not after she...

Alicia bites her lip then passes the tray onward, hoping that no one's seen that she rejected the sacrament. However, when she looks up to where Bishop Bond (Dick Chibbles) sits, their eyes meet. Alicia's stomach churns as the Bishop smiles.

When the service ends, Alicia is eager to get out of there but is stopped by the Bishop. Her anxiety spikes when he tells her he wants to see her, although she breathes a sigh of relief when he adds that he wants to discuss her recommendation letter to BYU. She shakily agrees to the meeting and soon finds herself in the Bishop's office.

7 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Codi Vore and her husband Charles Dera gave their stepdaughter Coco Lovelock a VR headset for her 18th birthday, and they're wondering if she likes it. Codi and Charles decide to go to Coco's room to see if she's enjoying it.

The stepparents arrive at the doorway to Coco's room and sure enough, it turns out that Coco is on her bed and wearing the VR headset... and from the way she's making suggestive hand motions and then touching herself, it's clear that she's using the headset for virtual sex. Codi and Charles find themselves getting aroused, and sneak closer to Coco to get a better look. Coco hears them approach but pretends not to notice, mischievously putting on a show for them by doing sexy poses and continuing to masturbate.

Codi and Charles get so turned on that they start to touch each other while continuing to watch Coco. Eventually, Coco decides to take her sexy game to the next level, inviting Codi and Charles to join her for some twisted family fun...

9 Views · 1 month ago

⁣A wonderful porn sex tape with sexy huge booty with Long Breasts Cum; Huge Butt chick; Huge Dick Rough Banged!; Gorgeous Pornstars; Natural Jugs. Beautiful vision

7 Views · 1 month ago

⁣SCENE OPENS to the doorbell ringing, and Gail (Penny Barber) and her husband Steve (Draven Navarro) eagerly approaching the front door. Before they open the door, they share a quick conspiratorial look. Gail then opens the door, revealing that the person on the other side is Eric (Tony Sting), who is holding a suitcase. They warmly welcome Eric into the house, and he sets his suitcase down on the floor. Eric is an exchange student who will be staying with Gail and Steve, a Canadian couple. Eric says this is his first time traveling, and that he's looking forward to learning about Canada. As Eric is about to be guided to the room where he'll be staying,he is startled when Steve touches him in an overly friendly way.

A little later that day, Eric goes into the kitchen and is shocked to find that Gail is cooking with just an apron covering her otherwise naked body, and Steve is in just his underwear as well.

Steve and Gail convince Eric that their state of undress is normal, and invite Eric to give it a try. After some hesitation, Eric removes his shirt, which pleases Steve and Gail. Gail and Steve each put an arm around Eric, and Steve says they should eat now. Everyone looks happy.


Days later, Eric waits for the bathroom in just his underwear. He seems to be getting used to life with Gail and Steve. However, he gets another surprise when Gail and Steve come out of the bathroom completely naked.

Steve notices Eric's surprised expression and explains that showering together is normal for them. He puts his arm around Eric's waist and offers that one of them can shower with him sometime if he wants to try that. After all, he seems to be adjusting to life here really well. Eric pauses thoughtfully for a moment, then smiles and says'maybe', adding that it IS pretty funny how this place is WAY more relaxed than back home. Eric then excuses himself, stepping into the bathroom and closing the door behind him.

Still in the hall, Gail and Steve smile at each other, pleased.

A few days later, Eric sits down between Gail and Steve on the couch to watch TV. Eric seems completely used to their affectionate touching and touches them in return.

Gail and Steve inform Eric that they have something to tell him. They explain that they are both bisexual, and want Eric to stay and be bisexual with them. Eric is taken aback, but Gail and Steve manage to convince him.

Eric is learning MUCH more than he ever expected in his new home...


Note to members: this episode contains male-on-male sexual touching.

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4 Views · 1 month ago

⁣A young couple enters the kitchen, arms around each other's waists, snuggling and talking warmly. Sammy (Will Pounder) recounts an anecdote about almost splitting his head on the banister, and Angela (Bobbi Dylan) smiles, remarking on how he's much calmer now.
As they move around the kitchen, Sammy gushes about his brother, Dirk (Chad White). Angela starts to worry, feeling the pressure of meeting Dirk, since he's so important to Sammy. What if he doesn't like her? Sammy reassures her that Dirk will love her, as everyone does. He lists her qualities: kind, smart, loyal, and strikingly beautiful.
Their conversation is interrupted by the sound of the front door unlocking and heavy boots stepping in. "Little bro, you in here?" a voice calls out. Sammy replies, "We're in the kitchen!" Dirk, a cop, enters, and scoops Sammy into a bear hug, then ruffles his hair. Sammy introduces Angela, who nervously says hi and offers a handshake. Dirk brushes it away, saying they're practically family, and hugs her. The hug turns unexpectedly intimate as Dirk's hand wraps around her waist, making Angela uncomfortable.
Sammy excitedly announces that he proposed to Angela and shows Dirk the ring. Dirk congratulates them and jokes about Angela stealing his brother away. Sammy apologizes for not seeing Dirk often and asks for his blessing for the wedding. Dirk says he's touched and looks forward to getting to know Angela.
Dirk suggests celebrating with a feast and asks Sammy to get takeout menus. Sammy leaves to fetch them, and Dirk puts his hand on Angela's shoulder, initially reassuring but then leans in threateningly. "I know what you did," he whispers, making Angela's eyes widen with worry.
Sammy returns, and they discuss food options, but Angela is distracted by Dirk's threat. After deciding on the food, Dirk wants to get to know Angela better and suggests Sammy go pick up the food. Angela, masking her discomfort, agrees.
Once Sammy leaves, Dirk interrogates Angela about her past, revealing he used his resources to dig into her history of theft, armed robbery, and solicitation. Angela insists she's changed, but Dirk isn't convinced. He says if she were honest, she would have told Sammy about her past. Angela pleads for understanding, but Dirk pressures her, implying that if she doesn't comply with his demands, he'll reveal her secrets to Sammy.
Desperate to keep her past hidden and not lose Sammy, Angela reluctantly agrees to do what Dirk wants, swearing it's for Sammy's sake. Dirk smugly says she can tell herself whatever she needs to rest easy at night.

3 Views · 1 month ago

⁣'Life without love, is no life at all.'
-Leonardo da Vinci

SCENE OPENS on Anthony (Michael Vegas) walking down a desolate street, returning home from a shopping trip. He is wearing a mask and gloves and carrying a couple of paper bags as he enters his home. Anthony approaches a homemade disinfecting station by his doorway. He opens the bags and begins efficiently disinfecting the products and bags. He then enters his main living area. He does it all without concern, as if it's a normal routine.

Later that day, Anthony sits at his computer having a video conversation with his mom. Anthony tells her that he's missed her but time got away from him. All the days feel the same and he's been having trouble remembering dates. She says she's missed him, too, and that she is worried about him being all alone for so long. She wishes he'd use a dating service to find a nice girl to be with in lockdown. She can suggest one. He puts on a brave smile, lying and assuring her that he's fine. But his hands are tightly clenched against his knees.

After the call, Anthony goes about his everyday routine. He cooks alone, exercises alone, does everything alone. Finally, he can't take it anymore and signs up for a dating service that promises to find his perfect AI match.

A female AI, Aurora (Ana Foxxx) greets him. She is instantly warm and friendly, asking him personal questions about what he's looking for in a partner. He gives some answers, but when Aurora asks questions about his sexual preferences, he's taken aback. He asks Aurora if they could just get to know each other a bit first.

As they get to know each other, Anthony becomes more and more comfortable with Aurora's company. When he's cooking, he wonders what he can use as a substitution and Aurora helpfully answers. When he exercises, she encourages him to keep going when he gets tired. When he goes to bed, Aurora wishes him goodnight.

Anthony is finally coming out of his shell as he falls for Aurora...but is his newfound happiness too good to be true?

10 Views · 1 month ago

⁣SCENE OPENS on a teen, Kimberly, as she unlocks the door to her house and lets in her companion, a handsome young man, Jamal, only a few years older than her. They are both wearing gym clothes with gym bags slung over their shoulders, and are sipping on smoothies as they engage in lively small talk. They seem to have great chemistry together. Jamal remarks that Kimberly has a really nice place, and she replies that her family is pretty well off so when it came time that she wanted to move out on her own when she turned 18, her parents paid for everything. She jokes that she always gets what she wants, and Jamal suavely asks her what it is she wants right now. 'You'll see,' Kimberly says teasingly. She leads him in to the living room and invites him to get comfortable.

Jamal asks Kimberly how long she's been going to that gym, and she says she joined probably about two months ago? What a coincidence, Jamal says, it's been about two months for him too. He remarks that they seem to have similar schedules too, he jokes that it feels like he's seen her almost every time he's been there. And yet it took him this long to come up and say hi? Kimberly asks with a smirk. Jamal chuckles and says he likes to take things slow but that Kimberly definitely caught his eye right away. Kimberly asks him what about her caught his eye right away? With a laugh and a gesture towards her whole body, Jamal asks besides the obvious? Well, he did actually also happen to notice she was wearing a t-shirt of his favorite band. Kimberly seems surprised, that band is his favorite? It's hers too! They both gush about the band for a bit, and compare some other bands they like as well as listing off other favorites, like favorite foods and colors. Both of them seem excited and shocked to learn how many interests and activities they have in common.

Kimberly mentions it's crazy it took them so long to meet each other with so much in common, and that they should do one of their shared activities together sometime. This encourages Jamal to turn on the charm, and he hints to Kimberly that he bets there's one other activity they could do if she's interested. Kimberly takes the hint and flirts back, saying that he read her mind. That's exactly what she wants, right now. 'And you always get what you want, right?' Jamal asks with a smile as he leans in closer to her. 'You bet I do,' Kimberly replies. Their faces are inches away, and there's a moment of electric tension before they close the gap and start kissing intensely, with tongue. Jamal's hands move over Kimberly's upper body, feeling her up over her clothes as they make out.

After a good half-minute, Kimberly breaks away. She tells him she just wants to freshen up for a second in the bathroom before they go further, and Jamal says no problem. He jokes that she knows where to find him when she gets back. Kimberly laughs and makes her way to the bathroom. Once there, she closes the door and pulls out her phone with a greedy, secretive look on her face.

Kimberly wets her finger with her tongue and slips it down her pants to finger her pussy teasingly for a few seconds as she stares at her phone, pleasuring herself to the voyeuristic pictures she'd taken of Jamal from a previous day. Then she closes the phone and puts it back away, and opens up her bathroom drawer. She pulls out a sterile specimen cup, the seal not yet broken, and hides it discreetly in her hand behind her back. She gives a quick check in the mirror of her appearance, and then leaves the bathroom, turning off the light and closing the door behind her, shutting out the camera as we catch a last glimpse of the specimen cup in her hand.


Kimberly comes back to the couch and says she hopes Jamal wasn't kept waiting too long. Jamal says he likes to take things slow, remember? He'd only ever get with a woman he thinks is worth waiting for. Kimberly remarks that he's quite the gentleman... but she hopes he knows how to be a bit of an animal too. Jamal boasts that he can be as nasty as she wants him to be. Kimberly stealthily tucks the specimen cup behind her back somewhere nearby but out of sight, and then straddles his lap instead of taking her seat back beside him. Her ass sticks out teasingly in this position, and Jamal puts his hands firmly on either side of her ass over her clothes and starts groping her cheeks as they resume making out. Kimberly encourages him to keep being nasty and playfully calls Jamal 'Mr. Williams' , at which point Jamal slows for a second and remarks that he doesn't remember ever telling her his last name, did he? Kimberly lies and says she overheard the greeter at the gym call him that one time, and Jamal believes her.

They continue to kiss and grope each other as Kimberly straddles Jamal. He peels her top off revealing her sports bra, and plays with lowering her pants and tugging teasingly at her thong. Kimberly also lifts Jamal's shirt up and eventually off. As she traces her finger along his facial hair, she remarks that she likes it way better than when he was completely shaven, she finds it way more sexy and distinguished. Jamal chuckles but it quickly turns to nervous laughter, and he takes her hand in his and pulls it back. He hasn't been completely shaven for four months, he says. But she's only seen him for two months. Kimberly casually tries to convince him that no, he definitely was completely shaven at the gym, she remembers he had it when he took that spin class she was in. Yeah, Jamal says, at his old gym. He hasn't taken any classes since he joined the new gym. Right, Kimberly continues as if nothing is wrong, his old gym across the street from his house. He doesn't remember her from there too? Jamal's voice grows more concerned and he says no, he doesn't. But more importantly, how does she know where he lives? Kimberly doesn't have an answer, and Jamal tosses her off his lap and spits out the truth - she's some kind of fucking stalker or something, isn't she?!

Jamal realizes more and more how much Kimberly had fooled him. He gets up to get farther away from her. All that stuff she said they had in common, that was just bullshit, wasn't it, she's just like obsessed with him or some shit. Kimberly gets up too to try to close the distance between them. She swears that no, maybe it's true she hadn't tried most of that stuff before meeting Jamal but once she found out what he liked, she started learning more about it all and she really does love it. Jamal calls her a crazy bitch, she just stalked him and invaded his privacy and then tried to trick him into fucking her. He's getting the hell out of here.

Desperate, Kimberly tells him he can't go. Jamal says 'Watch me,' and pushes past her, snatching up his shirt from the couch. Kimberly hesitates for a moment, but seeing she has no other choice, she blurts out that she'll tell everyone all his secrets if he leaves. He stops, but is reluctant to believe her. What secrets, he asks. 'Gloria' she replies, and Jamal's shocked that she knows about his wife. Also about Sarah, a mistress... Kimberly can tell Gloria all about his weekly trips to the motel at the next PTA meeting for his son...

Jamal keeps from shouting, though it's clear that he's barely holding back his anger. She's fucking crazy, does she know that? Like seriously unhinged. How can she say she loves him, and then threaten to ruin his life? Kimberly insists that Jamal only has two options: making love to her or Gloria finding out all about Sarah. Jamal shakes his head again and mutters another insult about how fucked up this is under his breath, then says 'Let's just get this over with...' He pushes her face-down onto the couch since he doesn't even want to see her face while he does what he has to do.

5 Views · 1 month ago

⁣SCENE OPENS on Katherine (Emily Willis), a 19-year-old patient, as she is forcibly dragged through the hospital halls by a male orderly (Chad White). She is kicking, biting, and screaming in a long straight jacket that engulfs her petite frame. Her fuzzy blue socks slip on the floor as she struggles, begging the man to take her back to her room, promising not to repeat her actions. The man silently pulls her through a set of double doors into an empty white room where the chief psychiatrist (Michael Vegas) is waiting. The orderly slams her down in a chair before the psychiatrist and goes to wait by the doors.

"Katherine," the psychiatrist begins calmly. "How many times do we need to go over this? It's a strict rule in this facility that you cannot have sexual intercourse with the other patients!" He leans closely into Katherine's face, and she turns her head. "I'm sorry, doctor," she whispers. "I couldn't help myself... I can't control it."

The doctor steps back and pulls up a chair to face her. "Katherine, I fear your disorder is putting you in harm's way," he continues. "Do you remember what happened a few months ago with the patient in Zone B?" Katherine squeezes her eyes shut, her mind flashing back to a terrifying man behind bars coaxing her inside. "Do you remember the beating? How he nearly took everything from you? Almost took your life?"

Katherine's eyes fill with tears. "Please don't talk about it," she begs. "I can't think about it anymore!" The psychiatrist berates her, suggesting her nymphomania provoked it, blaming her for her transgressions, and warning that it will end badly if she doesn't stick to her treatments.

Finally, Katherine screams at the doctor to stop. Covering her ears and crying, she begs to be taken back to her room. The psychiatrist smiles. "This is your final warning, Katherine," he says calmly. "You will complete your abstinence program—no sex, no masturbating, no touching yourself of any kind." As he issues his final warning, the orderly steps back in and carries the distressed girl out of the room.


Several days later, the orderly is doing his rounds and peers into Katherine's room. She is on the floor by her bed, naked except for her white cotton panties, legs spread wide, choking herself with one hand while fingering herself with the other. Authoritatively, the orderly storms into the room, chasing the scrambling girl back to her bed. She pleads with him not to say anything, not wanting to be restrained again. The orderly laughs in her face. "Well, you should have done what you were told!" he sneers. "Now, I'm going to do what I've been told and take you back to the doctor. Your actions have consequences, Katherine!" He slams her on the bed and begins putting her in her jacket as she begs for mercy.

CUT TO the white room. The double doors burst open, and the restrained girl is tossed at the feet of her psychiatrist. She cowers as the orderly reports catching her masturbating and auto-asphyxiating. The psychiatrist shakes his head as she cries out, "Please, doctor. I'm so sorry, I won't do it again. Please don't send me down to B. Please have mercy!"

He leans in close, grabbing her chin. "I guess this is just who you are," he says condescendingly. "You'd rather have sex and suffer the consequences than control yourself?" She shakes anxiously.

Dropping her back to the ground, the psychiatrist slut-shames her, suggesting she provokes her partners and craves intensity and roughness. He implies that the patient in B was just a warm-up for what she really wants—men who will hurt her and punish her for being a slut. Katherine begins to cry, traumatized by her thoughts and actions, and begs her doctor to stop.

She notices the orderly rubbing himself over his scrubs and looks back at the psychiatrist, reiterating that she can't help it. "Are you ready to go back to B? Because we won't protect you this time!" the psychiatrist coos. Katherine pleads for forgiveness. "Please don't make me go back there! I'll stop, I promise. I can't take it again, doctor. Please, I'll do anything you want!"
The psychiatrist and orderly smirk at each other. "You're such a selfish little nympho," the psychiatrist says, removing his jacket. "You only care about pleasing yourself. What about your partners? Are they pleased when they're through with you?" Katherine asks what he means. "You love sex more than anything, don't you? You'd do it with practically anybody, wouldn't you?" he continues, slipping off his shoes.

She looks around confused. "I have a condition," she says slowly. "And what about how we feel?" he asks. "We have to tolerate your disobedience every day without relief. Don't you think you should be a little more grateful?" As he says this, both men pull their cocks out. At first, Katherine looks away in shock, closing her eyes. The men move closer to her face. She bites her lip, feeling them near, driving her insane. She starts to writhe in her straight jacket. "That isn't professional," she mumbles, eyes still closed.

The psychiatrist asks if she wants them to remove her straight jacket. She nods nervously. He asks if she wants to be taken back to her room. She nods again, opening her eyes to stare at the cocks surrounding her, almost salivating. "Then you need to be a good girl and let us have a piece of you too, just like everybody else," the psychiatrist orders. The orderly adds, "Are you going to agree with your doctor?" She stares at him, then turns back to the psychiatrist. "Yes... sir," she says slowly, biting her lip and squeezing her legs together on the floor.

4 Views · 1 month ago

⁣'If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.'
-George Orwell

SCENE OPENS on Laura (Scarlit Scandal), who lies idly on the couch, staring at her laptop on the coffee table. She's wearing a yoga outfit, but she has no motivation to work out as she watches a yoga video from social media influencer Trudy (Serene Siren). The first 6 months of quarantine went smoothly. But nothing has been easy since her husband Michael was exposed. Laura's phone buzzes and she glances down. 'Can you please help me?' Michael texts. She stares at the message, feeling deflated.

In the bathroom, Laura stares at herself in the mirror as she removes her workout clothes, putting on a full battery of protective gear. Turning to face the door, she takes a deep breath before heading to help her husband.

A few moments later, Laura darts out of Michael's room with a tray. She leans against the door and looks down in disgust at the half-eaten food and used utensils. She takes another deep breath, as if she had been holding it.

In the kitchen, Laura washes and dries the plates and carefully removes her protective gear. From outside, the sound of a delivery truck approaches. Hearing this, Laura shuts off the water and turns to face the door. A smile crosses her face.

Laura rushes to the front window, just in time to see the no-contact delivery man (Jake Adams) walk up with her packages. Even though he's always masked, she's found herself watching him all quarantine. As he approaches, he catches sight of her through the window. Both of them stop for a moment and stare at each other. He sets her packages down and raises his hand to say hi. He pulls his mask down to smile at her.

The next day, Laura waits by the window in a robe. She has decided to get a little more flirtatious with the delivery man because she can't stop thinking about the way he smiled at her. It feels like forever since someone actually did that. Her phone buzzes. 'Can you bring me some water?' Michael texts. She throws the phone down in frustration. It buzzes again. She glances out the window and sees the delivery man approaching. He sets the packages down and quickly turns around, as Laura stares in disappointment.

She bends over to pick up her phone and get back to reality, when she suddenly hears him coming back. He is carrying a flower in his hand and carefully lays it down on the top package. Laura is so overwhelmed by the man's chivalrous return, that she instinctively opens the door and steps outside. Her robe falls open, exposing her lingerie. The man quickly backs up and stares at her in awe. 'You're very beautiful,' he says. 'So are you,' she replies, before realizing that she isn't wearing any protective gear. She clasps her hand over her mouth and nose in panic. 'Do you live here alone? I've noticed all the packages are marked for you,' he asks. Not knowing what to do, she nods. 'Whenever this lockdown ends, I'd love to take you out sometime,' he continues, taking a cautious step forward. '...If that would be ok?' Laura fidgets nervously before nodding. He takes another step and whispers, 'But, you know, they test essential workers every 24 hours in order to go outside, right?' She shakes her head, still petrified of removing her hand. He slips down his mask to reveal a big flirtatious smile. 'So, I know I'm negative. And, if you've been isolating alone this whole time, then technically you should be negative too.' He takes his gloved hand and slowly removes hers from her face.

They stare at each other, unmasked, breathing in the other's air. 'So, maybe we could go on a date even sooner?' he says coyly. She stares at him for a moment, a rush of endorphins surging through her body, before kissing him. It's the greatest feeling she's ever felt. She feels excited for the first time in months! 'May I come inside?' he asks. She swallows hard, remembering Michael. 'Just wait one minute,' she stammers and slams the door.

Laura's done everything she can to stay safe, but can anyone ever TRULY be safe?

14 Views · 1 month ago

⁣SCENE opens on the interior of a medical exam room as the door opens - a doctor enters the room and closes the door behind him, then greets the young woman sitting waiting on the examination table as Dr. Greenwood. He thanks her for coming and for participating in the clinical trial - she just has to pass a quick screener and then they can begin. Holding up a clipboard and pen, he asks her some questions - her name ('Jamie Lawson'), her age ('I just turned 18 a couple of months ago'), is she pregnant ('no'), does she have any history of health conditions - asthma, heart problems, osteoporosis, breast cancer ('no, none'), and her level of daily physical activity ('well I play lacrosse about twice a week, plus daily running and morning yoga'). He makes a quip that she must be quite flexible, to which she rolls her eyes and says sarcastically that she's never heard that one before. Satisfied with the responses, the doctor tells her he's going to be asking her to complete a series of exercises, while monitoring her to measure physical stimulation and stress. They have equipment set up in a room down the hall. On their way out the door of the exam room, Jamie jokes that she doesn't stress easily, and Dr. Greenwood smirks in reply and says 'Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find a way to get you to break a sweat!'

We cut back to the two already midway through setting up in another larger room, containing a hybrid of medical and exercise equipment. The doctor is mostly done applying medical electrodes to her temples and clavicles. The last thing he has to do before they begin is to take her resting heart rate, so he can compare these with after the trial. First as he moves to strap it around her arm his hand brushes against her breast, he chuckles a brief apology and continues as if nothing happened.

Jamie tries to make small talk with him as he pumps and holds the gauge in his other hand - 'So, what is this trial for? Some sort of new performance drug or something?' The doctor provides only the most evasive of replies - he can't discuss the trial with the subjects beforehand or it could compromise the results. 'You're offering way more for this study than the last one of these I did,' Jamie remarks. Oh, is that so? the doctor replies, still acting elusive. Does she sign up for clinical trials often? 'Yeah, well not until recently but I really need the extra help right now,' Jamie grumbles, 'my dad hurt his knee and can't work so I'm trying to support him whenever I can. It's a drag, but I'm hoping it won't be for much longer.' The doctor smiles politely and says 'Well, we have your contact information now so if more of these opportunities come along, we'll be sure to contact you.' He finishes taking her pressure, notes something on his clipboard, and then tells her he'll take her heart rate now. 'Do I have permission to touch your chest?' Jamie looks taken aback - she supposes so, but don't they usually check at the neck? 'I prefer my own methods,' the doctor insists, and reaches his hand towards her chest to feel her heart. Again, his hand brushes her breasts - this time he doesn't apologize. Jamie looks a bit flustered and is about to speak up, but thinks better of it.

After a long awkward moment, the doctor releases his hand from her chest and notes something on the clipboard. He pats his legs, stands up, and says great - they're ready to get started! He'd like her to start with some simple jumping jacks. He stands her up in the middle of the room, the wires leading from her body to a small handheld device he holds in one hand, his clipboard in the other. He asks her to begin. She does a few, but he stops her. 'I'll need you to remove your bra, actually.' What? Why? she protests. It interferes with the test, he says vaguely, but he assures her it's quite necessary to the results. He turns around so that she can take it off with some privacy - she lifts her shirt up to reveal the bra, and unclaspsit, exposing her breasts momentarily before pulling her tank-top back down to cover them. Beginning the exercise again, her breasts now bounce up and down tantalizingly beneath her shirt as she jumps - with the doctor and the camera both clearly narrowing in on this bouncing as their primary interest.After several jumps with no indication of stopping, Jamie gets a bit frazzled and asks the doctor how many of these she's expected to do - this snaps him out of his reverie and he nonchalantly says 'five more, and then we'll move on to the next exercise'. Jamie exhales sharply, a bit frustrated, butacquiesces.

Next is an exercise bike - Dr. Greenwood asks her to mount it, and then begin cycling at a pace she's comfortable with to start. He stands behind the bike - his focus clearly fixated on the crack of her ass peeking out of her yoga pants as she pedals - and he offers her some mild platitudes to keep herencouraged. After a minute, he heads to the front to increase the resistance of the pedals - 'we need to see you break out a sweat, so let's turn it up a bit, shall we?', he says, and then instructs her to continue.

CUT to roughly fifteen minutes later - Jamie has been on the bike for a while now, as is obvious by the thick beads of sweat dripping down her face and chest, and soaking her workout clothes. She's showing no signs of exhaustion yet, but it's clear the workout is no walk in the park for her either. The doctor meanwhile is still just looking her over, with perverse appreciation. 'That's enough of that for now,' he says finally, and Jamie lets out a sigh of relief and slows her pedaling down. She gets off the bike and takes a nearby towel to wipe off the seat. 'That's quite alright, you can leave it' the doctor says. Jamie looks increasingly puzzled but shrugs and starts to pat her head with the towel. The doctor rips the towel out of her hand - 'I didn't say you could do that yet.' Jamie starts to argue that she's just wiping sweat off when the doctor cuts her off - 'If you want to disagree with my methods, that's fine, you can leave at any time and I'll just move on to the next subject.' Jamie realizes how bad she needs the compensation, and holds her tongue. 'What's next, then?' she asks. He tells her to go grab the exercise mat a few feet away. As she turns around to fetch it, he runs his finger along the sweaty bike seat and then sniffs or licks his fingertip.

Once the mat's in place in the floor center, the doctor proceeds to have Jamie remove her shoes and socks, and then do various flexibility tests - bend over and touch your toes, sit legs spread and reach forward, assume various yoga poses... he licks his lips as he watches each of these poses, which thanks to her sweat-drenched clothes and no bra are extremely revealing. Jamie can increasingly feel his eyes on her as she strikes each pose - finally, after the third or fourth yoga pose she snaps at him. 'You're not even writing anything down anymore, you're just staring at me!' The doctor seems unfazed by her sudden outburst. 'We'll move on to the next test, then...' No, she exclaims. No more of these weird tests. What was it he even said these tests were for?

Dr. Greenwood reminds her that he's monitoring her physical responses to stress and stimulus. He says that now that they've gotten the stress tests out of the way, it's time for the stimulus tests. He goes to a small table nearby and procures a sleek black featureless vibrator. Calmly, he tells Jamie that she will have to pleasure herself while he monitors her physical reactions. Jamie snaps - there's no way she's doing that. This isn't what she signed up for. The doctor sighs and shrugs - that's fine, he understands. Of course, he can't compensate her for incomplete participation - but if she stays, he'll triple the amount that was offered in the ad. Jamie flat out refuses, it doesn't matter what he offers her, she's not doing that. Indifferent, the doctor says he supposes that she'll just have to find some other way to support her dad. He muses that someone her age could probably make that amount in about two weeks of working full-time. A shame that she'll throw away two whole weeks of her life instead of spending just one hourdoing something perfectly harmless... not just harmless, but enjoyable, even. Jamie is torn... but with some convincing, and some insistence that the doctor keeps his distance, only watches, and isn't recording her, she agrees.

She hesitantly pulls her yoga pants to her ankles, sets herself down on the mat and takes the vibrator in hand, and reluctantly starts pleasuring herself. The doctor watches intently, at first taking a note or two but quickly abandoning the pretense, his hand moving to his crotch for some over-the-pants strokes. She tries to avoid meeting his eyes, but at times he insists she looks at him or gives her some other instruction to follow to humiliate her further. The conflict between her physical pleasure and her emotional discomfort is obvious. After some minutes of this, he crouches down to her level and says warmly 'It's time, Ms. Lawson.' He begins to peel off the electrodes and wires hooked to her. She looks relieved - you mean the trial's done? He shakes his head. 'No, I mean it's time for you to let me fuck you.'

Jamie protests weakly - he agreed he was just going to watch. He smiles coldly. 'Come on Jamie, you knew where this was going. Did you honestly think I wasn't going to ask for more? If you really weren't up for the possibility, you would have left the second I asked you to touch yourself.' Jamie insists that's not true, she trusted him, but her words lack conviction. 'You're a little slut,' he continues calmly. 'You were fine with letting a complete stranger watch you strip and pleasure yourself. So stop lying to us both. We both know you're going to let me fuck you, so just be a good little slut, say yes to it and spare us the drama.' Jamie sputters, but she has no words. Eventually she bitterly says 'Ok... just get it over with.'

Nominated - Best Sex Scene -- Vignette: Kira Noir & Danny Mountain, XBIZ 2020

6 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Troy (Max Fills) and his stepsister Rachel (Scarlet Skies) are being scolded by their stepmom Cathleen (Serene Siren), because they're always fighting and have now been suspended from school because of it. Cathleen grounds them as punishment.

Cathleen warns them that if they try to leave the house, she'll know about it since the front entrance security camera has a direct feed to her cell phone. Cathleen also demands that they use this time to learn to get along with each other. With that, Cathleen leaves for work.

Troy and Rachel realize that if they work together, they can get back at Cathleen by using her own rules against her. They'll 'get along' alright - but in a way that Cathleen HATES. Troy and Rachel start brainstorming ideas to 'get along' with each other that they hope will make Cathleen angry, but they quickly discard the ideas as not being good enough. They then realize that they can use the security camera to their advantage.

They try to come up with something to do in front of the camera that will infuriate Cathleen, and decide that the most twisted way to 'get along' is by having sex with each other. Eventually, Cathleen checks the camera feed from work, and is shocked and livid to see the stepsiblings fucking.

6 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Cindy (Haley Reed) is an inexperienced but curious teen with an itch she can't scratch on her own. Because of this, she takes the time to find an experienced Dom (Derrick Pierce) online to give her EXACTLY what she needs...

When she first meets the Master via video call, Cindy's anxious, although he's very much into her nervous energy. They'd been talking awhile but this is the first time she's had the courage to be on a video call and he praises her for that. His confident, soothing words make her heart race in a way she's never felt before. She LIVES for her Master's praise.

Even though it's a whole new experience for her, there's something about submitting to her Master that does it for her. It fills her with a sense of purpose that she never knew existed. In fact, the desire to obey and please him is so strong that Cindy wonders just how far she'll go...

When her Master finally orders her to wet herself and record it for him, she's about to find out.

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